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The verdan were a race of continuously mutating goblinoids that first appeared in Dünya in the early 16th century PT.


Young verdan appeared similar to a small Half-Elf with jade-green skin and about as tall as an average Goblin. However, as they aged, they underwent dramatic and somewhat random changes to size, skin color, and physical characteristics. The most noticeable change, and the only one that seemed to be common to all verdan, was in stature. Over a period of days, at a certain point in their adult lives, verdan painfully grew to the size of a Hobgoblin.   Other changes happened in this change to adult lives, following no apparent pattern. Their skin, hair, and eye color could change from their original jade tone to any shade of green, ranging from pale white to jet black. Their ears, originally similar in shape and size to an Elf, could grow extremely long, sweeping back from the head like wings. It was common for verdan who displayed that trait to wear their ears tied up behind their heads. Changes in sex and/or gender were also frequent.   These mutations and changes did not seem to be related to any biological connection between verdan. Even members of the same family could display wildly varying physical characteristics.   Verdan possessed a limited form of telepathy and were able to communicate with any creature that was capable of language within a range of 30 feet (9.1 meters). It was, however, a slow and ineffective form of communication that could only transmit simple ideas and concepts.   Verdan reached maturaty at roughly 24 years of age which was around the time they experienced their growth spurt - although they were refered to as children until they experienced their growth spurt. It was estimated that they could live to be 200 years old, but so far no verdan had died of old age, so their actual lifespan remained the subject of speculation.   Verdan blood was black and granted them enhanced natural recuperative capabilities.

A verdan traveler, before and after reaching true adulthood


Thanks to their extreme mutability, verdan did not assign any cultural significance to skin color, stature, gender, or appearance. They viewed their fluidity as an opportunity to acquire new experiences and to grow in empathy with others.   Fierce defenders of diversity and freedom, verdan vocally opposed all forms of oppression, especially those rooted in discrimination against appearance, gender, or race. This led to an increasing number of verdan to flock to Hui Kūokoa. They were generally considered humble and trustworthy by others.   Due to their curiosity, and since verdan did not possess a collective history, they were sometimes viewed as gullible and innocent, and were often picked as easy targets by scammers. However, they possessed a unique insight that, over time, helped them discern when others were not being sincere.   Constant travelers, verdan embraced the local cultural practices of the places they migrated to, adopting local naming customs and languages. However, they lacked a sense of belonging even in the most welcoming communities. It was common for verdan to become wanderers, traveling either as lone individuals or as entire families, carrying all their possessions on their backs. As they moved into new areas, it was not unusual for verdan to change their names as well in order to match local customs.   When verdan travelers met, they were eager to share stories and experiences. It was common for them to drop all their activities in order to spend as much time as possible engaging in cultural exchanges with other verdan travelers.


Verdan frequently adopt a pantheon and deity from wherever they are currently living which aligns with their beliefs. Due to the fluidity of their personality, they are known to mix and match deities from different pantheons to create their own set of beliefs. This frequently includes the good drow goddess Terä.


The verdan were originally a large clan of goblins and hobgoblins that dwelled in a vast location in the Underdark, believed to be in the south western tip of the Great Divide mountain range. Sometime at the beginning of this century, for reasons unknown, they lost all memory of their origins and mutated into a new race. Deprived of their history and afraid of the horrors of the Underdark, they fled to the surface and were met with curiosity by other races, as they traveled the world in search of new experiences.   In fact, their origin is likely related to divine intervention. Which god this is has been constantly debated since the emergence of verdan. Most scholars believe that the original tribe had taken to worshipping the elvish goddess Terä who, looking kindly upon the group, transformed them into the first verdan and allowed them to escape the Underdark. Others believe that it was the will of Haole from the Hui Kūokoa Pantheon, who desired to expand his influence into other goblin tribes and show the rest of the world that goblinoids had the capacity for good.

Player Race Features

  • Ability Scores. Choose any +2; choose any other +1.
  • Size. At 1st level, you are a Small creature. When you reach 5th level, you become a Medium creature.
  • Speed. 30 feet.
  • Black Blood Healing. When you roll a 1 or 2 on any Hit Die you spend at the end of a short rest, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
  • Limited Telepathy. You can telepathically speak to any creature you can see within 30 feet of you. You don't need to share a language with the creature for it to understand your telepathy, but it must be able to understand at least one language. This process of communication is slow and limited, allowing you to transmit and receive only simple ideas and straightforward concepts.
  • Persuasive. Your people's lack of history makes you trustworthy and humble. You have proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
  • Telepathic Insight. Your mind's connection to the world around you strengthens your will. You have advantage on all Wisdom and Charisma saving throws.
  • Language. You speak, read, and write Common, Goblin, and one additional language of your choice. This language typically has some connection to one of the areas or cultures that has been part of your life.