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Yapay (Yah-pay)

Yapay is the god of invention, crafting, and smithing, also referred to as the Great Crafter. He was particularly venerated amongst dwarfs and gnomes, who viewed him as among their patron deities.  


Yapay was portrayed in several ways depending on the group worshipping him. Amongst humans, he is shown as a tawny haired older blacksmith, depicted with a hammer and anvil, with callused and worn hands. This sometimes includes him being depicted with missing limbs, demonstrating that his commitment to invention is absolute.   Amongst dwarves, he is portrayed as a gruff looking blacksmith standing besides his forge. He is seen as a core ideal within dwarvish culture, as his commitment to excellent craftsmanship and smithing is shared with dwarves.   Likewise, Yapay is a mainstay of gnome beliefs. Gnomes have a somewhat altered view of the Great Crafter. They give greater credence to his sense of inventiveness as opposed to his physical smithing and crafting. Gnomish portrayals of him show him as a ginger and wild-haired gnome holding tinkers tools with a small mechanical device in hand.


Yapay is a member of the Order of the Enlightened, where he represents the pursuit of knowledge a
Alignment: Neutral
Domain: Forge, Knowledge
If you want to reach something greater, you must become something greater.

~ A saying of Saorga