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Firtina (Fur-tin-ah)

(a.k.a. Fırtına)

Firtina was the goddess of storms, natural disasters, and destruction. She was the destructive force of nature and a key member of the Doom Harbingers pantheon.


Firtina appeared as a broad-shouldered, white haired woman with fierce eyes. She was shown wearing coral armor over leather and carrying a lightning bolt. Amongst elves, she was not shown as white haired but as uncharacteristically muscular with gathered storm clouds above her head. Regardless of which species was portraying her, she was frequently shown wielding a lightning bolt as a weapon.   Firtina was violent, angry, short-tempered, impulsive, and frequently motivated by her fury. She could be roused to raging destruction by the smallest offences and hold onto a grudge for centuries after the slight. Her actions often seemed petty and vengeful, and indeed they were. She reveled in chaos and exulted in unrestrained devastation, causing ruin for the pure joy of it.


Firtina was worshipped as part of the Doom Harbingers. In this pantheon she represented wanton destruction and the power of storms. Followers of Firtina were fond of extorting sailors and farmers, threatening that Firtina would bring destructive storms upon them if they did not placate the angry goddess. They were wont to pursue wealth and luxury with many indulging in acts of random or spiteful violence, pillage, and banditry.   The more good aligned followers would serve a similar function to Yelken, as clerics who would help sailors pray in order to prevent storms at sea. However, she was also prayed to for land dwellers in order to prevent lightning storms.
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Domain: Death, Tempest
The time has passed for gentle rains and soft breezes. Now is the hour of whirlwinds and earthquakes.

~ Saying of followers of Firtina