A First Step

She walked into the Quarter shaped like a pub, looking the way it would in any of many worlds, except the required lack of roof and walls. Open weave curtains provided a bit of shelter and privacy from prying eyes. The place carried no name, an act by its owner that showed how he felt about Words. Respecting this choice, folks would refer to the place by its aspects. Just the way things were.  
Remember this. There is no truth in Words. They may carry meaning but they are still meaningless. A shadow cast upon yourself, fooling you to believe you understand.
  She was greeted with friendly nods as she came in, which she returned with a smile. The first thing she did, was to walk to the bar and set down her payment, a signal that she was about to leave to wander. Another ritual many followed, a small thing with meaning that earned her the owner's smile alongside her drink. She took it with a wordless nod.  
Feel free to follow rituals. Not because you believe they matter, as superstitions are mere chains that bind us, prevent us from growing. But because it provides you comfort, a sense of self. Do not let them define you, as that too will simply restrict your growth. But feel free to behave the way you want, so that you Are.
  The words came to her mind, another lesson learned from that man without name. Like this place, he carried no name to bind him. Of course there were different approaches to that. She herself chose to use random temporary aliases. The owner remained without name himself, but of the people present and other regulars, many did carry a name or label. Though she got along best with those that chose not to, a mindset more like hers that made her understand them more, yet less.  
Do not cling to people. There is no Strength in numbers. Do not blindly turn away from people. We are as much as I am, as You are. Only a fool would insist their way is the only way. To turn away from people, is to turn away from opportunity to grow.
  She looked at the camaraderie, people laughing, playing. It was always great to come here, to relax for a bit. But now it was time for her to move on again, submit to her wanderlust once more. Not even specifically to seek Power, but to satisfy her need to explore the worlds. Power was but a nice bonus. Well, she did enjoy gathering Power. But it wasn't the only reason she went out there.  
Do not force yourself to keep going. All need rest, both physically and mentally. Brittle is the sword that keeps on swinging. Rest. Speak. Sing. Live. Then, when you have found yourself once more, go out there again and grow.
  With a smile and a wave, she walked towards the door. As she reached the doorway, she paused for a moment to collect herself. Then, letting her Power flow through herself, her step turned sturdy as she marched towards her next goal.


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