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Kalashtar are a psionic Human race who primarily lived in In'qwane. Whilst they were largely independant from other humans, most scholars agreed that kalashtar developed from humans many generations earlier.  


  Kalashtar looked much like humans, having the same ranges of eye, hair, and skin colours. Most kalashtar had subtle physical features which differentiated them from humans, including natural streaks of differing coloured hair, mismatching eyes, or a lack of iris. Kalashtar are commonly tall and slim, though kalashtar of all sizes exist. They have a similar lifespan to humans.   The only real difference in kalashtar is their monastic behavior. Kalashtar children show the largest difference between them and their human counterparts but still, only in behavior. Whilst human children will run, play, laugh, and show an emotional immaturity, kalashtar children will take part in meditative practices, martial training, and telepathic conversations like their adult seniors. Growing up for the kalashtar is simply a physical process rather than an emotional or mental one.   Many kalashtar are reclusive and prefer to keep to themselves in In'qwane, but some are driven by purpose to venture out into the rest of the world. Kalashtar are commonly reserved, tranquil and tend to spend significant time thinking something through before acting. They were known to take a keen interest in managing their emotions, an aspect which came from attempts by the first kalashtar to combine their minds into the Weave. They're kind and caring towards others though, in an intellectual manner rather than emotional. They express their friendship with a wry smile and through offhand comments rather than being cordial or making lewd jokes.

A kalashtar woman

Origins and Religion

Kalashtar were once a group of humans worshipping the goddess Hud, who became obsessed with attaching themselves to the fabric of the Weave itself in order to achieve a connection with other creatures. Their fervent praying combined with meditation, was rewarded by Hud and they gained the ability to speak telepathically with other creatures.   Most kalashtar are followers of the goddess of magic, although through an extended time spent in In'qwane they have a common respect for the deities of the In'qwane Pantheon. Some kalashtar even take to worshipping these gods, although they never elevated them above their patron, Hud.

Player Race Features

  • Ability Scores: Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose three different +1
  • Size. Medium.
  • Speed. 30 feet.
  • Size. Your size is Medium.
  • Dual Mind. You have advantage on all Wisdom saving throws.
  • Mental Discipline. You have resistance to psychic damage.
  • Mind Link. You can speak telepathically to any creature you can see, provided the creature is within a number of feet of you equal to 10 times your level. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least one language. When you're using this trait to speak telepathically to a creature, you can use your action to give that creature the ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you end this effect as an action. To use this ability, the creature must be able to see you and must be within this trait's range. You can give this ability to only one creature at a time; giving it to a creature takes it away from another creature who has it.
  • Severed from Dreams. Kalashtar sleep, but they don't dream as other creatures do. As such, you are immune to spells and other magical effects that require you to dream, like dream, but not to spells and other magical effects that put you to sleep, like sleep.
  • Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, In'qwanan, and Celestial.