Arcano-tech Technology / Science in E'ven-dra | World Anvil


This refers to to a type of technology that recreates the effects of magical spells with out actually performing, casting, or any kind of use of magic or spells craft. Mostly first developed and used by Evaro, others have taken their crewel attempt to bypass mages and seen it as a way to allow non-mages to use magic. The bigest thing to know is that Arcano-tech cannot be counterd or dispeled, atleast through traditioanal means. 
Arcano-tech can be manualy manipulated and disrupted by mundane means. Trapes and locks can be found by rouges and dismantled and deactivated using thives tools. 
Perfect examples of Arcano-tech are;
  • Airships
  • Cars 
  • Computers
  • Locks 
  • Trains

Articles under Arcano-tech


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