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Merhamet (Mare-ham-met)

Merhamet was the god of endurance, suffering, and martyrdom. The One Who Endures was a willing sufferer, bearing the pain of others to spare them from it, and it was said that if he had his way he would do so for all the suffering in the world.  


Merhamet appeared as a short man with a burly build and dressed very simply, often only with a breechcloth. He is portrayed with a plain but kind and comforting face, balding head, and a hairy body. He was shown as severely injured and in pain, ranging from limping, showing signs of broken bones, to even being blood stained and showing signs of tortue.


Those who were oppressed, sick, lame, or poor were likely to be worshipers of Merhamet, and people who had been injured or were otherwise suffering would often call upon him for aid. His faith was popular among the poor in big cities, and with serfs and slaves, as well as merchants, thieves, and a few guards.   As a formal religion, Merhamet is most commonly worshipped alone as part of the Path of Merhamet due to the extreme dedication of its adherents.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Domain: Life, Twilight
May the One Who Endures, ease your suffering.

~ Common farewell amongst worshippers of Mehamet