Fire Labyrinth and Academy of Fire Magic

Jilele Sibanda stood at the foot of the stairs to the "Wise Flame" and greeted the newcomers. Congratulations, you have all passed the first two exams and I warmly welcome you to our Academy of Fire Magic.

The Academy of Fire Magic is located in Olayangi on Layida, near the capital Zimuniya. It is the most important institution for Layid women to learn how to use fire magic and to be accepted into the ranks of the Layini once they have passed the Spark symbiosis.

The current area was designed around 500 AEC by the Layid architect Ntando Masilela and built in the Ayubid Classical style. The campus includes ten buildings, all protected by a labyrinth. Around 800 students and 500 employees live here.   Before you are granted access to the academy, you have to overcome two barriers - the "vanishing gate" as the entrance to the fire labyrinth and of course the labyrinth itself. To this day, these two protective shields not only make things difficult for unwanted intruders. But if you want to become a good fire magic sorceress or work here, you have to pass these barriers as your first tests.

At a glance

Location: Zimuniya, Olayangi
Built: approx. 500 AEC
Architect: Ntando Masilela
Architectural style: Ayubid Classic
Number of buildings: 10 and additional protection through fire maze
Important rooms: Ceremonial hall, laboratories, library
Leadership: Priestesses of the Safambi Order


The “vanishing” gate

Access to the labyrinth is only possible via one of the various entrances to the "vanishing gate", all of which are marked by a paved path. The small complex can also be recognized by a pentagonal gatehouse. The gate itself is made of Ulaynjibi, a fire-resistant metal. It was forged by Ademola Kalunda, who drove flames and native plants into the metal.

Vanishing Gate by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage

The "vanishing gate" can only be found if you stand in the right place depending on the weather, time of day, position of the sun and stars and the season, as it constantly changes location. It can sometimes take days for the gate to appear. You shouldn't just overlook them either, because their appearance often changes. Thirdly, you need the right saying, which also varies depending on the position.   Normally, envoys and new students of the school receive an invitation to enter that reveals the exact entrance and the associated saying. Of course, this means being in the right place at the right time. Which unfortunately not everyone can do. In the large library of the holy temple of Aqitalú there are a handful of fragments of old maps that list all the entrances and their solutions like puzzle pieces. However, these cards must not fall into the wrong hands, which is why borrowing or making copies is strictly prohibited.


The fire maze

Once the eleven or envoys have found the entrance and been able to enter, they still have to go through the fire labyrinth. This consists of walls about half a meter thick. Small nozzles are attached to the upper ledges of the wall, from which the walls are regularly sprayed with a light layer of jala. When the gas reacts with real flames that blaze upwards from the bottom edge of the wall, the walls release a hot mass that causes severe hallucinations when touched and also acts like an adhesive. The more you try to get rid of the glue, the worse it gets.   Sure, Layikani doesn't really mind the bit of heat, but they can't do anything about the hallucinations, which only go away after a few days. But if a non-Layikani is sent here, some precautions must of course be taken in order to survive the labyrinth unscathed.   Only after years of studying at the Academy of Fire Magic can one easily move through the labyrinth without the risk of suffering burns or hallucinations.

Fire Labyrinth and School of Fire Magic by Blue Fairy 74 via Inkarnate


The Academy of Fire Magic

Wise Flame - Academy of Fire Magic by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

If the second test is also passed, one is granted access to the academy, which is under the direction of the priestesses of the Safambi order. The property consists of the academy building, some farm buildings and accommodation for the priestesses, eleven, employees and guests. All buildings have flat roofs from which the area can be clearly seen.   The academy, also known as the “Wise Flame,” features a large golden domed roof. Four domed towers on the sides of the building and a spacious external staircase indicate that it is the heart of the complex. The ceremonial hall is also located here, where the final examination of the Spark symbiosis takes place every year. In addition to various laboratories for the application and study of fire magic, the academy also houses a huge library that could only be compared to that in the Holy Temple of Aqitalú and makes every Lextari's heart beat faster. Between the buildings, fountains and a small park with native plants invite you to linger.

Cover image: Buildings of fire by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Sep 9, 2024 10:11 by CoolG

I love the descriptions of the school and tests one must take to even enter it!

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Sep 14, 2024 15:34 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the idea of having to pass tests to even get into the school in the first place. The thought of the hot glue stuff makes my skin uncomfortable. :)