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Antik (Anne-tick)

Antik was the god of literature, scholars, and history. Whereas Calgici embodied the creative spark, Antik was the recording of humanity's epiphanies.


Antik was depicted as an old, balding sage with a pointed beard. His eyes were always shown as brightly coloured, either vibrant violet or brilliant ice blue. He was always shown holding a quill and with some form of parchment, either carrying or writing in a book or scroll.   Amongst gnomes, he was shown without a beard but with frizzy hair and, uncharacteristic for gnomes, a serious expression. Dwarves portrayed him as with a beard that was braided and wearing glasses. His elvish presentation was shown as very slim and hunched, showing his years of bending over to read his tomes.


Antik was followed as part of the Order of the Enlightened, where he was considered the ultimate scholar. His followers were historians, chroniclers, and writers. Although creative writing was primarily under the remit of Calgici, the most sophisticated pieces of literature was said to be inspired by Antik.   His holy day was celebrated on the 9th of Deepfall and was known as Scholar's Light. The day is taken to honour one's ancestors and family history as well as taken as a chance to tell or present plays on myths, legends, and histories. Some even took the day to record stories from their elders.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Domain: Arcana, Knowledge
It is our duty to preserve what is in script. For without our records all will be lost to the sands of time.

~ High Priest of Stara