Draelgit - Language of Earth

Xâ eteld máb ddâll draelgit? Evù ddâll rar, egra dî dâdd drálávrúnai ên tamîffril, egra ârn dî elaqitan.

So you want to learn Draelgit? You're in luck, because it's probably one of the easier languages available in Elaqitan.-

Draelgit is the language of Brictælgis and is composed of the words drárath (speak) and êlgîrti (earth). It developed from the proto-language Ddral and is now spoken by the Brictaelgica in the dialect groups Wadri, Ado, Taenwa, Tug or Raxe, which are further divided into sub dialects.

Dialects & Sub dialects

Dialect groups and subdialects of Brictaelgis by Blue Fairy 74

Ado is the oldest dialect group and developed directly from Ddral, which is why the dialect is also considered High Dralgit. Many Adoic words were brought to the west, north or east of Brictaelgis by the first settlers and developed there into their own dialects of Middle Draelgit.

Ado is the largest dialect group with six sub dialects:
1. North-Coimi
2. West-Coimi
3. East-Coimi
4. West-Ado
5. Middle-Ado
6. East-Ado
Wadri is spoken by the Night Goblins in western Brictaelgis. Many words from western Ado have flowed into Wadri and developed from it.

Wadriisch sub dialects:
7. Nhîni
8. Idrusci
9. Irwa
Taenwa is spoken by the forest goblins in the central north. Many words from middle and eastern Ado have been incorporated into Taenwa.

Taenwaish sub dialects:
10. Lari
11. North-Wotri
12. Oin-Wotri
13. Tug is spoken by the ice goblins in northern Brictaelgis. It evolved from Taenwa. Since the Tùgwluin have very few inhabitants, there are no other dialects here.
The stone goblins in the east speak Raxe. It has influences from southern Ado and northern Taenwa. In addition, some words have been borrowed from the island of Aqitalu, which borders Rax Êvari in the southeast.

Raxeish sub dialect:
14. North-Raxi
15. Evagoi


Consonants Bilab. Lab.-d. Dental Alveo. Postal. Velar
Plosiv b t d k g
Nasal m n ŋ
Vibrant r
Frikativ f θ ð s z ʃ x
Approximant w
Lateralapproxim. l

Vowals Front Back
Closed i y u
ɪ̯ ʏ̯ ʊ̯
Half closed e o
Half open œ ɔ
Open a

Places of articulation of Draelgit by Blue Fairy 74

Draelgit is a syllabic language in which the first syllable is often stressed.

Elf = ændi ['æn.di]

In some cases, vowels and consonants lead to initial sound mutations in subsequent or preceding sounds.
Writing Pronunciation Writing Pronunciation
á aʊ̯ sa, so, su ʃ
â, ê, î, ô, û long se, si, sá, sù s
ai, oi aɪ̯, ɔʏ̯ th θ at the end, otherwise t
c k ui ih
ch x ù y
dd ð v w at the beginning, otherwise f
é ay w u before consonant
h unvoiced x ks


Nouns are formed with an article and in the plural with a gender preffix. There are four cases, all of which are formed with a suffix except for the first case. The masculine and feminine gender prefixes are used only for living organisms.

more indefinite
Maskulin Feminin Neutrum
Singular the = lis ['lis] a = dâdd ['da:ð] without prefix without prefix without prefix
Plural die = lisca ['lis.ka] cl- before vowel
clâ- before consonant
it- before vowel
itru- before consonant
nâr- before vowel
nâri- before consonant
Example Father = faithu / clâfaithu
['faɪ̯.tu] / ['kla:.faɪ̯.tu]
Mother = moithá / itrumoithá
['mɔʏ̯.taʊ̯] / ['i.tru.mɔʏ̯.taʊ̯]
Port = ulwál / nârulwál
['ul.waʊ̯l] / ['na:.rul.waʊ̯l]

1. Nominativ 2. Dativ 3. Accusativ 4. Instrumental
after consonant without Suffix -ai -êgi
after vowel without Suffix -nai -sá -gi
Example House = hux ['uks]
Book = thâvrù ['ta:.fry]
huxai ['u.ksaɪ̯]
thâvrùnai ['ta:.fry.naɪ̯]
huxá ['u.ksaʊ̯]
thâvrùsá ['ta:.fry.saʊ̯]
huxêgi ['u.kse:.gi]
thâvrùgi ['ta:.fry.gi]

Compound nouns are marked by the connective "âd". The "main word" always comes second.
Suntemple = eddulan âd mirui ['e.ðu.lan 'a:d 'mi.rih] orrectly translated "Temple of the Sun"


Verbs always come before all other words. Even when verbs are conjugated, the pronoun is placed after the verb.

Person Personal
Example without time indication
1. ain ainâ than thanâ I speak: drárath ain ['draʊ̯.raθ 'aɪ̯n ]
2. ddâll ddî vain vaith you have: dronibù vain ['dro.ni.by 'waɪ̯n ]
3. nù, swi, nùth, swai, dith trâ trâch it knows: gwræ ['gu.ræ 'di:]

When negating, either the word "noiri" for none or "noi" for no or not is placed between the verb and pronoun/subject.

I do not / no speak = drárath noi / noiri ain ['draʊ̯.raθ 'nɔʏ̯ / 'nɔʏ̯.ri 'aɪ̯n ]

In the original language there are only the simple present, past and future tenses, which are marked by a prefix. The verb is always marked with a tense prefix. The example above without a time indication was only shown for reasons of simplification, but is not used in everyday language.

Prefix Active Passive Example
Present es- before vowel
e- before consonant
osa- [oʃ-] I speak: edrárath ain ['e.draʊ̯.raθ 'aɪ̯n ]
... is spoken: osadrárath ... ['oʃ.draʊ̯.raθ]
Past w- before vowel
w- (=u) before consonant
wim- before vowel
wi- before consonant
I spoke: wdrárath ain ['u.draʊ̯.raθ 'aɪ̯n ]
... was spoken: widrárath ... ['wi.draʊ̯.raθ]
Future ic-before vowel
icu- before consonant
ict- before vowel
ictu- before consonant
I will speak: icudrárath ain ['i.ku.draʊ̯.raθ 'aɪ̯n ]
... will be spoken: ictudrárath ... ['ic.tu.draʊ̯.raθ]


Adjectives in word groups or sentences always appear after the verb or noun that they specify and are introduced by the connective word "ên".

a small reptile = dâdd tomthi ên xeth ['da:ð 'tom.ti 'e:n 'kseθ]

to see bad = axæs ên hágsom ['a.ksæs 'e:n 'aʊ̯g.som]

  Adjectives are increased with the prefixes ta- 1st degree or tari- 2nd degree.

Without ingrease: tall = toiánn ['tɔʏ̯.aʊ̯nn]
1st degree: taller = tatoiánn ['ta.tɔʏ̯.aʊ̯nn]
2nd degree: tallest = taritoiánn ['ta.ri.tɔʏ̯.aʊ̯nn]


Adjective --> Noun -ci bright / brightness = îvril / îvrilci ['i:.fril / 'i:.fril.ki]
Adjective --> Verb -is dry / desiccate = grùldoith / grùldoithis ['gryl.dɔʏ̯θ / 'gryl.dɔʏ̯.tis]
Noun --> Adjective -ld after vowel
-ild after consonant
hill / hilly = îdrâ / îdrâld ['i:.dra: / 'i:.dra:ld]
Noun --> Verb -li after vowel
-áli after consonant
love / to love = lùmthux / lùmthuxáli ['lym.tuks / 'lym.tuks.aʊ̯.li]
Verb --> Adjective -nd after vowel
-œnd after consonant
enchant / witchy = néx / néxœnd ['nay.ks / 'nay.ksœnd]
Verb --> Noun (action of the verb) -vrú after vowel
-ávrú after consonant
to crown / coronation = conùdga / conùdgavrú ['ko.nyd.ga / 'ko.nyd.ga.fry]
Verb --> Noun (living creature that carries out the verb) -ro/ri after vowel distinction m/w
-ero/eri after vowel distinction m/w
think / thinker = vûxa / vûxaro ['wy.ksa / 'wy.ksa.ro]

Formation of sentences & questions

The sentences are formed in predicate-subject-object-order (VSO).
I speak the language of earth. = Edrárath ain lis drælgit. ['E.draʊ̯.raθ 'aɪ̯n 'lis 'dræl.git.]
  W-questions are introduced with question words before the verb.
What is your name? = Tux esagi ddâll? ['Tuks 'e.sa.gi 'ða:ll ?]
  Yes/No questions are introduced by the word "Xâ" before the verb.
Are you sleeping? = esùbroth ddâll ? ['Ksa: 'e.sy.broθ 'ða:ll ?]

Basic dictionary

A sorted list of some important words to help you form simple first sentences. Most of the words can of course also be found in the dictionary. For reasons of simplicity, spoken language was omitted.


I, my - ain, ainâ
you, your - ddâll, ddî
he, she, it - nù, swi, dî
we, our - than, thanâ


be - brigu
become - drálwaw
can - hæ
do - lu
give - othta
have - dronibù
have to - stroi
say - cra

earth - êlgîrti
food - erlá
forest - wôtri
house - hux
man - swîredu
village - oscî
water - âninhí
woman - fruwi

one - éb
two - swurt
three - drith
four - oscat
five - frax

Question words

Who - tix
What - tax
Where - tex
How - tux

the (sing.)/(plur.) - lis /lisca
a - dâdd
some - scô
much - êrîra
and - ên

Here you can find some translations of how the goblins refer to certain things such as places, foods or other things. Articles have been linked where available.


Âdocôris - realm of the goblins
Ânigox - water of magic (sea)


Brictælgis - fertile earth (continent)


Drûddâci - Greenlings (mountains)
Drûgael - sting
Drùntuim ad Smê - changing year calendar


Edifîngâ - Jar of Wisdom (library)
Enaduin - Moss giant (mountain)
Esladrùs - cold bay
Êvâgox - east magic (city)


Gwâpragg - mountain shadow (species)


Îdrusci - turquoise village
Îrwadri - blue mountains
Îrwu Cogoin - blue king (highest mountain)
Îrwuntra - blue river
Ivrâ ad Êsca - Northern Lights


Lâris - flowing leaflet (river)
Lomlâruins - leaf city
Lwgoxinâ - magic mushroom


Mirâni - sun water (sea)


Náhas ad Midri - Moon Soup
Nârinhinûcoi - night stone (mountains)
Nhin - night (river)


Oinâni - snow water (sea)
Oininhi ad Îdrucoi - lake of turquoise stone


Prigg-Thâgi - fruit of victory (city)


Râx Êvâri - Land of the East


Swîdru - turquoise river
Swùndrûdd - river of green


Taen Wôtris - silent forest (country)
Thoininhi - lake of life
Thointris - life that flows (river)
Tirvox ad Coimi - Stone Crown (city)
Toiánính ad Midri - moon sea
Tùgwlduin - Ice Giants (mountains)


Ùlvugox - Magic Mushroom Meadows


Wadrîvi - mountainous land (country)
The approximately 250 most important words.

Important phrases from everyday life

Green leaf as a greeting - lâru ên drûddâ draevrù
Green leaf / Good mushroom on all your ways - lâru ên drûddâ / gox ên tratoth ddî tair cùc
Greetings stranger - edrae ain sânaci drui rùn
Welcome - gwenild sîrddai
Goodbye - tair swângavrù
Please - uc
Thanks - hoi
How are you? - Tux ebrigu ddî?
How do I get to …? - Tux eloc dri ain ...?
How much is it? - Tuxîra engae lis?
How much is it? - Tux esagi ddâll?
Where do you come from? - Tex eloc ta ddâll?
Cheers - saîd ên tratoth
Bon appetit - hal ên tratoth
Idioms & Mottos

At Êlgista's roots! - Êlgistanai coid nâritaith!
Strong roots, strong people - taith ên idra, cvàl ên idris
A mushroom's honor - scâr lîn aed gox
Bloom in the heart - tintha ûx gwên
Strong and unbroken - idris ên frél
An old tree no longer bends - osavaeld noi dith dâdd lômlâræ ên tùr



In response to Tillerz's unofficial challenge

Cover image: Communication of earth's element by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Jun 21, 2024 17:16 by CoolG

Love it!!! The various dialects and details on how to pronounce words and the structure of sentences...superb!!!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jun 23, 2024 16:41

Thank you so so much, I really appriciate it.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 21, 2024 22:55

Oh i love this! This is so cool, I like to see that your hard work bears fruit!

You wanna see what we did for the last events? Go, click here: Eddies Major Events
Jun 23, 2024 16:43

Aww this means a lot to me - but your dwarven dictionary was such a great inspiration for creating this. Thank you so much.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 22, 2024 00:12 by C. B. Ash

Oh, this is fantastic!! I love languages but here with dialects? Oh nice!

Jun 23, 2024 17:17

Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I hope to be able to expand on the dialects later with a few examples. The interesting thing about dialects is that (unfortunately) they tell others very well which region you come from if you don't speak perfect standard German or English and know the different dialects of a language. It could be particularly interesting when writing and could lead to funny moments if people not only use different word ranges or tones of voice but also different dialects.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 24, 2024 14:14

Super ausgearbeitete Sprache!
Gefällt mir richtig gut!
Drei kleine Punkte die mir aufgefallen sind:
1. Unter Gramma / "Nouns" hast du im Plural noch das deutsche "die" anstelle des englischen "the" stehen 2. Unter Basic Dictionary / "250 Important words" hast du für ændî / ændu noch jeweils das deutsche "elfe" anstelle des englischen "elf" stehen. 3. (nur ein Vorschlag) Ebenfalls die Wortliste - ist leider etwas nervig zu navigieren da 250 Einträge untereinander stehen während links alles leer ist. Wäre hier vielleicht denlkbar das in eine 3 oder 4 Spalten Liste über die ganze Breite auszuführen?

Have a look at my entries for:
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Jun 24, 2024 16:22

Vielen Dank, dass Du die Fehler gefunden hast und Dir die Sprache gefällt. Der BBCode für diesen Artikel ist die Hölle und ich hatte schon befürchtet, dass ich bei der Übersetzung ins Englische ein paar Wörter übersehen habe. Mit dem Wörterbuch bin ich auch nicht ganz zufrieden, aber man muss eine CSV-Datei einlesen und dann wird daraus ein BBCode-Schnipsel wie bei Bildern oder Karten erstellt. Ich glaube nicht, dass man daraus verschiedenen Spalten erzeugen kann, da ich die Wörter in der Browser-Ansicht bearbeiten kann und das ins Wörterbuch zurückgeschrieben wird. Man könnte auch später noch Wörter hinzufügen, ich denke aber, dass auch daraus keine extra Wörterlisten erzeugt werden. Müsste ich (irgendwann) mal testen. Ich hätte auch gern eine English-Draelgische Variante erzeugt, da das für mich mehr Sinn machen würde, anstatt umgedreht. Aber das geht leider auch nicht, da für die CSV-Datei die Reihenfolge exakt eingehalten werden muss. Deshalb habe ich einige wichtige Wörter noch mal in die linke Seite gepackt, damit vielleicht doch jemand versucht, meine Sprache sprechen zu wollen ;-).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 26, 2024 15:04

Gwræ ain, gwræ ain, cùwidi drálath draran brigu noi (leicht)!
Ständig fehlen einem die Worte! - kenne ich ja von meiern Elfensprache.
Bei dir bekommt man aber ein schönes Gefühl dafür wie die Goblins klingen ^^

Für das Wörterbich hab ich alelrdings tatsächlich einfach die WA Funktion genutzt - macht es einfacher die Worte wieder zu finden ^^"

Have a look at my entries for:
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Jun 26, 2024 15:56

Wohoo, vielen herzlichen Dank und wirklich großes Lob, dass Du Dir die Mühe gemacht und einen Versuch unternommen hast. Ich verstehe, was Du sagen wolltest: ich würde es so übersetzen. Egwrae ain, egwrae ain, ebrigu ên îffril noi di, ecùwidi lis draran. (e vor den Verben steht für Präsens, da die Kobolde keine Verben ohne Zeitform verwenden, leicht heißt îffril und hatte im Wörterbuch gefehlt.)   Wahrscheinlich würde sich aber jeder Linguist über unsere Versuche einen halbwegs anständigen Satz mit der Grammatik zustande zu bringen, gerade krumm und schief lachen. Sollte der Roman doch irgendwann mal verfilmt werden (träumen darf man ja), wird ein pofessioneller Linguist noch mal ran müssen und es hoffentlich verbessern ;-).   Es gibt eine einfache WA-Funktion? Wenn Du mal Zeit hast, würde ich gern mehr darüber erfahren.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 27, 2024 14:18

This is so cool! I love all the details about the different dialects and the relationship between them!

Jun 27, 2024 15:40

Thank you very much, I'm glad you like it. Dialects make a language even more lively, even if it would of course take a lot of work to develop them as well. When developing it, I took into account that my national language once developed from the languages ​​of the many Germanic tribes and that there are now almost 30 dialects in Germany. I'm sure it's similar in other countries, so why not take that into account when building the world?

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jun 29, 2024 11:12 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

A mushroom's honour! <3   I love all the different dialects, it makes the world seem so rich and full of history. <3

Jun 29, 2024 12:23

Thank you <3

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.