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Doom Watchers

There are things, things that are not of this world, and that would seek to control it. These things, entities, creatures, spirits, and evils, threaten our very existence, and the survival of this entire realm. In light of these dangers, what worth does a single life have? Compared to complete anihilation, how much of a sacrifice can a life of devotion really be?
  • Heonsin, Doom Watcher of Nachaek
  • A special military force controlled by the United Provinces of Tamynia, the Doom Watchers serve a unique purpose: they are the protectors of planar gates, keeping at bay those who would seek to cross them from either side. Trained in arcane as well as martial combat, they are stripped of their identity, seeking to focus their entire energy on a single purpose: the protection of this material plane.   Doom Watchers are mostly posted in Nachaek, near the planar gate, although there exists some roaming units, as well as some units tasked with keeping an eye on planar gates outside of the Tamynian territory.



    The weapons carried by Watchers are long arcane spears with projectile heads, which allow them to attack from across planar gates without having to engage. These spears are crafted out of platinum by selected arcane smiths, and their Shrax crystal base allows for the stocking and intensification of arcane effects.


    The history behind the origin of the Doom Watchers is unclear. Some claim that their training is directly related to the one used by the Knights of Banishment 3 centuries ago. Whether there is some truth to this or not, it is true that the tactics and skills developped by the Doom Watchers are reminiscent of the myth.   Whatever the case, the Order of the Doom Watchers has now existed for over 100 years. Once under the control of the southern realm of Tohi, due to the existence of the Nachaek Gate on their territory, it has been under the control of Tamynia since the Unification of the provinces. Although Tamynian authorities claim they would be happy to station some of their Watchers to other nations in need of planar protection, diplomatic relationships have never been trusting enough for such a thing to happen.
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    Aug 12, 2024 19:46 by Marjorie Ariel

    This is a very important position! I wonder what entities might come through the planar gates....