Hell Hounds

Everything presented is subject to change as the adventuring party discovers hidden secrets.

Basic Information


Hell Hounds are canine creatures resembling large, muscular dogs. They typically have sleek, dark fur and fiery, glowing eyes. Their bodies are well-built, featuring four powerful legs, each ending in sharp claws. The skeletal structure is robust, designed for agility and strength, while their muscles are defined and adapted for swift movements and the forceful bite.

Biological Traits

Gender dimorphism includes males having thicker fur, while females may display more agility. Both genders actively participate in courtship, with the alpha pair playing a central role in breeding. Fur color varies, ranging from deep black to dark red or purple. Alpha pairs may exhibit more vibrant color patterns, reflecting their leadership status.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hell Hounds reproduce through a fiery and ritualistic process. Mated pairs engage in a dance-like display, surrounded by flames, as a form of courtship. Once the ritual is complete, the female undergoes a gestation period of about two months. During this time, she absorbs the mystical energies of Hell, enhancing the vitality of the offspring.   Hell Hounds give birth to litters of two to four pups, born in the midst of magical flames. The newborns are already imbued with the elemental essence of fire, and they quickly adapt to their surroundings. The pups reach maturity within six months, growing rapidly in both size and power.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hell Hounds exhibit an accelerated growth rate compared to mundane canines. Their stages can be outlined as follows:
  • Puppyhood (0-6 months): Rapid growth during this stage sees the pups developing basic motor skills and learning to control their innate fiery abilities. They are playful but also show signs of aggression.
  • Adolescence (6-12 months): As they approach maturity, Hell Hounds experience a growth spurt, reaching nearly full size. Their aggression intensifies, and they start developing a sense of territorial behavior.
  • Young Adult (1-2 years): This stage marks the peak of their physical prowess. Hell Hounds become proficient in using their fire breath and refining their hunting skills. They are at their most aggressive and territorial.
  • Mature Adult (2-5 years): Hell Hounds reach their prime during this period. Their size and strength stabilize, and they become skilled hunters, often leading packs in the infernal landscapes.
  • Elder (5+ years): In the latter years, Hell Hounds may experience a slight decline in physical abilities. However, their fiery essence remains potent, and some elders develop unique abilities or gain prominence as leaders of larger packs.
  • Ecology and Habitats

    Hell Hounds thrive in environments closely tied to the infernal planes. Optimal habitats include desolate, fiery landscapes, volcanic regions, and other realms with a strong connection to elemental fire. These creatures are adapted to extreme temperatures and molten terrain, utilizing their fiery nature to their advantage.   In their habitats, Hell Hounds establish hierarchical packs led by an alpha pair. They exhibit territorial behavior, fiercely guarding their chosen territory against intruders. The presence of Hell Hounds often disrupts ecosystems, as their predatory nature and fiery abilities make them apex predators in their environments.   Hell Hounds play a crucial role in maintaining balance in infernal landscapes by controlling populations of other creatures and preventing overgrowth. Their affinity for elemental fire also contributes to the unique magical properties of these regions, creating an intricate relationship between the Hell Hounds and the fiery realms they call home.

    Dietary Needs and Habits

    Hell Hounds are carnivorous predators with a preference for creatures that dwell in fiery environments. Their diet primarily consists of fire-resistant or fire-associated beings, such as elemental creatures, small demons, and other infernal entities. They also consume mundane animals that happen to inhabit their territories.   Hell Hounds are skilled hunters, using their keen senses to track prey. Their fire breath serves both as a hunting tool and a means to weaken or incapacitate their victims before the final bite. They often hunt in coordinated packs, employing strategic tactics to overpower larger or more resilient adversaries.

    Biological Cycle

    In response to seasonal changes, Hell Hounds might alter their territorial boundaries. During times of scarcity, they may expand their hunting grounds or become more aggressive in defending key resources.   During colder seasons, Hell Hounds might become slightly less active. Their metabolism adjusts to conserve energy, leading to a temporary decrease in their fiery activities.   Periodically, Hell Hounds undergo a molting phase where they shed patches of fur, renewing their coat. This process is tied to their exposure to elemental fire, and it often coincides with increased magical activity in their habitat.


    Behavior Towards Each Other: Hell Hounds exhibit a strict pack hierarchy led by an alpha pair. Subordinate members display submission through body language and defer to the leaders in decision-making. Intraspecific interactions involve grooming, mutual displays of fiery prowess, and coordinated hunting strategies to strengthen the pack.
    Behavior Towards Predators: Hell Hounds, being apex predators in their environments, typically show aggression towards potential threats. They confront predators boldly, utilizing their fiery breath and coordinated attacks to fend off challengers. The alpha pair takes a leading role in defending the pack, ensuring the safety of the territory and resources.
    Behavior Towards Prey: Hell Hounds are aggressive hunters, using a combination of speed, stealth, and fiery abilities to overpower their prey. They may employ strategic tactics when hunting larger or more formidable creatures, such as dividing into groups to flank or corner the prey.

    Additional Information

    Social Structure

    Hell Hounds form hierarchical packs with a well-defined social structure. An alpha pair, usually the strongest and most dominant individuals, leads the pack, overseeing decision-making, territory defense, and breeding. Subordinate members, often offspring or joined Hell Hounds, display submission to the alpha pair. Coordinated hunting is a key aspect, with the alpha pair taking the lead in strategic endeavors. Territorial defense is a collective effort, with the alpha pair and subordinate members actively participating in displays and confrontations to protect their territory.


    Domesticating Hell Hounds is a challenging process, requiring early exposure of pups to humanoids and positive reinforcement for desired behaviors. Building trust is crucial, involving consistent presence and patience. Caretakers gradually introduce basic training commands, mindful of the fiery instincts inherent in Hell Hounds. Socialization to diverse environments and experiences helps develop social skills and reduces potential aggression toward the unfamiliar. Despite these efforts, domestication is risky, and the primal instincts of Hell Hounds may still emerge unexpectedly. Only experienced trainers or those deeply familiar with infernal creatures should attempt such a feat.   Domesticated Hell Hounds have a slightly less aggressive posture, a more approachable facial expression, and potentially a reduction in the overall size of the creature due to a less stressful environment.   Domesticated Hell Hounds tend to exhibit a higher tolerance for the presence of humanoids, reduced aggression toward perceived threats, and an increased capacity for learning and responding to commands. Socialization efforts during domestication can also lead to improved interactions with other creatures and a decreased reliance on primal instincts. However, it's crucial to recognize that despite domestication, Hell Hounds may still retain elements of their fiery and independent nature, and unpredictable behavior can surface in certain situations. Ongoing understanding, patience, and careful management are essential to maintaining a harmonious relationship with a domesticated Hell Hound.

    Uses, Products & Exploitation

    Domesticated Hell Hounds can serve as highly effective guardians for individuals or communities. They can be employed to manage infernal landscapes by controlling populations of other creatures.   Shed fur with residual fiery patterns can be collected and used to intensify fire damage dealt from a spellcaster. Hell Hounds can be selectively bred and trained as fiery battle mounts for skilled riders or warriors.   Unscrupulous individuals exploit Hell Hounds in organized combat arenas, pitting them against other creatures for entertainment and gambling. Great care has to be shown by such individuals, as even domesticated Hell Hounds are ferocious in a fight.

    Facial characteristics

    Hell Hounds boast a menacing appearance with fiery, glowing eyes that pierce through the darkness. Their sharp teeth, particularly pronounced canines, and a fiery muzzle contribute to their fearsome, carnivorous visage. Their muzzle is surrounded by a fiery aura that intensifies when agitated or when they are preparing to unleash their signature breath attack. Pointed, alert ears swivel to detect even subtle sounds.

    Average Intelligence

    Hell Hounds possess an above-average intelligence for creatures of their kind. While not reaching human-level intellect, they exhibit cunning and problem-solving abilities. Their intelligence allows them to coordinate hunting strategies, maintain a hierarchical pack structure, and understand the dynamics of their infernal environment. It's estimated that their intelligence is comparable to that of a clever and perceptive predator, enhancing their adaptability and effectiveness in their natural habitats.

    Perception and Sensory Capabilities

    Hell Hounds possess keen sensory abilities, relying on both acute hearing and smell. Their keen hearing allows them to detect subtle sounds in their environment, while their sharp sense of smell enables them to track and identify scents. They have darkvision, allowing them to see in low-light conditions.

    Civilization and Culture

    Naming Traditions

    Hell Hounds, often associated with the infernal realms, have naming traditions that reflect their fiery and otherworldly nature. These names might draw inspiration from demonic languages, ancient infernal dialects, or symbolic elements related to fire and power.

    Major Language Groups and Dialects

    Hell Hounds have an innate understanding of Infernal, a language associated with the infernal planes. While they cannot speak Infernal themselves, they comprehend the language, allowing them to understand commands, cues, or communications given in Infernal by those who interact with them.

    Common Taboos

    Excessive aggression or disobedience towards the alpha pair is strictly taboo, as it disrupts the pack hierarchy and challenges the leaders' authority. This can potentially lead to expulsion or confrontations.   Crossing into another pack's territory without proper challenges or permissions is considered a serious taboo. This can result in territorial conflicts and jeopardize the stability of both packs.   Hell Hounds prioritize collaborative hunting efforts. Hunting alone without a valid reason, such as the need for solitary territorial patrols, is considered a breach of pack cooperation and can result in expulsion from the pack.


    The history of Hell Hounds is intertwined with the ancient tales of the infernal realms and the magical forces that shape their existence. Legends speak of their origins in the fiery landscapes, where the first Hell Hounds were born from the essence of elemental fire and demonic energy. These creatures were said to be the loyal companions of powerful infernal entities, serving as guardians and hunters in the otherworldly domains.   As the ages passed, Hell Hounds became both feared and respected in various cultures. Stories tell of adventurers and spellcasters attempting to tame or summon Hell Hounds for their purposes, often leading to tragedy. In some regions, Hell Hounds are revered as symbols of strength and guardianship, while in others, they are feared as harbingers of doom.

    Historical Figures

    A Hell Hound known for their unwavering vigilance at the borders of The Nine Hells, Blazebringer, Guardian of the Infernal Gates is said to have led their pack against an incursion of beings from the Upper Planes.   Renowned for her exceptional hunting prowess, Pyraclaw the Infernal Apex is a Hell Hound who earned a place in Hell's history as a master tracker and strategist. Tales tell of Pyraclaw single-handedly bringing down formidable prey to sustain her pack during challenging times. The boldest among the legends tell that Pyraclaw and their pack once took down a Balor, leading to Asmodeus granting her immortality.

    Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

    Hell Hounds prioritize their territories, and interactions with other species are often scrutinized based on perceived threats or encroachments. Intrusions into Hell Hound territory can lead to confrontations or territorial displays.   Hell Hounds assess other species based on their potential as either allies or threats. Cooperation may be considered if it aligns with the interests of the pack, while perceived hostility could lead to defensive or confrontational responses.   Hell Hounds may respect individuals from other species who display strong leadership qualities. They recognize and acknowledge strength, whether it comes from physical prowess, strategic acumen, or magical prowess.
    Scientific Name
    Kingdom: Infernia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
    Order: Hellhoundrales
    Family: Diabolidae
    Genus: Infernus
    Species: Ignis
    10 to 15 years
    Average Height
    Hell Hounds stand around 2.5 to 3 feet tall at the shoulder.
    Average Weight
    150 to 250 pounds
    Average Length
    6 to 8 feet
    Average Physique
    Hell Hounds typically exhibit a canine form with a sleek and powerful build. Their compact yet muscular physique contributes to their agility and speed, making them formidable predators in the infernal landscapes they inhabit. This size and form allow them to navigate the challenging terrain and execute coordinated hunting tactics within their pack structure.
    Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
    Hell Hounds exhibit a diverse range of body tints and colorations, reflecting the magical and infernal nature of their existence. Their fur can range from deep black to dark red, and some individuals may even display shades of purple. The alpha pair within a pack tend to have more vibrant or unique color patterns.   Some Hell Hounds have fiery patterns that seem to dance across their fur. These patterns often become more pronounced during moments of heightened aggression or when they utilize their fiery abilities.
    This creature follows harvesting rules. Creature specific harvesting can be found here.

    Basic Rules, pg. 139

    Hell Hound CR: 3

    Medium fiend, lawful evil
    Armor Class: 15 (natural armor)
    Hit Points: 45 7d8+14
    Speed: 50 ft


    17 +3


    12 +1


    14 +2


    6 -2


    13 +1


    6 -2

    Skills: Perception +5
    Damage Immunities: Fire
    Senses: Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 15
    Languages: Understands Infernal but can't speak it
    Challenge Rating: 3 ( 700 XP)
    Proficiency Bonus: +2

    Keen Hearing and Smell. The hound has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.   Pack Tactics. The hound has advantage on an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the hound's allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.


    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 1d8+3 piercing damage plus 7 2d6 fire damage.   Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). The hound exhales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21 6d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

    Fire-breathing fiends that take the form of powerful dogs, Hell Hounds commonly serve evil creatures that use them as guard animals and companions.   Monstrous, fire-breathing fiends that take the form of powerful dogs, hell hounds are found on the battlefields of Acheron and throughout the Lower Planes. On the Material Plane, hell hounds are most commonly seen in service to devils, fire giants, and other evil creatures that use them as guard animals and companions.   Burning Hunger. Hell hounds hunt in packs, feeding on any creature that appears edible. They avoid potentially dangerous foes in favor of targeting the weakest prey with their savage bite and fiery breath, demonstrating a relentless determination as they pursue that prey to the bitter end.   When hell hounds feed, the flesh they consume stokes the infernal fires that burn within them. When a hell hound dies, that fire consumes the creature’s remains in a billowing eruption of smoke and blazing embers, leaving nothing behind but scorched tufts of black fur.   Evil to the Core. Hell hounds are smarter than mundane beasts, and their lawful nature makes them good at following orders. However, a hell hound’s evil disposition means that the creature can’t be trained to be anything other than a ruthless killer. If a hell hound isn’t allowed to indulge its malevolent hunger, it quickly abandons or turns against its master.

    Suggested Environments

    Mountain, Underdark


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