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Path of Merhamet

Merhametism, formally called the Path of Merhamet, is a religion which follows the god of martydom and suffering Merhamet. Merhamet is among the most frequently prayed to yet seldomly devoted to deity, as the life of a Merhami  requires extreme devotion which most common folk are not willing to undertake. That being said, followers of the Path of Merhamet, particularly the Endurers (priests), are among the most well respected people in all 'civilised' settlements. Even in times of war, Merhami  are rarely if ever captured or harmed and usually are left to conduct their healing and humanitarian work with little interference. Particularly violent and 'monstrous' races do not always adhere to this.   The faith is currently facing a small schism between the 'classical' Enduring sect and the newer Perseverer. The latter takes a slightly less strict pacifist view and encourage people to seek a pacifist but fight back if peace is not an option.

Mythology & Lore

Long ago, in a realm plagued by chaos and suffering, there existed a humble village nestled amidst the harsh wilderness. The villagers endured countless hardships, facing famine, disease, and the constant threat of marauding bandits. Despite their struggles, they found solace in their communal spirit and unwavering resilience.   One fateful day, a group of weary travelers stumbled upon the village seeking refuge. They were a diverse band of warriors, healers, and scholars who had ventured far and wide, witnessing the suffering of the world firsthand. Moved by the indomitable spirit of the villagers and their ability to endure amidst adversity, the travelers decided to stay and share their knowledge.   Led by a wise sage named Tristam, the travelers brought teachings of empathy, sacrifice, and the pursuit of justice. They taught the villagers that enduring suffering had transformative power and that personal sacrifice could lead to collective prosperity. Inspired by these teachings, the villagers embraced the path of endurance and began to embody the ideals of compassion and selflessness.   Over time, the village grew into a thriving community, its members known for their resilience and willingness to help those in need. News of their extraordinary way of life spread across the land, attracting followers who sought meaning in the face of their own hardships. The teachings of Tristam and the village became a beacon of hope, birthing a new faith known as Merhametism, after the sage who had guided them.   As Merhametism spread, followers dedicated to the principles of endurance, suffering, and sacrifice traveled throughxn various regions. The followers of Merhamet embraced the faith as a means to navigate the challenges of life, finding solace in the understanding that their suffering had purpose and that through endurance and self-sacrifice, they could forge a better world.   The faith of Merhametism continues to thrive, with its followers embracing the teachings of endurance, compassion, and justice. They see themselves as champions of endurance, supporting one another through trials and standing up against injustice wherever it may be found. The origin story of Merhametism serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the enduring spirit and willingness to sacrifice can transform suffering into strength and bring about lasting change.

Tenets of Faith

Tenets of the Path of Merhamet:
  1. Embrace the Path of Endurance. Merhamet teaches his followers to endure hardships with grace and fortitude. Seek strength in adversity and find solace in the knowledge that your endurance serves a greater purpose. Endure physical, emotional, and spiritual trials with unwavering resolve.
  2. Embody Compassion and Suffering. Show compassion and empathy towards those who suffer. Merhami  teachings emphasize the importance of understanding the struggles of others and offering support. Seek to alleviate the suffering of others through acts of kindness, charity, and self-sacrifice.
  3. Embrace the Power of Sacrifice. The act of sacrifice holds great significance in the faith of Merhamet. Recognize the value of selflessness and be willing to sacrifice your own comfort, desires, and even your life for the betterment of others. Embrace the ideals of martyrdom, understanding that great good can come from personal sacrifice.
  4. Uphold the Tenets of Justice. Merhamet advocates for justice and fairness in all aspects of life. Seek to uphold the principles of righteousness, ensuring that the strong do not exploit the weak and that those who commit wrongdoing are held accountable. Strive to be a beacon of justice in a world where corruption and injustice often prevail.
  5. Foster Inner Strength and Resilience. Merhamet's followers are encouraged to cultivate their inner strength and resilience. Through discipline, meditation, and self-reflection, develop the mental and emotional fortitude needed to endure life's challenges. Embrace the trials that come your way, for they provide opportunities for growth, wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment.
  Remember, these tenets are mere guidelines, and interpretations may vary among followers. Merhamet's faith encourages personal introspection and adherence to one's own understanding of these principles, as long as they align with the core values of endurance, suffering, and martyrdom.


The Code of Ethical Conduct in Merhametism:
  • Show compassion and empathy towards all beings. Strive to understand and alleviate the suffering of others regardless of how they treat you. Treat every individual with kindness and respect, regardless of their background or circumstances.
  • Embrace the path of endurance and resilience in the face of adversity. Persevere through challenges and setbacks, finding strength in difficult times. Use your endurance as a source of inspiration for others, demonstrating the transformative power of perseverance.
  • Be willing to sacrifice personal comfort, desires, and even your own well-being for the betterment of others. Embrace the ideals of martyrdom when the situation calls for it, understanding that great good can come from selfless acts of sacrifice.
  • Strive for justice and fairness in all your actions. Advocate for the rights of the oppressed and work towards rectifying societal injustices. Uphold truth and integrity, acting with honesty and transparency in your dealings with others.
  • Nurture virtues such as humility, wisdom, and patience. Cultivate inner strength through self-reflection, meditation, and disciplined practices. Continuously seek personal growth and enlightenment, recognizing that the journey towards becoming a better person is an ongoing process.
  • Honor the natural world and recognize the interconnectedness of all living beings. Treat nature with reverence and strive to be responsible stewards of the environment. Live in harmony with the world around you, seeking to protect and preserve its beauty for future generations.
  • Reject violence and aggression as means of conflict resolution. Strive to resolve conflicts peacefully through dialogue and understanding. Promote nonviolent solutions and advocate for reconciliation whenever possible.
  • Above all, strive to embody the teachings of Merhametism in your thoughts, words, and actions. Be a beacon of endurance, compassion, and justice in the world, inspiring others through your example.
  The Code of Ethical Conduct serves as a moral compass for the followers of Merhametism, guiding them in their quest to live a righteous and meaningful life based on the principles of the faith.


In Merhametism, worship is not confined to grand ceremonies but is instead seen as a continuous practice that infuses everyday life with devotion and reverence. The faithful engage in various rituals and traditions to deepen their connection with the divine and embody the principles of endurance, suffering, and martyrdom. Here are some common everyday practices and rituals:
  • Morning Reflection. Each day begins with a moment of quiet reflection and gratitude. The faithful take a few moments to contemplate the challenges they may face and draw strength from the teachings of Merhamet. They express gratitude for the opportunities to endure and grow, reaffirming their commitment to compassion and justice.
  • Prayer and Meditation. Prayer and meditation play a central role in the worship of Merhamet. The faithful engage in individual expressing their hopes, fears, and aspirations to the divine. They seek guidance, inner strength, and the ability to endure trials with grace. Meditation sessions help them cultivate mindfulness, calm their minds, and deepen their spiritual connection.
  • Mission and Pilgrimages. The followers of Merhametism place great importance on engaging in humanitarian work to help as many as possible. It is not uncommon for Merhami  to set out with little direction in order to help and support any they find on their travels.
  • Charity and Thrift. Merhametism place a great importance on thrift and simple living, with many followers donating any gifts they recieve or selling them in order to help the less fortunate. Finery and jewels are seldom if ever carried or owned by true Merhami.
  • Acts of Compassion and Service. The faithful actively engage in acts of compassion and service as part of their worship. They seek opportunities to help those in need, whether it be assisting the sick, feeding the hungry, or offering comfort to the suffering. By embodying the principles of sacrifice and compassion, they believe they are living expressions of their devotion to Merhamet.
  • Communal Gatherings. Regular communal gatherings are organized to foster unity and collective worship. These gatherings may take the form of ceremonies or group charitable acts. It is a time for the faithful to come together, support one another, and share their experiences on the path of endurance and self-sacrifice.
It is important to note that while there may be general practices and rituals, individual worship and expressions of devotion can vary among the followers of Merhametism. The emphasis lies on sincere and personal engagement with the principles and teachings of the faith in ways that resonate with each individual's unique journey.


Within the faith of Merhametism, a dedicated and revered group of individuals known as the Enduring, or Endurers, serves as the priesthood. Among the most devout and enlightened followers, these priests embody the ideals of endurance, suffering, and martyrdom, and act as guides and spiritual leaders for the faithful.    

Initiates and Training

Aspiring members of the priesthood undergo rigorous training and spiritual discipline. They study the sacred texts and teachings of Merhametism, delving deep into the philosophy and principles of the faith. Initiates are taught the art of self-reflection, meditation, and compassionate service to prepare them for their sacred role. Often times aspiring Endurers will go on extended relief trips to help suffering people.    

Rituals and Ceremonies

Endurers preside over important rituals and ceremonies within Merhametism and are frequently at the forefront of charitable giving and support. They perform solemn rites of purification, initiation, and the anointing of those who willingly embrace sacrifice for the greater good.    

Spiritual Guidance

The priests of the Enduring serve as spiritual guides, offering counsel and support to individuals and communities. They lend a listening ear, provide guidance in times of hardship, and offer solace to those who suffer. With deep empathy and wisdom, they help the faithful navigate moral dilemmas, seeking justice, and finding inner strength through endurance.    

Guardians of Justice

The priesthood of Merhametism takes on the role of guardians of justice within their communities. They work tirelessly to ensure fairness and uphold the principles of righteousness. They advocate for the vulnerable and strive to rectify societal injustices, fighting against corruption and oppression wherever they find it.    

Acts of Compassion and Service

The Enduring are exemplars of compassion and selfless service. They lead by example, actively engaging in charitable endeavors, offering aid to the sick, feeding the hungry, and providing comfort to the suffering. Their acts of kindness and benevolence inspire the faithful to follow in their footsteps and embody the ideals of Merhametism.       The Enduring stands as a pillar of the Merhametism faith, embodying its principles, and guiding the faithful on the path of endurance, compassion, and justice. They provide spiritual nourishment, support, and inspiration to those who seek solace and strength in the teachings of Merhamet. It is common for Endurers to practice their faith through opening


In recent years, a small but growing number of common followers are questioning the absolute pacifist nature of the faith. Although not yet a mainstay of the faith, some people calling themselves Perseverers believe in a slightly less strict view of Merhamet. They often align themselves with Adalet as well as Merhamet, believing that pacifism and peace should be the first option but some evils require fighting back against. The Merhami view of 'turning the other cheek' is viewed as simply allowing evil to flourish. They maintain the Endurers' view of sacrifice and will still choose to sacrifice themselves to save another.
Symbol of the Path of Tròcair
(Some from the Perseverer's sect use a nearly identical symbol with a clenched fist)
Religious, Organised Religion
Alternative Names