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Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath

Prince Consort of Dalvath Lorenzo Zar'ath- Dolore

"No. It's the business of fatherhood."
  Lorenzo's eyes, as cold and clear as ice, meet Volatia's as she looks up at him and he states plainly, "Should you in the course of your crusade betray Illara, or hurt her, or should one of your sacrifices be my daughter, or if - the Gods all help you - she be killed and it be your fault? I will make it my personal hobby for the next few thousand years to make you feel nothing but new forms of suffering until you've forgotten your name and past and know only agony, and your mind has degenerated to the rawest, most primal instincts, keeping you alive with the faintest trickle of blood."
  He smiles, then, "I'm sure you understand."
-Lorenzo to Volatia Oleander



The youngest sibling of the current Emperor of Athanor, Lorenzo is remembered by some as a bit of a hell-raiser as a young man - ironic, given his current position.
  He was one of the delegates originally assigned to negotiate the renewal the Thousand Year Treaty, a session which famously ended in the first strike by the group known as the 'Eye'. These delegates became a force of their own as they formed the core of the resistance against these extra-planar invaders with the aid of the now forbidden 'portal magics', a resistance that resulted in a surprising victory for the people of Lazwish. Most of them have either disappeared from public life or become quite prominent in some way, with Lorenzo being one of the latter.
  He was wed to the now-Queen Nalia Zar'ath not long after the crisis was ended, and has been by her side ever since. While the majority of rule has been by her hand, his own projects have had a hand in the shaping of the changing nation - the Church of the Divine Suffering has soared in its popularity within Dalvath upon the revelation that he was a member of its clergy, and his studies of Athanori technology combined with Dalvathian infernalism led to the creation of the infernal automatons that are slowly supplanting the traditional 'zombie' labor used within the country.
  A darling of the Dalvathian court, he's charming, friendly, and can be incredibly vicious at times. It's hard to remember, sometimes, that the Prince-Consort wasn't born there.


Nalia Zar'ath


Towards Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath

Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath


Towards Nalia Zar'ath

Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath


Towards Cornelius Dolore


Cornelius Dolore


Towards Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath


Theresa Sarith

Former Mistress

Towards Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath


Lorenzo Dolore-Zar'ath

Former Affair

Towards Theresa Sarith


Shared Secrets

Early in Lorenzo Zar'ath marriage to his wife, Nalia Zar'ath the pair had a small affair lasting two years. In those two years Viper became pregnant with Lorenzo's child, both decided to end the affair there and not tell the Exalted Queen about the bastard child.

3977 AGE 4032 AGE 55 years old
Circumstances of Death
Lorenzo accepted the Paragon of Mercy's offer and joined his wife in the afterlife after the destruction of his body.
Place of Death
Dal vath Palace
Nalia Zar'ath (spouse)
Theresa Sarith (Former Mistress)
Cornelius Dolore (Sibling)

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