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Beatus Highlands

The Beatus Highlands, sometimes simply referred to as "the Highlands", refer to the mountain range separating northern Menestia from the Dusk Steppe. The range is an impressive topographical divide, creating a natural barrier far north. Traditionnally, the lands surrounding the Highlands have been inhabited by Relki communities and used for their diverse natural resources. Although, despite their majestic stature, the feature that has made the range such an intriguing landmark is its propensity for natural disasters and unpredictable conditions, making it a deathtrap for most unexperienced travelers.


The Beatus Highlands form a line of plateaus stretching for around 400 km in a east-west direction, dividing the mainland of Menestia from its northern peninsula, the Dusk Steppe. Throughout the plateaus, which stand at about 1800-2500 meters above sea level, 5 notable peaks (over 3000 meters above sea level) are dispersed, the Sobbing Peak being the highest among them, standing at around 4200 meters tall. The Highlands are also home to a small number of active volcanoes, creating pockets of hot air in the tundra climate of the mountains.


At altitudes under 1000 meters above sea level, the ecosystem in the range is quite typical for boreal forest in a subpolar climate. It is the shelter of diverse fauna and flora, and knows relatively stable meteorological conditions, with rare but very destructive landslides. Over the 1000 meters mark however, the ecosystem is much more unstable and inhospitable. The alpine climate prevents the substantial growth of trees, making the ground more susceptible to landslides and avalanches. Furthermore, the pockets of hot air created by the few volcanoes still in activity lead to a ridiculously high number of hailstorms and blizzards, as well as the occasional Alpine Cyclone. In addition of the numerous natural disasters, the weather up in the highlands is unpredictable, which makes any trek over the mountains, rather than through the several known mountain passes, a fool's errand.

Localized Phenomena

The Mountains of the Beatus Highlands are subject to a strange natural phenomena: at higher altitudes, a substance similar to black powder can be found in small amounts in the soil. Though this can be a life-saver for adventures in search of fire combustible, it also makes the plateaus quite susceptible to accidental explosions. In fact, most locals warn travelers to never trek the Highlands in a thunderstorm; every lightning strike in the mountains creates a small-scale explosion that could cause serious damage.
Alternative Name(s)
The Highlands
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