The Folly Technology / Science in E'ven-dra | World Anvil

The Folly

Otherwise known as the Inquisition's Folly is pseudo magical device combining the most destructive parts of science, alchemy, and magic. By all rights this is one of te first and most distructive forms of Arcano-tech the Inquisition ever made. These devices can only be described as the worlds first Weapons of Mass Destruction. A Folly is basically as magically enhanced thermo nuclear bomb. A single Folly creates a explosive radius of destruction out to a 1 mile radius, with devastating destruction occurring within the first 1000 feet of the initial detonation point. Any character found in this area will have to make a series of save following their proximity to the blast using the chart below.                                                
AoEStr DCForceDex DcFireCon DcNecrotic
0-150ft 40 100d6 45 70d6 45 60d8
151-300ft 35 80d10 40 60d6 40 50d8
301-450ft 30 60d10 35 50d6 40 40d8
451-600ft 25 40d10 30 40d6 40 30d8
601-750ft 20 20d10 25 30d6 30 20d8
751-900ft 15 10d10 20 20d6 25 10d8
901-1000ft 10 5d10 15 10d6 20 5d8
  1. A creature must make a Strength Saving throw against the force damage save DC based on their location to the blast, luckily those that die from this damage are saved from the Folly's other effects. On availed save the creature takes the damage noted and is knocked prone and stunned. on a success they still take half damage and are still knocked prone, but not stunned
  2. Any creature still alive must then make a dexterity saving throw again based on the chart, taking fire damage again based on the chart and has disadvantage on the next save. If a creature dies from the fire damage they are unaffected by all other effects of the Folly. A creature that succeeds the fire Dex Save still takes half damage but don't have disadvantage on the next save.
  3. Those creatures still alive after the Force and Fire damage must then make a final constitution save against the final save DC according to the chart. On a failed save the creature takes the associated Necrotic damage and are poisoned till otherwise healed by an ability or spell capable of removing the poison condition. While poisoned in this way a creature suffers 1d8 necrotic damage ever round till healed of the condition. Any creature that dies from this necrotic damage is reanimated by the necrotic energy as a Husk Zombie the following turn. On a success the creature is not poisoned
  4. However resulting fallout leave a 1 mile radius covered in necrotic energy. While in this area each creature still alive must make a Constitution Save ever minuet they stay in the 1 mile radius. Any creature outside the initial 1000ft area must make the save against a DC 15, though failing the save only results in the poisoned condition and no other additional damage.


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