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Dünya is the third planet from the Sun, and it is orbited by one moon. Dünya exists in a Material Plane, although it features connections to other planes of existence, such as portals to the elemental planes.


Dünya is comparable in size to the planet Earth, with an equatorial circumference of about 25,000 miles (40,000 kilometers). Its polar circumference was slightly smaller, at approximately 24,900 miles (40,100 kilometers).   Dünya consisted of various continents and islands, including the known continents of Anakara, Vahşi Alanlar, and Elixir Island. Vahşi Alanlar is a far more mysterious continent than the others, however, with only the south eastern portion having been explored, mapped, and settled.   It is possible that additional continents exist in Dünya, though what and where they are is unknown.


  • Anakara is the continent to the east, which contains the majority of known sentient life on the continent. The continent is very large with a wide range of climates, flora, fauna, and peoples across its expanse. The continent can be and is often subdivided, with many differentiating (at a least) the southern portion below the Great Divide and Kender from the northern portion above, although some scholars also distinguish the portion of land east of the Great Divide. The continent also us
  • ually incorporates most of the islands off its coast, although there is disagreement as to whether the islands of Hui Kūokoa are considered a part of Anakara or a different continent.
  • Elixir Island is a well chartered but somewhat untamed island in the south. The island is primarily known for its portals to the Elemental Planes which overspill creatures and elemental features onto the material plane in the island. Elixir Island is smallest known continent of a continuous landmass in the world, and is the home of Genasi.
  • Nautica is a continent consisting of the islands beyond the other major continents. Nautica is not well defined, with scholars debating the extent of the continent and even whether is should be considered a distinct continent.


  • The Nautic Ocean is the major ocean which divides Anakara from Vahşi Alanlar. This ocean contains its namesake continent of Nautica, as well as Elixir Island in the southern portion. The ocean is relatively young, having formed after the Great Tear split Vahşi Alanlar from Anakara.
  • To the east of Anakara lies the Mari Ocean. Due to the largely 'wild' nature of the eastern portion of Anakara, little has been known and explored of this ocean, although it is beleived by scholars that great wild sea monsters make any voyages east difficult.
  • The Arctic Ocean is the ocean which lies to the north of Anakara. The region is frigid and few have dared to travel across it, with even fewer returning to tell of the large sheets of ice to be found in its waters.


  • The Frozen Cup is a sea which lies between the Frozen Vales and the north-western protrusion of Anakara.
  • The South Sea is a sea which lies to the south of Anakara, although sometimes it is used for seas below Elixir Island and Vahşi Alanlar.
  • In the south of Anakara lies the inland Akachan Sea, home to large clans of Leonin.
  • The Crescent Sea lies around its namesake Crescent Island. The sea is largely maintained and defended by the Sea Elves which call it home.
  • In the south-west of Vahşi Alanlar lies the Insula Sea, forming a large 'C' shape around the similarly named Insula island, owned by Peregrinus.
  • Lake Ester, although refered to as a lake, is often considered an inland sea due to its high salinity and size.
  • Similarly to Lake Ester, Shield Lake is technically an inland sea despite its name.