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A handwritten letter to Lorenzo Dolore Zar'ath

  We've survived a capture attempt orchestrated by the Cryphans that resulted in the destruction of the Star Strider. A group of several others including Severine and Cassander were able to throw off the spell tractoring us directly to them, but we've become trapped behind borders. I've learned here, if you haven't yet, that the Davlathian supply lines into Crypha are broken.         I implore you and Mother to rectify this at once. If we are to escape, but more importantly if we are to win this war, our forces need to be at full strength. The little time I have spent here has filled me with a burning need to see the sun truly shine over Crypha.       I do not think I can come home until this is done.       To my regret, Severine and Cassander will not leave me, and I am sorry for the stress that causes my aunts and uncles. We are amongst the Rebellion taking place here, and the motley crew from the escape pod crash include a member of the Black Guard and the Royal Archivist of Athanor. It's astonishing the able shot the Archivist is. Our group also includes a Cryphan refugee who had just escaped this place only to end up back here again. Should a woman calling herself 'Mim' come ahead of the rest of us, please see her, and keep her close. We are by no means safe here, but I hope you and Mother can do your part to repair the road leading back to safety for us. If the supply lines are restored, send materials for making automatons. I can construct and animate my more advanced designs to strengthen our line. Ed has held, and so has my rifle-- I'm confident that others will only help our forces.   ... One last thing, Father. One of the beings we crashed with was an advanced automaton the likes I've never seen. Advanced, with a crystal for a face, infinitely more technological rather than driven by a soul. It says it is part of a class of constructs known as the Inevitables, and it was a pilot transporting other Inevitables to locations where 'deviant magic' made teleportation difficult. It crash-landed on Lazwish sometime before the Star Strider incident and developed free will, causing it not to return.   I harbor concern that the force from the Plane of Law sent to capture 'deviations from the natural order' was anywhere near our planet. I sincerely hope the matter was not caused by the war from before I was born, or the advancements made with Portal tech since. I don't know what to do with this information, but merely submit it for your consideration.   I miss you, and I look forward to when I can see you all again. Tell Mother I'm well, if she's not yet ripped this from your hands to read for herself.     I love you both.  
  • Illara
  • Type
    Journal, Personal

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