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Martyrs are a class of Tamynian citizens tasked with acting as healers, spiritual guides and proud defenders of their nation's wellbeing. Having sworn an oath to their nation and consumed Martyr's Water, they are granted spiritual powers and train relentlessly to hone those powers as well as detach their consciousness from reality, effectively becoming fearless healers and warriors at the service of Tamynia.
Kept under control by authorities in order to avoid unchecked power and entirely devoted to their oath, Martyrs live solitary lives, rarely starting families or entertaining relationships. For all intents and purposes, they are sentient only to the extent required to accomplish their missions. While some of them travel from towns to towns under the orders of their supervisors, some settle down in a bigger city and offer their services to the populace (that is, until they are sent elsewhere).



Martyrs can be from all walks of life, but, statistically, they are from high-middle class families, have received a formal education and demonstrate from an early age discipline, sense of duty, and an interest in the arcane. Those already trained in martial combat are often prioritized, since they can be trained more quickly. Anyone can apply to be a Martyr, although few are chosen; those considered to be most serious and competent.

Payment & Reimbursement

For their hard work, Martyrs are each paid ten gold pieces per month of service, a considerable sum in Tamynia's everchanging economy. It is also customary for tavernkeeps and vendors to offer them free room and food as a sign of respect. In cities, Martyrs can count on the local authorities to lodge them, either in spiritual centers or in garrison halls.


Social Status

Martyrs are given high social status and very respected across Tamynia, as they are seen as having committed the ultimate sacrifice for their nation and people.
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