Homo Elaqitanii - Elementary human

This article addresses topics such as physical violence, slavery & abortion.
Please do not read if you are sensitive to this!

Moritz was confused. "People can't do magic. Everything can be explained by science. Even magicians like the great Houdini use physics or chemistry to perform their tricks. Every child knows that!" Moritz discussed with the book dragon, who listened to everything with a bored expression. Then Wendelin put his thin little arms on his sides and twitched his wings briefly: "Maybe in your world, not in mine!".

Conversation between Moritz Bokelberg and Wendelin Ambrosius zu Bücherfelde -

It was never intended by the four primordial gods that humans could use elemental magic like the rest of the Elaqitanians. Their continent of Idaka was not connected to the Aqi Talúsix, which is why no further element could develop here.   When the first Mirror Gates were erected on Idaka in the mid-3rd millennium BEC and people came into contact with the remaining inhabitants of Elaqitan, they discovered that magic existed. Their envy of the elemental powers grew and led to the development of Homo Elaqitanii - the elemental human.


  • 3,432 BEC Installation of first mirror gates on Idaka
  • 3,418 BEC Start of research into obtaining elemental powers
  • 3,381 BEC Research related to births and selection
  • 3,361 BEC Creation of elemental homes
  • 3,357 BEC Founding of the "League of the Golden Grain"
  • 3,262 BEC Discovery of the Anunna Helix
  • 3,211 BEC Transfer of goblin genes into the Anunna helix of a human
  • 3,200 BEC 1st known use of elemental powers by humans
  • 3,178 BEC Aruru Sha is officially referred to as the first Homo Elaqitanii


The creation

Around 250 years passed before Aruru Sha could be officially named the first Homo Elaqitanii. During these years (forced) pregnancies, research and genetic selection were performed in secret laboratories.   There were two approaches to creating Homo Elaqitanii. The simpler method was thought to be through conception and pregnancy, which could hardly be avoided since the mirror gates introduced a mixing of cultures.   The scientific option was to study the Elaqitanians through experiments to extract their powers. Humans have always been accustomed to finding ways to develop new technologies, and they were largely superior to the rest of the Elaqitanians when it came to technological advancement.
"... The easiest way for a woman to become an Elemental is to get herself impregnated by an Elaqitan.
There have already been some women who acquired the predisposition to magic of the embryo through pregnancy. Further studies on female prisoners have shown that fetuses that died in the body from the sap of the golden leaf tree secreted their remaining magical abilities into the female body. The dead fetus is rejected with the next bleeding through hellish pain that is 50 times stronger than a woman's contractions. ..."

Excerpt from "Human Magic for Beginners"-

When the first eyewitness reports of half-magical children and their mothers with rudimentary elemental powers emerged, many investors did not want to wait ages for research results that would ultimately lead to a dead end.


Of the Idangi mixing with Elementals

In general, pregnancies with magically gifted fetuses are not safe for expectant human mothers, even though most humanoid Elementals must first go through an initiation rite to fully utilize their element. During the embryonic stage, each element facilitates the production of hormones in the Elementals body - to which the human body can react with anaphylactic shock. Many women either died during pregnancy within the first three months or during childbirth. The mothers who survived childbirth, developed simple magical abilities in most cases, such as Elementals in their childhood.   However, pregnancies between humans and Elaqitans created out of love or voluntarily were no longer sufficient for further studies. Investors hired more and more slave traders to capture human females and scientists to further their research. How many women were taken to secret places or dungeons to give birth to one or more half-Elaqitans is not known. There are also no records (anymore) of how many half-magicals reached adulthood or were killed after birth.
Hope for magic by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage
Meskalam sat on a divan in the "House of Colorful Sweets" and waited for his order, which was served to him by the lady of the house Nisaba.
"Sir, here we have Kiania and Nirmal to choose from." Nisaba pointed to a dark-skinned, tall Layikani and a slightly pink-skinned, petite Sapashi with wings.
“If they just want to enjoy each other’s company, that’s 150 Thesu for everyone. If they plant their seed in it and produce a hybrid, it will cost them 580 Thesu. I'm sure you understand that I need to cover some expenses to get rid of the bastards!"
Meskalam nodded, paid and went with both of them to one of the rooms.
During a visit to a brothel for elementary sensual pleasures -

Naturally, after scientists discovered that women who suffered abortions developed higher indicators of magical abilities than those who survived childbirth, there were further experiments with women exposed to different elements in this way. However, since the first killing in the womb and subsequent stillbirth causes pain 50 times greater than during a normal birth, many women died in terrible agony during such subsequent births. Very few women survived giving birth to a stillborn infant and one or two additional live births.   In contrast to pregnancies between human women and Elementals, it was easier for men to father children with elemental mothers because the elemental hormones were already present in the woman's body to survive a pregnancy without complications. Of course, some donors saw it as their job to produce as many half-magicals as possible in order to at least provide for future generations. Many children were separated from their mothers after birth and housed and raised in so-called elementary homes.   Around 3,375 BEC, the "League of the Golden Grain" was founded, which monitored the half-Elaqitans in the homes and regulated births between half-magicals and humans for later generations. The organization was financed by rich Idacans, who themselves contributed to the genepool or later married their sons and daughters to half-magicals.


Exchange of gene sequences

About 100 years after the first "breeding programs" of the humanoid species, scientists realized that their assumptions about the inheritance of elemental powers did not work in the same way and that all offspring only developed full powers in very rare cases or not at all like pure elementals. Therefore, most scientists abandoned “natural” genetic breeding and increasingly focused on studying the genes of individual elementals. The recordings from the experiments made in the early days as well as the discovery of the Anunna helix 3,262 BEC by Elish Madara helped them here.   After another 50 years of intensive research, genes from Âdocôdix were successfully transferred into the Anunna helix for the first time, which carried the information for earth magic, and inserted into the cell nucleus of a human egg cell. The first child born with earth magic genes died in infancy from Idacian Mist Fever. Later children barely reached adulthood to fully develop their powers.

It wasn't until 3,200 BEC that children born this way were able to use their powers for the first time. In order not to endanger the further development of the new elementary human being, these children were strictly guarded by the "League of the Golden Grain" and forced to produce offspring among themselves. The first child from such a union was Aruru Sha, who was declared the first official Homo Elaqitanii when she was around 17 years old in 3,178 BEC.
Elish Madara discovering the Anunna-Helix by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney


Difference from ordinary humans

Since the scientists only "cut out" the sequences responsible for magic from the elemental genes and "glued" them together with human genes, Homo Elaqitanii are almost indistinguishable from normal humans. This meant that they were later able to infiltrate the people and gradually expand their power.   While not using magic Elementals only show different shades of brown eyes. This changes with the use of magic and shows which elements they are able to control. Eye color develops with the first uses of their magical talent. Over the thousands of years of their existence and through procreation among themselves, some were no longer limited to wield just one element, further accelerating their rise to Idaka's elite.

Cover image: Humans of Idaka by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


Author's Notes

Dear readers,
this article, although already very wordy, is still a work in progress. I plan to add more differences from "normal" people once I'm clear on this. Thank you for your patience.

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Jul 23, 2024 00:42 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Well, that was slightly horrifying but also really interesting. Those poor human women - and the poor elemental women who got their babies taken away. I'm kind of glad this all happened a long time ago.   Great article - looking forward to seeing it updated.

Jul 24, 2024 08:07

Thank you so much, it is an really important species for the story, so I hope that they have still developed other interesting skills that distinguish them from ordinary humans.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 4, 2024 19:09 by Secere Laetes

Ein wirklich schön aufgebauter Artikel. Ich finde es super, wie du etwa die Jahreszahlen noch mal „entspannt“ hast, in dem du eine Timeline eingebaut hast – das wäre bei meinen Lexika-Artikel echt auch mall was für mich. Werfe ja auch gerne mit Jahreszahlen um mich. Aber insgesamt finde ich den Aufbau sehr schön. Deine Quotes haben irgendwie den Charakter von liebevoll ausgearbeiteten Notizen, also denen, die man auf schönes Papier schreibt, um sie aufzubewahren. Die Abstände fand ich auch gut gewählt. Auf (nahezu?) weiß wirkt das echt hübsch.   Zum Inhalt: Schwierig, denn ich mag so was eh. Wobei mir zu den (menschlichen und elementaren) Frauen auch die armen Kinder leid taten, wenn die da anfänglich so früh starben, so weggesperrt wurden und dann auch weiter diese Spezies aufbauen sollten. Die Armen. Allerdings hätte ich wirklich gerne mehr erfahren. Ich meine, der Artikel beinhaltet vor allem die Entstehung der Spezies. Anscheinend ist in der Zwischenzeit ziemlich viel passiert, wenn du schon schreibst, dass die Menschen infiltriert wurden und so. Da hätte es mich echt interessiert, wie sie entkommen und das dann passieren konnte. Oder wie sie sich so verhalten, etc., ähnlich wie bei einer Ethnie. Andererseits wäre der Artikel dann natürlich zu lang geworden. Generell und erst recht für SC. In dem Sinne hoffe ich auf weitere Artikel zu den Homo Elaqitanii ^^.

Aug 4, 2024 20:14

Vielen herzlichen Dank, für den lieben ausführlichen Kommentar für das Layout und den Inhalt. Ich freu mich immer sehr, wenn Lesern meine simplen Änderungen am ursprünglichen Template gefallen.   Ich werde den Spezies-Artikel auf alle Fälle noch erweitern, wenn ich mehr über sie herausgefunden habe. Und ja, es wird sicherlich interessant, ihre Geschichte und Ethnie kennen zu lernen. Es könnte sein, dass die "Liga des goldenen Korns" beim Aufstieg der Spezies ihre Hände im Spiel gehabt hat. Obwohl der Name der Spezies bereits seit Gründung der Welt feststand und ich in etwa weiss, wo die Reise hingehen soll, ist alles noch hinter grauen Schleiern und werde alles um sie herum sicherlich so wie meine Welt Stück für Stück entwickeln.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 7, 2024 20:31

Well, I already told you a while back how much I liked this article, even if it is dabbling in some pretty dark themes. So, I have nothing much to add to this other than its a fantastic work.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 8, 2024 19:35

1.000 thanks and more.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 11, 2024 13:02 by Racussa

Wuhu, gruselig. Aber in der Welt ist es völlig nachvollziehbar. Das Risiko eines hochschmerzhaften Todes, nur um über ungeborene Embryonen an etwas Zauberkraft zu kommen... In diesem Zusammenhang bekommt 'Elementarschule' eine ganz neue Bedeutung. Spannend wäre in einer Mendelschen Tabelle, welche Kombinationen von Halb- und Viertelelementarlingen sich ergeben (und ob dann so komplexe Bezeichnungstafeln herauskommen wie im spanischen Amerika).

The world is not enough.
Aug 12, 2024 16:52

Bei den Elementarheimen musste ich an Lebensborn denken, was ja auch irgendwie beängistegend war. Erst hatte ich den Gedanken, es ganz über Mendelsche Gesetze zu entwickeln, das würde dann aber eben zu solchen ungewollten Kombinationen führen und eventuell ewig mit dem "Evolutionsprozess" dauern. Aus diesem Grund, habe ich mich für den Einbau der Gensequenz entschieden. Aber natürlich wäre so eine Mendelsche Tabelle immer noch eine interessante Idee, die ich irgendwann gern mal entwickeln würde. Vielen herzlichen Dank.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 13, 2024 08:53 by Racussa

Das stimmt natürlich, mit dem Einbau der Gensequenzen kannst du den Prozess massiv beschleunigen, weil du ja nicht immer warten musst, bis die nächste Generation wieder geschlechtsreif ist. wenn die Technologie/Magie da ist, dann kann man hier ja massiv beschleunigen...

The world is not enough.
Aug 18, 2024 20:33

This is certainly one of the most elaborate and comprehensive articles I have read recently. And it's also beautifully styled. However, I can hardly imagine that even a single woman survived the process. I definitely still have a lot to learn, both in CSS and in writing, looking at this.

Aug 19, 2024 16:23

Thank you very much for your kind feedback. Fortunately, believing doesn't mean knowing. Perhaps these people here were able to bear pain much better and lost this ability when they left for the earthly world, or perhaps they use a few aids? Certainly a good question to deal with at some point later.   Don't despair. My layout and my writing weren't like that at the beginning either, and when I look at articles that I wrote 2 years ago, I often think to myself, for heaven's sake. And the layout isn't perfect either. I still have a lot to do. Everything takes time, and you get better with every article you write.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 18, 2024 22:32 by Alan Byers

Superb worldbuilding, strikingly original.

Aug 19, 2024 16:14

Thank you for your lovely comment, I really appreciate it (⌒‿⌒).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.