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Cabalamak (Sah-bah-lah-mack / Cab-ala-mack)

(a.k.a. Çabalamak, Sabalamak)

Cabalamak is the god of lies, intrigue, and thieves. Although not explicitly violent himself, Cabalamak was frequently worshipped by unsavory folks such as bandits, assassins, spies, and others.  


Cabalamak was most frequently portrayed as a slightly built human males wearing soft gray leather armor, a black cloak, and was shown holding a black mask. Some elven depictions of him were as a soft-spoken female with pale, glowing skin, dark, floor-length hair, and starry white lights for eyes. This form was always shown barefoot and was constantly shrouded in a shadow-like gloom.    Cabalamak's form was quite inconsistent, with depictions appearing as members of all races, genders, ages, builds, and capabilities.


Followers of Cabalamak were primarily criminals including thieves and bandits, although followers could also include 'legal' spies and those stealing to help others. Most towns and cities across Dünya outlawed the followers of Cabalamak due to his close association with criminals.   Cabalamak is a feature of the Yuan-ti Pantheon, in which he is viewed as the snake-like propensity for stealth. His domain within this faith was more his capacity as a liar and infiltrator, personified by the cultic desires of the Theocracy of Rahasia to infiltrate and infect its neighbors.   The holy day for Cabalamak, named Black Night, was celebrated on the 20th of Midwinter. That being said, followers did not particularly observe the holiday, instead holding any period of nighttime or darkness as holy to Cabalamak.   That being said, the day was observed by non-followers through a festival where one citizen in the town (or more in large cities) was given a mask and robes and given permission to sow mischief through the night. The rest of the citizens would carry a piece of wood painted like a torch, and would attempt to tap the masked one to dismiss them.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Domain: Trickery
Take what you can!   Give nothing back!

~ Common parting for the faithful of Cabalamak