Taehalôs - Duck Rock Geographic Location in E L A Q I T A N | World Anvil

Taehalôs - Duck Rock

The Duck Rock is a hidden place in the middle of the jungle of Téshàn that not many Elaqitanians have seen before. But those who found this magical place by chance are forever filled with an aura of happiness. There are few eyewitness accounts of the Taehalôs and many records probably contain more myth than truth. Only the two reports and surviving drawings by Syrtha Kîm and Tillard Erzling are the best documentation about this wondrous place and can be most trusted.


Tillard Erzling wrote 2,024 AEC in his book "Magical Places of Elaqitan":

Istarted my journey in Khalû. After about three days I had lost all sense of time as the jungle became more and more impenetrable and through the mist and the thick canopy of leaves you could only guess whether it was day or night. But then I heard a gentle splashing and as I followed the sound, I was presented with a view of one of the most beautiful paradises in the rainforest. It was a picturesque sight, so after some rest I took out my sketchbook to capture this first impression...

In 1,592 AEC, Syrta Khîm wrote in her travel diary:

There was something magical about this place. The sun glittered on the water of the small lake that had formed beneath a rock. Upon closer inspection, I realized that the rock resembled a giant duck with a waterfall pouring out of its beak. It was paradisiacal.

Beautiful water lilies in bright shades of blue and turquoise grew on the pond while the cutest species of ducks I had ever seen cavorted in between. There would be a lot of work ahead for me and my team and I was looking forward to cataloging all the new plants and animals...
Duck Rock Waterfalls by Blue Fairy 74


Between myth and truth


According to Syrta's records, the site covers an area of approximately 25 hectares (0.25 km²). The rock has a total height of 110 meters. The statue is around 35 meters high and around 20 meters wide.

As mentioned at the beginning, not many reports can be trusted, but there are some things that agree with Syrta's and Tillard's accounts. Many travelers say that they found some mushrooms and fruits in the surrounding area as well as water and preferred to eat these and fish instead of the abundant ducks.

How many found this place and returned to civilization cannot be said. However, the returnees appeared changed for many relatives. They were happier and more content. Of course, some tried to get to Duck Rock again, but in vain - as if this peaceful place was surrounded by a magical band that only opens for everyone once in a lifetime.

Who carved the monument out of the stone and how this place developed is still unknown today. However, there are numerous fairy tales in the area that tell of a sorceress who once lived in these forests. Here are a few short excerpts:

Magical duck tales by Blue Fairy 74
The sorceress from the egg

When the old gods were still alive, a god fell madly in love with a beautiful duck and took the form of a drake in order to mate with her. A powerful sorceress hatched from the egg, who from then on always looked after her family of ducks, taught them to speak and punished anyone who harmed her beloved ducks.

The Prince and the Sorceress

A prince is said to have once disturbed the sorceress while she was bathing in this place. She took a liking to the little prince and took him as her husband. But after a year of intimate togetherness, the prince broke his promise. The sorceress then turned the prince into a duck statue so that she could be with him forever and let the place become overgrown.


The paradisiacal ecosystem

Syrtha's expedition team spent two Téshànian weeks (12 days) at Taehalôs before moving on. They cataloged eight different duck and twelve plant species during their expedition. In addition, many insects, frogs and fish that only live here were counted. Tillard Erzling stayed here for four days, but his estate contained over 100 sketches of his sightings. He published some of them in his book “Magical Places of Elaqitan”. He also took an egg from one of the nests. A dwarf duck hatched from it and accompanied him on his travels from then on.
Jewelry Duck by Blue Fairy 74

Jewelry Duck

Scientific name:
Reax PISHA osrymtae

This species is the largest duck in the Taehalôs, measuring around 100 cm long. Their magnificent orange-red plumage steals the show from any other species. They have red feathers around their eyes, which shine even more intensely in males during the mating season. Decorative feathers on the head led to their naming.
Blue Lotus-Flower by Blue Fairy 74

Blue Lotus

Scientific name:
Mash VASZETISA mitenzis

The petals of this type of sea lily shimmer in strong shades of blue and turquoise. In the middle there is a purple stamp heart, which glows in the dark like the flame of a candle. This attracts nocturnal butterflies and leafhoppers, which pollinate the thin orange inflorescences.
Trop Duck by Blue Fairy 74

Drop duck

Scientific name:
Ishni AELTA osrymtae

This species owes its name to the special shape, color and shine of its plumage, which is reminiscent of water drops. The drop duck is flightless, shy and rather small at only around 50 cm long. They build their nests out of long marsh grasses, in which light and dark blue marbled eggs are hatched.

Purple goldenfin Perch by Blue Fairy 74

Purple goldenfin Perch

Scientific name:
Khin SARUN osvinmui

This species loves to swim close to the surface of the water so that its golden fins stick out. The fish measures around 50 cm in length and is very voracious and aggressive. Some eyewitnesses reported that its caudal fin is very sharp and left dangerous, difficult-to-heal scratches.
Ribbon Duck by Blue Fairy 74

Ribbon duck

Scientific name:
Pami VOKTU osrymtae

With their blue ribbon on the head, they are the "superheros" of Taehalôs. It chatters the loudest of all the species and also appears to be the most daring species. They enjoy jumping from the cliffs near the waterfall into the pond or diving to the bottom directly under the waterfall.
Heart-nosed Frog by Blue Fairy 74

Heart-nosed frog

Scientific name:
Numi KANSHAI oslumphas

As the name suggests, their noses are heart-shaped. Upon closer inspection, the shape of the mouth also appears to represent a small heart. This species of frog loves to spend the day in the bulbous flowers of swamp shoe orchids. They are very curious and make a high-pitched squeaking croak.


In response to Tillerz's unofficial challenge

Duckuary 2024: Write a related duck article.

Cover image: Jungle between misty clouds by Blue Fairy 74 - Midjourney-Collage


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Feb 6, 2024 17:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love the descriptions/art of the species at the bottom. The drop duck is my favourite.   What a beautiful and magical place.

Emy x   Etrea | Vazdimet
Feb 7, 2024 16:27

Thank you so much.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Feb 7, 2024 08:51

Beautiful article and art. Would love to see the Duck Rock, even if it's only once in a lifetime.

Feb 7, 2024 16:28

Aww thank you, I appreciate it.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Feb 7, 2024 09:22

Passend das du den guten Tillard Erzling hier als (Mit-)Entdecker mit eingebaut hast!
Schöner Artikel - mir gefällt vor allem die Drop Duck - die von der Beschreibung eher winzig klingt aber fast so groß wie unsere typische Stockente wird ^^.
So jetzt aber noch eine Frage:
Gibt es hier ein geheimes Protal?
Da 25 ha nicht die größte Fläche ist um als einziger Lebensort von Tieren mit Reproduktion zu dienen (wenn diese nicht unter inzucht leiden sollen) und vor allem Enten als Flug- und Schwarmtiere (Die Drop duck hier ausgenommen) eher darauf ausgelegt sind mehrere Gewässer zu besuchen, wäre das eine Erklärung warum diese Vielfalt an Lebensformen in Elaqitan nur hier zu finden sind.

Have a look at my entries for:
  • moonflower-writing's Food, Glorious FOOD! Unofficial Challenge: Lende a la Terascoa
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  • My Adventure April short story Einer dieser Tage
  • Feb 7, 2024 16:36

    Vielen herzlichen Dank. Naja es ist ja ein verzauberter Ort und ich habe ja nichts dazu gesagt, wie groß die einzelnen Populationen sind - außerdem, wer sagt denn, dass elaqitanische Enten Flug- und Schwarmtiere sein müssen? Aber vielleicht sollte ich mir noch ein paar Gedanken machen. Und die Frage zum Portal: Ich könnte mir sehr gut vorstellen, dass einer meiner Charaktere im Roman hier aus Versehen strandet, also müsste in der Nähe vielleicht auch ein Portal zu finden sein, was im Laufe der Jahrtausende überwuchert wurde ;).

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Feb 8, 2024 00:47 by Emily Armstrong

    This is such a lovely article, and the art is fantastic! Really beautiful job :D

    Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
    Feb 11, 2024 07:54

    Oh thank you so so much, this means a lot to me :).

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Feb 20, 2024 02:29 by Han

    oh my god I love all the ducks

    welcome to my signature! check out istralar!
    Feb 20, 2024 16:42

    Thank you so much for your lovely comment.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Feb 22, 2024 18:32

    I think you're right about the effects of the Duck Rock; I definitely feel happy and content after reading about it! :D I love your descriptions and the art is so beautiful! The heart-nosed frog, especially, is so cute that I literally squealed out loud when I saw it.

    Feb 23, 2024 12:58

    That's so kind of you, thank you very much. I'm pleased that the article left you feeling happy and yes, the little frog is my favorite too ;).

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
    Mar 12, 2024 20:40 by Rin Garnett

    I'm not sure which I relate with more, the frog (curious, hides in flowers, makes squeaky noises) or the drop duck (smol, flightless, and shy)...

    Mar 13, 2024 16:53

    Definitely a hard decision, but you can decide every day who you are or who you want to be ;). Thanks for reading and commenting.

    Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.