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Halcum is a rare, deep-blue, natural metal which has been found in a few places around the world, but is most commonly found in Mirk'lin. It is roughly twice as strong as steel, but slightly denser and heavier.   Pure halcum has plenty of uses, but its real utility comes from the many different alloys it is used to produce. The most common and useful halcum alloys are orichalcum, shadenhalcum, and tusnhalcum.   Orichalcum is a 2/3 steel, 1/3 halcum alloy invented by the people of the oric nations. The primary purpose of orichalcum is for use in weapon crafting, as pure halcum is too hard, and therefore lacks the flexibility required for an effective blade.   Shadenhalcum is a half gold, half halcum alloy invented in Shadeniin. The primary use of Shadenhalcum is as mage armor. The gold-halcum combination disperses magic exceptionally well, however it can also be somewhat cumbersome, as it weighs quite a bit. This can be a problem for spellcastors, as they must be able to flexibly move their bodies to properly channel and conduct mana, so mage armor is typically aluminium with a thin shadenhalcum coat.   Tusnhalcum is a tough alloy formed from 2 parts halcum and 1 part bronze. The bronze is added in order give more tensile strength to the halcum. Tusnhalcum is primarily used to make long-lasting tools with greater warranties than steel tools.

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