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Pazarlik (Pah-zar-lick / Pay-zer-lick)

(a.k.a. Pazarlık)

Pazarlik is the god of contracts, power, and the manipulative use of the law.


Pazarlik was usually portrayed as a well dressed man with a narrow, pale, and somewhat gaunt face with long fingers and slim frame. He was almost always depicted carrying a parchment and quill, showing his propensity for contracts.


Pazarlik mostly found worship amongst shadier, although not strictly illicit, people, such as crooked lawyers and politicians as well as money lenders. He was often seen as a more evil Para, as both had a fixation with legal frameworks and the order of civilization.   Whilst most followers did not opperate outside of the law, some fringe cults of Pazarlik operated more violently with the goal to throw settlements into chaos in order to bring in the harsh iron laws of their god.   Whilst the followers of Pazarlik did not usually adhere to holy periods, especially in public life, locations with numerous worshippers often maintained a day of observation on the eve of the beginning of the tax year, usually on the 5th of Springtide, known as Debtor's Regret. With Pazarlik's faithful taking the day to prey on those out of wealth and give them massive loans to tie them over to the following year.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Domain: Knowledge, Order, Trickery