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Otoriter (Ought-or-it-air / Oh-tore-it-er)

Otoriter is the god of domination, crafting, and magical technology. He was a particularly cruel deity, who encouraged his followers to use creativity, technology, and magic to enslave and rule over others. He was primarily worshipped by evil kobolds and goblins, as well as by duergar who viewed him as their primary deity.


Otoriter was portrayed as somewhat gaunt yet strong with a shaved head. He was usually shown wearing armour and weilding a hammer.   Amongst duergar he was frequently shown casting magic at an anvil with one hand whilst commanding troops with the other. Dwarven depications invariably showed the god as lacking any facial hair as a symbol of his disgraced status. Amongst dwarves he was sometimes called 'The Exile'.   Kobold portrails of Otoriter frequently showed him working on magic items and cruel traps. Amongst particularly devout kobold's, he was shown wearing magically infused mechanical wings.   Depictions from goblin worshippers often showed Otoriter as casting spells to entrap others and bend them to his will.


Otoriter was primarily worshipped as quite an individualistic god. In this capacity, his main worshippers were duergar. Amongst dark dwarves, his industrious genius and tendancy for domination and subjegation of others was what he primarily symbolised. As such, duergar viewed him as quite a jealous god in the sense that they seldom worshipped others alongside him with other gods being considered lower than him even if they were called upon.   Otoriter was also worshipped as a deity by some kobolds, as well as part of the Goblin Pantheon, who viewed his ability to infuse magic and technology as vital in their trap making. Both groups primarily viewed him as a god who used magic and crafting for conquest, and thus the more ambitious and evil followers would call upon him when using commanding magic or building dangerous and cruel devices.   He was included within the Dwarven Pantheon as one of the more openly evil members. Similar to how Barbar was viewed amongst gnomes, Otoriter wasn't worshipped so much as prayed for to avoid tyranny and the negative impacts of magic and the use of creativity towards cruelty.   Outside of racial worship, evil artificers and wizards with tyrannical aspirations would somtimes offer their worship to Otoriter in the hopes of gaining more power over others and knowledge of arcane creations. Some scholars theorize that the tendancy for golem's to go berserk and mindlessly kill is a result of Otoriter's hand in the magic of golems.    Followers of Otoriter did not observe a holy day for him, primarily due to the fact that those dedicated to his worship usually followed him as a singular deity.   Dwarves, in particular, observed a day of mourning over the loss of their kin to the influence of Otoriter every time The Chill intercalary day came. Dwarves frequently took the day to wear dark clothes and dim lights across their cities before the evening festivities of feasts, drinking, and the lighting of large bonfires to symbolise the return of their duergar kin. In some communities, effegies of Otoriter are burned atop the bonfires at the end of the night.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domain: Arcana, Forge, War
The children of Otoriter shall conquer the earth and stone from which they sprang and the voids in which they dwell. The seizing of new lands, new wealth, and new servitors is the manifest destiny of those who mine the Darklands.

~ An excerpt of Otoriteran dogma