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A letter from the grave

My beloved daughter, I’m sorry I cannot be with you now, in your time of need. I could have been there with you in a form, but it would have meant giving up my eternal reward by your mother’s side, and – in perhaps the first truly selfish act of my life -- I could not do so. The suffering we face is meaningless if there cannot be peace afterwards, in life or in death. There is so much I wish I could tell you, but now that I hold quill in hand my words fail me. I say this - I would have given up that peace in an instant if I didn’t believe that you can carry the weight I’ve left you. Deal with those who would strike us down in our homes, whoever they may be, make sure the world is strong enough to withstand what is coming. Because there is more coming. The past few crises have merely been the rumblings of a storm oncoming, and my sorrow that I cannot face it with you is deep. But I believe in you. Be the bulwark against that storm and let it crash harmlessly against you. You will be Queen, now. Rule not as your mother and I would, but as you would. Make your mark on Dalvath and on the world. The lab is yours now too, to do with what you will. My blood will also give you access to the lab in the Golden City, although convincing Cornelius to let you visit it might be difficult. Watch over your siblings, and keep your family close. Don’t lose the love of your friends either, if you can help it. I did, and it’s one of my few regrets. You’ll need their strength beside you in the days to come.   I believe in you, my daughter, I have faith in you and I am very, very proud of you. I always have been. But above all, my little hooves, I love you more than any words could ever express.   Lorenzo Dolore     p.s. Don’t leave your uncle alone. He’ll need family now, more than ever.
Text, Letter

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