Mirror Gates

Wendelin Ambrosius zu Bücherfelde sat on a large stone and looked at the ancient portal, framed by a gnarled hedge, which was wedged between towering rocks on both sides. It had already had thin cracks since it was built over a thousand years ago and some of the once magnificent sculptures of climbing ivy and fire lilies had already broken off. But the gate still seemed to be intact and, above all, unknown to the captors of the Idakian god-emperor siblings, who had brought death and ruin over the land like apocalyptic riders. The bittersweet smell of a tearful farewell hung in the air. Wendelin knew that today he would undergo the biggest change of his life and take on the form of a human to travel into their world. ...

Mirror Gates are the fastest means of travel between the elemental continents and led to Elaqitan's most terrible catastrophe in 2,800 before the founding of the Council. Although Elaqitan was successfully rebuilt afterwards, the greatest flood of all time left a deep scar in the memory of the Elaqitanians and the people who emigrated to Naharin.

Passing a portal by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage



  • 3,495 BEC Unveiling of the 1st Mirror Gate in Aqila
  • 3,490 BEC Construction of mirror gates on the elemental continents
  • 3,432 BEC Installation of first mirror gates on Idaka
  • 2,830 BEC Attacks on the Entuti, Mura and Urtis portals on Idaka
  • 2,800 BEC Mirror chain reaction opens "gateway" to Earth
The first Mirror Gate was opened in Aqila in 3,495 before the founding of the Council. The technique was developed by Kabeya Ziye, a Layid engineer, and Tylax Mímtash, a Tèshán magician. Little by little, the continents of the four elements were linked together through the portals.

It wasn't until about 60 years later that gates were created on Idaka, the human continent. At that time, people had little or no knowledge of magic and had previously had little contact with the other Elaqitanians.

As the Homo Elaqitanii ascended, many people suffered under the new influence of their increasing power, leading to the founding of the Mirror Rebellion and the Mirror Battles, ultimately culminating in the primal catastrophe of the entire world.


How it works & looks

Portals can be found throughout Elaqitan. They were built in open fields, in the middle of or near larger cities or picturesquely inserted into the landscape and consist of stone materials that were previously melted down and cast to form the portal. Depending on the importance of the portal for the users or often for reasons of prestige for the founder, there are many gates that have been decorated with artistic sculptures. But there are also simple, inconspicuous gates that are not always or easy to recognize at first glance.
In principle, any rock material can be used for the "frame" of the gate, but when pouring, a few drops of the flower elixirs of the elemental flowers of the Aqi Talúsix, spores of the Idakian mycelium and different colored crystals must always be added, otherwise the journey will not work or, in the worst case, you will end up in an unplanned place.

Before the Cataclysm, the Elaqitanians had to use a control panel where they entered the continent and the name of the gate if they wanted to travel through one. Today, gates can only be passed using a gatekeeper - a Portal Key - unless the traveler has magical abilities to activate the crystals through their elemental powers.

Antique gem key by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney
Wendelin rose from his stone and flew to the gate, where the magicians of the Elaqitan Council were already waiting for him to transform him before his journey and to hand him his luggage...

It felt strange to be human, and it would probably take Wendelin quite a while to be able to walk on the stilts the humanoids called legs. The portal was already activated and Wendelin was enveloped in an aura of rainbow tones triggered by the sharp-edged crystals poking out of the stone. The passage, which before activation had been a simple gate to the other side of the rocks, now revealed a place behind a silvery mirror that lay in snow and darkness...

Unactivated gates only reveal a view of the surrounding nature and could also be seen as a simple means of landscaping if one does not know their usefulness. If the portals are activated, a liquid mirror surface is created starting from the edge - which led to the name - which allows the destination of the journey to shine through as a dark shadow. At the same time, the traveler is enveloped in a colorful light. As soon as you pass the gate, the silvery veil at this point dissolves and changes to an orange, shimmering liquid consistency, which is streaked with narrow lightning bolts. The traveler is drawn in and completely absorbed. Traveling on horseback, in a cart or other vehicles is of course possible.


Travel through a portal

When touched the gate, Wendelin was pulled inside. He had traveled through portals many times before, but now that the gate had closed behind him, the clouds behind him disappeared and he could no longer see the gate. Even if he wanted to, there was no going back.

A world of purple puffy clouds spread out before him, shrouded in a shimmering glow. Here and there some fairy hair grass grew between the clouds and a few glowing stars danced in the sky. A feeling of tiredness slowly spread through him. Oh he had to hurry or he would never reach the exit.

He had a lot of trouble getting around with his new legs. He tried to run and when the gate with an orange shimmering edge in front of him finally opened again and grew larger, he jumped through and disappeared into the dark alleys of a dreamy baroque city.

After opening the gate, the traveler finds himself on a path between golden grass covered with pink cotton clouds. For the traveler, the journey can feel like a few hours or even several days, depending on the distance. However, at the end of the journey you have not aged an hour because you complete the journey within a few seconds.   A journey through the portal is not pleasant for everyone. Some vomit once they get through the other side. Some complain of headaches, feel dizzy or eerily attracted to the cotton clouds and tired. Unfortunately, these complaints have not been remedied in 4,000 years of use, but there are remedies such as the cloud walking elixir or the nightmare tonic to prevent or overcome such motion sicknesses.   The longer the journey feels like it's taking, the more dangerous the journey can become. You can die if you succumb to the feeling of wanting to sleep and dream in the clouds. The path can be extremely long due to the expansion affliction, or the portal can be haunted by creatures such as illusionary ghosts, cloud demons, or will-o'-the-wisps, from whose clutches you can hardly escape.
Between Portals by Blue Fairy 74 via Midjourney


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Jul 2, 2024 12:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Really interesting - I like that it has quite a few dangers associated with it, and also that some people suffer from nausea after travel. It's a shame that they can't be used as much nowadays; it must have helped relationships between the places a lot to be able to travel quickly.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Jul 7, 2024 06:28

Oh, the mirror gates are still used today, but it's not as easy as it was before the accident. And thank you for liking the insensitivities. It made me think of ship sickness or fear of flying, which doesn't stop us from using the vehicles.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 7, 2024 00:17 by Secere Laetes

Ich muss sagen, als ich im Chat von las, war ich schon etwas überrascht. Ich meine, Tore als Fortbewegungsmittel? Aber das sind sie natürlich. Ich finde den Detailreichtum schön und die ganzen Elemente, mit denen du arbeitest. Und ja, du hattest Recht, hier gab es weiterführende Links (die du echt hübsch eingebettet hast - ich brauche wirklich mal Nachhilfe - wobei die natürlich auch nur so hübsch aussehen, wenn man Artikelbilder hat... so viele Baustellen). Interessant fand ich die Entwicklung vom Stargate zum Privatportal. Wie kommt man eigentlich an so einen Schlüssel oder wird das noch mal ein Extraartikel?

Aug 7, 2024 16:44

Danke, dass Dir die Interpretation meines Vehikels und das Layout gefällt. Ich habe nur wenige Artikel, die ich mit weiterführenden Artikeln verlinke, weil ich es teilweise als störend empfinde oder nicht so richtig weiß, wohin damit. Aber hier haben sie sich gut eingefügt.   Privatportale? Nein eigentlich nicht. Früher gab es ein Bedienfeld, was quasi jeder nutzen konnnte. Heute braucht man entweder Magie, die die Elaqitanier ja können oder eben einen mit den Elementen hergestellten Schlüssel. Für die Herstellung der Schlüssel hatte ich in der diesjährigen Februar-Challenge einen Artikel geschrieben, ist oben mit verlinkt, falls Du den Artikel nicht schön längst entdeckt haben solltest. ;).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 7, 2024 23:37 by Secere Laetes

Okay, zusammen mit dem anderen Artikel wurde mir dann richtig klar, dass ja eigentlich einfach nur die nichtmagischen Menschen von der Benutzung ausgeschlossen wurden... wenn sie nicht gerade einen Schlüssel ihr eigen nennen. Und hatte leider den Link übersehen ^^". In dem Sinne danke fürs Erinnern ^^.

Aug 7, 2024 19:55

These gates are certainly something special. I love all the little details about them you added, especially that one could mistaken them for decorations if unused. Adding a key or magic as a requirement for use as a consequence is a great addition given the events that are connected to them. I'm also quite happy to learn more about Wendelin. Another great article all around.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 8, 2024 19:08

Thank you for your lovely comment. Let's put it this way: I find your articles, which you easily spice up with lots of details and experiences with the senses, very inspiring and I'll try to incorporate a little of it into my WIKI articles, even if I'll never be able to match your writing skills.   Wendelin will get his own world at some point and hopefully it will be exciting and funny when he shares his experiences in the human world with us.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 10, 2024 21:47 by Racussa

Eine Geschichte parallel zur Beschreibung zu erzählen, funktioniert bei diesem Artikel sehr gut. Auch die möglichen Nebenwirkungen und Gefahren der Reise stehen in schönem Verhältnis zur Zeitersparnis.

The world is not enough.
Aug 11, 2024 07:26

Vielen herzlichen Dank.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 30, 2024 00:50 by Kwyn Marie

Must be a slog, if you're unlucky enough to feel like it's taking days and you can't rest because of the danger!

Sep 3, 2024 16:19

Thank you for your comments, you may be right, but I think the number of "dangerous" portals is smaller than the number of "good" portals, which is why the journey through the mirrors has not been abandoned until today.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 30, 2024 22:52 by Joella Kay

I really liked this. The quotes and timeline gave it an extra appeal.

Sep 3, 2024 16:14

Thank you for your lovely comment.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 3, 2024 11:45

Mir gefällt besonders das diese art der magischen Fortbewegung auch mit Gefahren verbunden ist, um sogefährlicher umso weiter die Reise (und um so mehr magie vermutlich aufgebracht werden muss)
Die Beschreibung ist auch super gelungen... auch wenn ich jetzt irgendwie Lust habe "Stargate" mal wieder durch zu bingen... ^^

Have a look at my entries for:

-Worldanvils: Institutions of Learning
-Worldanvils: SUMMER CAMP
Sep 3, 2024 16:12

Vielen Dank - lächelt - ich frage mich nur, wie man auf Stargate kommt? Nein, ich gebe zu, hab die Serie immer sehr gern geschaut und sicherlich sind einige Inspirationen der Serie nicht nur in die Portale eingeflossen?!

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Sep 8, 2024 13:45

Beautiful and poetic images. There is of course a strong hard science that supports the idea of portals. I'm a hard science fiction writer published this year in July 2024. Small black holes can provide portals into other universes. Also of course in physics the idea of multi-verses has been around for a long time!

Sep 23, 2024 17:50

Thank you for sharing your thoughts ;).

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.