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Sunshine Sabriel

Professor, Lord Sabriel

"Oh no," Shine reassures Mae kindly. "I am very much meant for something. I woke up with this purpose, and like Urva, I am very motivated by it."   "I did not mean to ask... why I did not remember," they go on, brow ticking down into a momentary furrow before their features grow pleasant again. "That was not the goal. Simply to remember the task. It must be important, and I do not want to fail..."   Who?   There's a long pause before they suppose, "Myself."
- Shine, in the Temple of Time


Once upon a time, an amnesiac awakens underground in a technological coffin to the sounds of the local populace trying to break into it. Knowing little about anything at all, they read what they can inside the 'Cradle', which tells them that they've been sleeping for over a thousand years, and that their name is 'Sabriel'. When they emerge, they find a small group of others like them-- very different from the Drow that had discovered their stained glass cathedral of a resting place. Concerned for their safety, the winged one in their group shrouded the other four with him and teleported them away from the encroaching Drow out of fear the locals meant to either do them harm or capture them.   On emerging on the surface, the others-- who for a lack of knowing any better, the amnesiac has referred to previous as other Sabriel-- looked around and realized they did not know well where they were. The man who ensured their escape looked to the amnesiac, asking them if they knew what to do next. He reminded them they had to locate the Golden Gate in the Golden City, which was the key to everything. On admitting they remembered nothing, he offered them an encoded runestone, and on reaching out it became obvious that he had overexerted himself magically as bits of him were beginning to flake away.   The four aside from him that remained all watched helplessly as their savior dissolved into bits of light and shards of glass that were deposited on the water of the lake they emerged by, floating away to glitter. The amnesiac held onto a single shard of him for themself, and keep it and the Encoded Runestone filled with their memories.   As a group, the Sabriel then wandered into a local town. The amnesiac greeted the local populace vigorously, but most shunned the sight of the tall stained glass beings who had emerged from the hills-- with the exception of a nearly blind woman who saw the outline of the 'Sabriel' as curious, but accepted them into her home all the same to help them find their footing.   The kindly grandmother named the amnesiac Sunshine for their sunny disposition, and also for the glow of their glass skin in the light.   Shine had difficulty connecting with the other 'Sabriel' without their memory, and in a determination to find more about the golden gate they had come here to seek as well as to hopefully repair themself to place the runestone inside them once more, Shine sought out a great institution of learning known throughout the land. Sunshine became a student of the Morninglight Academy, studying with the Intrepidus Eye to hone their abilities as a thaumaturge, fearing magic proper after seeing what it had done to another like them.   At the school, they did not find the answers to their mysterious heritage, but after a year of study they heard that there was a festival to take place in a distant region where the lost Golden City would be sought out again. Leaving the school at once to pursue this lead, Shine found themself headfirst involved in an attempted fulfillment of a prophecy where eight adventurers of specific description would set out to uncover the lost mystery of the Golden City.   This turned out to widely be a disappointing adventure, at least at its start, for the keepers of the prophecy and quest refused to share any information and enslaved the forcefully-chosen adventurers, compelling them to follow the course of the prophecy as they interpreted it by magically branding them to keep track of them. Thankfully, Shine and their company were intercepted by a rogue band who was able to free them from the bondage they'd entered into, and offered their own interpretation of the prophecy: that what was sought was not a golden city but a golden chalice-- an object of Creation with immense powers, just as much as the City supposedly held.   In their journey to find the chalice, the party came across a temple devoted to Time, around which time itself moved strangely. They found themselves able to access the past, unintentionally, and during an early dip where they were not yet certain what entirely they were doing-- Shine entered their own past, and after being encouraged multiple times by the person they were speaking with to remember their tasks they'd been set to, they found they were able to open their torso and place the encoded runestone into their memory.   The well-meaning act slotted into place the beginnings of a lifetime of memories, shorting out Shine's systems until they were rescued by their companion in the past, who scolded them for having removed their memory in the first place and nearly did not return the runestone to them. After being chased out of the workshop, Shine was given the time to process what they recalled...   And it truly was an entire other life, the likes of which they never would have imagined on their own. Seemingly coming from another world, they remembered a terrible secret about they uncovered and fought to bring to the light-- ultimately enacting a plan to leave that place with their family in search of the powerful Golden Gate.   Shine struggles with these twin selves living in their head now; the life and purpose they remember here on Lazwish...   As well as the driven existence of Professor Sabriel, a rebel and former Academy official.


Sunshine Sabriel


Towards Sathia



Towards Sunshine Sabriel

Sunshine Sabriel


Towards Lux



Towards Sunshine Sabriel

Sathia (spouse)
Lux (spouse)
Androgynous, trending masculine

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