From the depths of the sea

On the day our long-awaited hopes were fulfilled, we found ourselves in a cave hidden deep among the ice giants on Brictaelgis. After about an hour of walking, we reached a shipyard that housed a huge ship. It was closed all around, but thick portholes were supposed to allow a view of the outside. I saw how many more people, as well as numerous animals, plants and boxes, were loaded into the giant's hull. Was I scared? Well, no one knew what to expect.   In the evening we were greeted by the captain of the ship, who stood in the middle of our ranks and said: "Now friends, our revenge has come. After this day we will build for ourselves a world without magic." The crowd clapped and cheered until the ship began to rock slightly. Through the portholes we could see that the bright bluish light of the ice was slowly turning dark and creatures from the Arctic Ocean were swimming past us. The boat started moving and left the cave. We looked at the world of the Arctic Ocean around us in amazement, without knowing what horrors were taking place on the coasts, on land and in the cities. But maybe we didn't even want to know.

Mirror Rebel, 2,800 BEC Records of the Guild of Enki in Naharin-

Calm before the storm by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney


The most devastating catastrophe ever to occur on Elaqitan emerged without warning from the depths of the sea in 2,800 BEC and wiped out entire areas of land. Mirror Rebels had developed a weapon over the last ten years prior to the event and installed it on many of the world's Mirror Gates.

The "Harp of Wrath" set off a chain reaction that swallowed the waters of the deep sea, flooding the Mirror cloud paths and catching the Elaqitanians completely unawares in their daily business as the portals opened like floodgates of hell, spewing waves of destruction.

We were standing on the street when a roar and noise shook the buildings around us. In the distance we heard a rush, as if we were standing next to a raging river that we couldn't overcome. We ran back into the house and climbed onto the roof to see what was going on.

A terror came over us and we stared rooted to the spot at the threat. A huge wave tormented itself through the narrow streets like a water dragon gone wild. The flood tore down everything in its path. I yelled at my children and wife to get into our little airship immediately. We were scared to death. Somehow I managed to release the anchor and we flew up. More and more small boats, balloons and ferries sought escape upwards. But among us, we all had to watch as our houses disappeared in the floods.
Surviving Téshàni -


Impacts on the individual continents


Where the portal to the deep sea once swallowed the huge masses of water, the huge abyss of the Dragon's Throat is still a reminder of the catastrophe. Since the former portal imploded due to the masses of water and its magic caused a raging whirlpool on the ocean floor, the abyss could never be filled again. The whirlpool still exists today and not only all the falling waterfalls are drawn into it and released again in the whirlpool mountains.   The smaller Elaqitan islands had the fewest portals and were therefore the least destroyed. According to legend, the water here only retreated far into the sea and only rose again after days, with all sorts of destroyed and decaying things washing up and piling up into meter-high towers.

Many fairy-elves from the Air Continent were able to take refuge in flying vehicles on the islands or the plateaus in the clouds, while the lower cities and jungles were razed to the ground.


The Continent of Fire, Layida, was hit worst. The inrushing water flooded the lava flows in many places, resulting in rising hot and toxic gases that turned most of the continent into a sauna.   The water masses caused the largest volcanic eruption in the history of Layida in the once volcanoes of Walkala and led to the division of the south-eastern continent, creating the Sea of Fire and the island of Wajali.

Dragon's Lair by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
World tree defies the flood by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
Security in the clouds by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
Black Smoke by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney

The Island of the Elements was home to the largest gate and this was one of the last to be closed and one of the first to be opened. After the flood, nothing was left except the world tree, which lost all of its leaves due to the force of the water and took years to bloom again.

Flooded portals on Brictaelgis turned many meadows into avalanches of mud, carrying with them the uprooted trees of the forests. Survivors fled to the higher elevations of the continent's three mountain ranges. It took centuries for nature to return to the green diversity it had before the catastrophe.

On Idaka, only the largest cities, where most of the Homo Elaqitanii lived, were overwhelmed by the flood. The Mirror Rebels did not want to inflict more harm on their non-magical compatriots and mainly wanted to take revenge on those who actually caused the catastrophe.

How many Elaqitanians died as a result of the catastrophe and its consequences cannot be quantified, but the flood left its mark like a watermark on the memories of the survivors. For many decades, the survivors suffered the consequences and the world came to a standstill everywhere.

Many of those who survived the catastrophe in the arks and conquered a new world in Naharin were unable to live with the guilt they had incurred or fell into severe depression. However, those who celebrated their revenge later tried everything to cover up their involvement and, years later, lead many survivors to the promised land of their new home without magic.

Cover image: Elaqitanian Catastrophies by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Jul 7, 2024 19:50 by CoolG

Such destruction... it's almost unfathomable...

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jul 14, 2024 06:01

That's true - thank you for sharing your dismay.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Jul 8, 2024 12:00 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Horrifying that this was planned out by people. I'm not surprised some found it hard to live with the guilt. I like how you described how different places were impacted.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 14, 2024 05:59

Thank you - Planned? Yes, they wanted to wipe out the magicals, but I'm not sure they even remotely imagined the full impact.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 7, 2024 00:41 by Secere Laetes

Puh, ich hoffe, es ist nicht schlimm, wenn ich diesen Artikel auch als „Sammelkommentar“ missbrauche. Aber er ist eben auch technisch der Endpunkt der Reise, die mit den Toren begann. Donnerwetter, haben die einiges ausgelöst, erst nur auf Menschenseite, dann generell. Schön finde ich, dass man mit diesen ganzen bildreich und eindrucksvoll ausgestalteten Schlachten wirklich einer Geschichte folgen kann, die eben eigentlich mit den Spiegeltoren startet und dann über die Homo Elaqitanii zu der Schlacht zwischen den Menschen und den Homo Elaqitanii führt (hm, wenn ich so drüber nachdenke, vielleicht wäre bei den Homo Elaqitanii eine Verlinkung zum Krieg gut – dann hätte ich im Kommentar zu dem Artikel auch nicht so viele Fragen gehabt ^^). Sehr cool war auch, dass die Menschen dann mit ihrem technischen Können und Raffinesse richtig rebellisch zurückschlugen. Klar, sie haben sicherlich nicht gewusst, dass die Folgen so katastrophal sind, allerhöchstens die wenigsten, aber wenn man denkt, dass das einfach nicht bekannt war, kann man ihnen dann diese Aktion mit der Kettenreaktion verdenken? Den Abschlussartikel finde ich dann sehr gelungen, weil er zum einen Einzelschicksale zeigt und zum anderen einen tollen Überblick über die Folgen für die ganze Welt liefert. Der arme Weltenbaum. Aber er hat überlebt. Und zum Schluss linkt der Artikel noch zu Naharin ^^. Abgesehen von der technischen Frage, wie du die Einzelartikel unten verlinkt hast, wenn doch die Artikel in Kategorien sind, denke ich (das ist ja echt praktisch), wollte ich noch kurz sagen, dass ich mich schlussendlich für diesen Artikel für meine Reading Challenge entschieden habe. Ich fand den Story-Entwicklungspfad einfach zu gut.

Aug 7, 2024 17:02

Ganz herzlichen und großartigsten Dank dafür, dass Du Dich auf diese Lesereise begeben und auch Artikel aus dem letzten SC mit einbezogen hast. Vielleicht geht die Reise im nächsten Jahr weiter. Es macht Spaß, wenn Artikel so Stück für Stück nacheinander aufbauen und außerhalb des eigentlichen Projekts eine Geschichte erzählen. Die Verlinkung bei den Homo Elaqitanii oder bei ihrem Artikel zur Kultur werde ich sicherlich mit einfügen.   Naharin habe ich über einen Weltenblock eingefügt und die Verlinkung von Einzelartikeln nutze ich sehr gern, wenn Artikel nacheinander aufbauen. Leider kann es auch mal passieren, dass man einem Pfad folgt, der dann nicht mehr vor- oder rückwärts führt. Aber auf die Homepage kommt ja man ja immer wieder zurück.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 10, 2024 20:44 by Racussa

Die detailierte Beschreibung, wie der Verlust bzw. der Einbruch der Wassermassen die einzelnen Gebiete beeinflusst, fasziniert mich. Auch die 'Rücksichtnahme' der Verursacher auf ihre unmagischen Mitstreiter zeigt bei allem Terror eine sehr grausame und zugleich zielgerichtete Planung und Durchführung. Spannend wäre auch, was mit allen Wasserlebewesen durch diese Teleportation geschehen ist.

The world is not enough.
Aug 11, 2024 07:32

Vielen Dank - als ich darüber nachdachte, wie zerstörerisch Wasser sein kann und es ja der eigentliche Ursprung der größten biblischen Katastrophe der Menschheit ist, wäre es unglaubwürdig gewesen, nicht die Auswirkungen auf die anderen Kontinente zu beschreiben - über die Auswirkungen auf die Wasserlebewesen muss ich allerdings noch einmal gründlich nachdenken. Herzlichsten Dank für den Hinweis ;).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 25, 2024 03:09 by Ademal

What happened to those who carried out such terrorism? Were they ever held accountable en masse, or were they lost amid the chaos? How were the gates closed -- or does that water now flow forever from those positions, pushed out by the pressure of the depths they come from?

CSS Whisperer • Community Admin • Author of Ethnis
Aug 25, 2024 06:58

Thank you for your questions, which I am happy to answer even though most of them can be found in the text of the article: 1. During the chain reaction, a gate to the earthly world opened (how and where, I don't know yet) and most of the arks found their way through and founded Naharin (better known as Mesopotamia) there.   2. If you mean that some of the surviving rebels developed feelings of guilt and took their own lives, then yes. There were also rebels who stayed behind in the Tugwlduin, but I doubt whether they were actually held accountable, as the survivors certainly had other problems. Perhaps it could be that years or centuries later, someone found out who was responsible. But whether this led to retaliation, I cannot currently say. However, some descendants of the rebels live side by side with frost goblins in the Tugwlduin today, so I assume that they were "forgiven".   3. Yes and no - at the point where the underwater portal imploded, the Dragon's Throat was created, which forms a symbiosis with the Swirl Mountains. This means that everything that is swallowed by the Throat is spat out again in the Swirl Mountains. However, the water volume is no longer as high as during the Great Flood.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 30, 2024 00:21 by Kwyn Marie

This reminded me a bit of when Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast here in the US. I had a lot of friends in New Orleans, and many of them lost their homes/apartments in the subsequent flooding. One said she had nightmares about it for years afterwards. It's a traumatic thing, a flood, and I can see the survivors in your world spending the rest of their lives in depression and fear.

Sep 3, 2024 17:05

I'm so sorry to hear that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me. Unfortunately, as writers, we often forget what happens to the victims who survive such disasters and continue to struggle with the trauma years afterward. Thank you for reminding me of that.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 3, 2024 09:37

Immer wieder schön wie du unseren irdischen Mythen eine Ursache aus Elaqitan verpasst, es macht einfach freude das zu lesen, ok der Tot von aber Tausenden Elaqitani und vermutlich Naharin ist natürlich nicht "schön" aber der Artikel schon ^^

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-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
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Sep 3, 2024 17:08

1.000 Dank für Deinen lieben Kommentar, das bdeutet mir wirklich sehr viel.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 8, 2024 13:52

I do believe there was once a great flood which covered our world. Probably caused by a rapid pole shift. Think of all the waters of the ocean sloshing around and Alaska being down South and Argentina being up North in one fell swoop. What a beautiful world you've created and what a poignant story. I hope you make a series of book on this one day. Your illustrations are quite beautiful and so poignant. Some scary of course. Well done!

Sep 23, 2024 17:52

Thank you very much for your kind comment. I really hope that the project will be good enough to be published as a book (or series).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.