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Order of the Enlightened

The Order of the Enlightened is a religious pantheon consisting of the worship of Zaman, Yapay, Buyu, Calgici, Antik. The religion does not trace its origins to any specific founder or preacher, but rather evolved gradually as followers of the listed gods saw themselves as being capable of working together to better understand the world and invent within it.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Order of the Enlightened:
  1. Embrace the Spark of Imagination. Recognize that the power of invention and creativity flows through all beings. Embrace your innate ability to imagine and create, for it is through this divine spark that new worlds are forged and great wonders are brought to life.
  2. Channel the Arcane Tapestry. Honor the Weave and all mystical energies of the universe. Seek to understand and master the intricacies of arcane arts, for magic is a conduit through which the divine essence of creation can be harnessed.
  3. Craft with Purpose. Smith, shape, and mold the raw materials of the world with skill and intention. Let your creations be an expression of your devotion to the divine order. Whether it be a masterful weapon, a beautiful work of art, or a groundbreaking invention, imbue your craftsmanship with the essence of the gods.
  4. Seek the Fount of Wisdom. Engage in lifelong learning and pursuit of knowledge. Study history, philosophy, and crafts to gain insight into the workings of the world and the wisdom of the gods. Embrace intellectual curiosity and let wisdom guide your actions and decisions.
  5. Preserve the Threads of Time. Honor the past and the contributions of those who came before. Safeguard the annals of history and the records of ancient civilizations, for they hold the keys to understanding the present and shaping the future. Remember that foresight and understanding of the past are essential for building a better world.
  These tenets form the foundation of the Order of the Enlightened, a religion that venerates the gods of invention, creativity, magic, smithing, wisdom, history, foresight, and literature. Followers of this faith find solace and purpose in their pursuit of knowledge, the wielding of magic, the crafting of marvels, and the preservation of the past, all in service of the divine forces that shape and inspire the world.


The Ethical Code of the Order of the Enlightened:    
  • Uphold the virtues of truth, integrity, and honesty in all interactions. Be truthful in speech and actions, and avoid deception or manipulation. Act with integrity, guided by a strong moral compass, and let your words and deeds be a reflection of the divine principles we hold dear.
  • Embrace the spirit of collaboration and cooperation, for the path to enlightenment and progress is paved through collective effort. Support and uplift others, sharing knowledge, skills, and resources for the betterment of all. Seek unity and harmony within our community and beyond.
  • Embrace a lifelong commitment to learning and growth. Acknowledge the vastness of knowledge and wisdom that exists in the world, and approach it with humility. Recognize that true wisdom lies not in arrogance but in the understanding that there is always more to discover and learn.
  • Celebrate the freedom of thought, expression, and creativity. Encourage open dialogue, respectful debates, and the sharing of diverse perspectives. Foster an environment where ideas can flourish and evolve, understanding that the exchange of knowledge and viewpoints enriches our collective understanding.
  • Strive for balance and harmony in all aspects of life. Seek equilibrium between work and rest, between ambition and contentment, and between personal growth and the well-being of others. Embrace a holistic approach to life, understanding that true fulfillment comes from finding harmony within oneself and with the world around us.
  • Acknowledge and accept responsibility for our actions and their consequences. Act ethically and with mindful intention, understanding that our choices shape the world we inhabit. Hold ourselves accountable for our mistakes and strive to make amends and learn from them.
  • Embrace the spirit of innovation, pushing the boundaries of knowledge and creativity. Encourage the exploration of new ideas, inventions, and discoveries, always with the intention of benefiting society and advancing the well-being of all.
      These ethical principles form the foundation of the Order, guiding its followers to lead lives of integrity, compassion, and purpose. By embodying these virtues, the adherents of this faith strive to create a world that reflects the divine ideals of invention, creativity, magic, smithing, wisdom, history, foresight, and literature.


Worship in the Divine Order of Creation is a deeply personal and diverse experience, as it encompasses a wide range of practices that celebrate the various aspects of the gods of invention, creativity, magic, smithing, wisdom, history, foresight, and literature. While the specific rituals and traditions may vary among individuals and communities, there are several common practices that the faithful engage in on a regular basis:
  • Meditation and Reflection. Devotees of the faith often engage in meditation and introspection to quiet the mind, focus their thoughts, and connect with the divine essence within themselves. This practice allows them to seek inspiration, gain clarity, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the principles and teachings of the gods.
  • Offerings and Devotions. Worshippers express their reverence and gratitude to the gods through offerings and devotions. These offerings may include items associated with creation, such as works of art, literary compositions, crafted objects, or even acts of service that showcase one's skills and talents. Songs and poems are often recited in temples and shrines during collective prayer with physical creations being left as symbols and offerings to demonstrate their creativity to the gods.
  • Rituals of Creation. Rituals that celebrate the act of creation, such as artistic performances, crafting ceremonies, or the casting of spells, are integral to the worship practices of the faithful. These rituals honor the gods' influence in the creative process and serve as a means to channel their divine energy into the physical world.
  • Study and Learning. The pursuit of knowledge and intellectual growth is highly valued in this religion. Regular study of philosophy, art, literature, and history is considered a form of worship. Followers often engage in discussions, debates, and intellectual exchanges to deepen their understanding of the divine principles and their application in daily life.
  • Communal Gatherings. The faithful come together in communal gatherings to share their experiences, insights, and artistic creations. These gatherings may take the form of workshops, lectures, or festivals that celebrate the diverse expressions of invention, creativity, magic, and literature. They serve as opportunities for mutual inspiration, learning, and collaboration.
  • Celebrations and Festivals. The religion observes various celebrations and festivals throughout the year to honor the gods and commemorate significant events in the history of the Divine Order. These festivities often involve communal feasts, performances, storytelling, and displays of creative works, fostering a sense of community and unity among the followers.
  • Acts of Service and Creation. The faithful believe in the importance of actively contributing to the betterment of the world through acts of service and creation. They engage in philanthropic endeavors, community outreach, and endeavors that promote innovation, artistic expression, and the preservation of history and literature.
  It is worth noting that while these practices provide a framework, the individual interpretation and expression of worship may vary. The religion encourages personal connection with the divine forces, allowing followers to find their own unique ways to commune with the gods of invention, creativity, magic, smithing, wisdom, history, foresight, and literature.


Within the Order of the Enlightened, there exists a sacred priesthood known as the Illuminators. These devoted individuals dedicate their lives to the pursuit of knowledge, the preservation of wisdom, and the dissemination of teachings. The Illuminated exemplify the ideals of the Order of the Enlightened. Through their knowledge, guidance, and devotion, the priesthood cultivates a community of scholars, artisans, and practitioners who strive to channel the divine forces of invention, creativity, magic, smithing, wisdom, history, foresight, and literature. Their unwavering commitment to enlightenment and the service of others enables the followers to embrace their own divine potential and contribute to the betterment of the world.

Selection and Training

Prospective members of the priesthood are chosen based on their exceptional intellect, their unwavering dedication to the principles of the Order, and their demonstrated aptitude in various fields of study. They undergo rigorous training in scholarly pursuits, arcane arts, crafting disciplines, and historical research. This comprehensive education equips them with the knowledge and skills necessary to serve the needs of the community and uphold the tenets of their faith.

Rituals and Ceremonies

The priesthood conducts intricate rituals and ceremonies that honor the gods and reinforce the connection between mortals and the divine forces of creation. These rituals vary in nature, from communal gatherings that celebrate the creative spirit and collective achievements of the followers, to solemn rites that mark important milestones in the Order's history. The priesthood officiates at these ceremonies, as conduits through which the blessings of the gods flow to the participants.


Those involved in the priesthood strive to find the connection between various disciplines of knowledge and creation. They therefore study and engage in a wide range of subjects from poetry, storytelling, and music to mathematics, philosophy, and arcane study.

Educators and Mentors

The priests of the Order serve as educators and mentors, guiding both novices and followers in their pursuit of knowledge, magical understanding, and creative endeavors. They establish schools, academies, and libraries where disciples can immerse themselves in intellectual pursuits. They also provide guidance and counsel to individuals seeking to unlock their potential in various areas, such as arcane arts, craftsmanship, and scholarly research.  

Spiritual Advisors and Counselors

The priesthood offers spiritual guidance and counseling to the faithful, assisting them in finding meaning, purpose, and inspiration in their lives. They provide a listening ear, offer sage advice, and help individuals navigate moral dilemmas and challenges. Through their deep understanding of the gods' teachings, the priests act as beacons of wisdom, helping the followers align their actions with the principles of the Order.
Edict: create beautiful and/or usefull things, innovate scientific and magical knowledge, record events

Anathema: intentionally create inferior works, destroy an important historical text, be led too strongly by emotion

Follower Alignments: LN, LN, LE
Religious, Organised Religion