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Variously honored as an adventurer, a battle goddess, a patron of gnomes, and the Protector of Heroes' Rest, Asitala is a member of the Ironfang Trinity and the wife of Naga'lys. Her fierceness and sense of humor helped keep them together, and persist into stories of her divinity - while not quite a trickster god, some small pranks are ascribed to her. She was known for legendary skill with a knife; for this reason, fighters and those who defend families often worship her. In her aspect as a god of memory, she is said to bless enduring love. Legend has it she places the crystal on the lips of the dying, and that all their last words are spoken directly into her ear. Her symbol is a pair of kukri, crossed, superimposed over a heart.       Edicts: defend the defenseless, memorialize the dead, seek out adventure   Anathema: give up on a sworn cause, allow last words to go unheard, attack the unarmed   Areas of Concern: memory, mischief, hand-to-hand combat, loyalty, legacy




Towards Asitala



Towards Naga'lys

Naga'lys (spouse)

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