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Illara Alessio Zar'ath

Exalted Queen of Dalvath

"You will be a magnificent leader, if that is what you choose to be," Glykon assures. "And I will draw steel to defend you no matter what path you choose. No matter when."   "I chose this burden back on the front line, when I had to fight my mother to keep my right to claim it. When I swore to her keeping my word to rid Crypha of its Council would prove me a better leader for it-- one who follows through on their word."   Illara cracks the slightest of smiles, one corner of her mouth pulling back. "I admittedly did that in reverse order. I intended to bring the sun back to Crypha first. But there'll be time to ensure that, too, having smote most of the Cryphan leadership who would have stood in the way of it." Her smile fades as she thinks further into the country, solemning. "... Time yet, too, to show mercy and compassion to the suffering heart of Corruption that hangs in their central Cathedral as well."   She comes back to herself and the moment to refocus her attention on Glykon. "But I can't begin to do any of that if I don't first deal with this challenge for my crown."
- Illara to her aunt Glykon in the Dalvath Royal Gardens


Her Royal Majesty Illara Alessio Zar'ath, Exalted Queen of Dalvath ascended her throne shortly after the two-year anniversary of the Star Strider's crash-landing behind enemy lines in Crypha. After foolishly taking hold of a relic not meant for someone like her, she nonetheless found herself compelled to follow up on the vow she made while holding it: to rid Crypha of its leadership by restoring the sun to the skies over the country.   Illara and those she crashed with, family and stranger alike, banded together to form the Morninglight Company, a crew that would have remarkable impact on the war effort in Crypha... though not without cost to those in it. The Company outlived a terrible sacking of the Eternal Church of Winterbloom, mostly withstood a concentrated mage assault on the Iron Hills, and outwitted several attempts on the lives of their members before parting ways one violent evening during the first convening of the Second Alliance.   During that ill-fated diplomatic summit, a tryst with a friendly Celestial prince resulted in a child who would spurn the union of the nations of Astrea and Dalvath. Following a whirlwind wedding, Aurelien and Illara both returned to finish their respective studies, and Illara defended her thesis regarding the use of Helltech before the magiscientific community. Shortly after, she returned to the Second Alliance with her cousin Troy Dolore to negotiate a plan for peace and the future of Crypha; one which pushed the Alliance to actively participate in the war's conclusion.   Several months after her son Corvin's birth, Illara received a wedding invitation from Pandora for her vow renewal with Guinevere Hollow, and reluctantly slipped away from her duties in Dalvath to attend. The entirety of the Morninglight Company attended and lived through a massive disruption in several types of magic caused by an assault on a minor deity as well as a bombing in the capital city of Dalvath. When Illara was finally able to hear of news back home, including the death of her mother, in her grief she decided to strike back at the vampires present and ordered her automaton to destroy the machine blocking out the sun over the Armada Cove island the wedding was held at.   In the process, she was accidentally responsible for the death of Guinevere Hollow, but retreated with the Company Members to Dalvath to assess the situation there. When they arrived, a mysterious sword that had come to Illara during her time in Crypha manifested in the presence of Phaedra Dawn and changed shape after meeting one the Dawn daughter also bore. Shortly after the Creation artifacts manifested, the Company served as the first line of defense to repel an assault on the already-stricken Palace.   After the Company was made to put down a beast made of bodies from the Eternal Church lead by an undead Saint Lydia, they treated with Deidre to end the war-- as she stated she wanted to turn over Balocrypha. Unbelieving, yet hopeful, the Company agreed ... and were turned on, having to face Balocrypha, the Countess, Deidre, Glykon, Guinevere, and Valentine in combat in the dungeons of Dalvath. The attack nearly cost her her life, and did take the first lives of both Talieisin and Cassander. However, the leaders of Crypha-- both the nobility and heads of state-- dead bring Illara closer to fulfilling the promise she made in Crypha, even if it was one the Saint Lydia had released her from posthumously when they had to flee the country.   Now all that remains is to stop the Silver Flame's machinations, to make the world a safer place and stop them from tearing down the gods...   ... before she inevitably has to turn her eyes to the next, not-yet-tangible crisis.  


Illara uses she/they pronouns interchangeably, even if she rarely escapes the first of the two owing to her position. Illara has a relatively human appearance from the waist up, but her tiefling nature manifests in several ways: she has pale blue eyes that have a lavender iridescence, she has sharpened canines, and from the waist-down is covered in fur, possessed of goat-like legs ending in hooves.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity

Female, She/They


Severine Creed


Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Severine Creed




Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Kenna


Aurelien Onasis-Zar'ath


Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Aurelien Onasis-Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Cassiopeia Zar'ath


Cassiopeia Zar'ath


Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Desi Zar'ath


Desi Zar'ath


Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Towards Vrinn Dawn


Vrinn Dawn


Towards Illara Alessio Zar'ath


Date of Birth
15th of Champion Moon (6)
Year of Birth
4002 AGE 1056 Years old
Vrinn Dawn (Partner)
Desi Zar'ath (Brother)

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