Blood Hunter


The Blood Hunter class was originally created by Mathew Mercer, famed DM of the Critical Role D&D game, for the use in a promotional one shot with actor Vin Dyzel in conjunction with the release of the Which Hunter movie in 2015. After words the class found phenomenal success and approval among the D&D community to the point that, before the Artificer, many DM approved the use of the class in their games. However, because of this it falls to DMs to explain their in game origins and how they fit into the worlds lore. The rest of this article atempts to do so for this world.  

Blood Hunters in E'ven-dra

  Blood Hunters trace their origins to the War of the Fallen Stars, a historical event in which thousands of meteorites fell to the plant, most of which striking the continent of Vail. However these fallen stars were much more than just space rocks, they were actual fragments of Eden- Slave of Atropus, his power to be exact. Using the crystals found inside Made Wizards and Warlords empowered themselves with god like power they escalated the bloody conflicts that the beginning of the 6th age already brought. But one such fragment landed in mountain village by the name of Roma, there it landed along with a young Aasimar girl named Amerete, found by another young Half Elf boy named E'var-o Romanoff. It was this meeting that would bring about the birth of a nation and a new class. E'var-o used the crystal shard found in the crash site as a good luck charm, all the while the fragment began to whisper and teach the boy how to use it. But when Amereta was kidnaped by a local warlord, E'var-o and four of his siblings road out to save her. It was in the battle with the warlord that he seemed to tap into some kind of magic deep within himself that fused with the shard. When his blood touched his weapon it bust into flames as if empowered by magic, and thus the E'var-o became the first Blood Hunter, or at least the first Profane Soul Blood Hunter, for the shard would go on to explain that it was what remained of Eden's desire to protect his loved ones, particularly his daughter, Amereta. the Shard granted E'var-o the powers of a Warlock making a pact with a Divine being.
  After the events of the Star Wars as they came to be known, E'var-o created an elite group of of Blood Hunters whos duty was to hunt down the dark of creatures that even the Ranger of the Jagged Crown's would not hunt, men of evil intent. These first Blood Hunters went out into the world to hunt and slay the vile necromancers, priests of the The Sealed Ones and their evil cults, and defend the innocent from the wrath of the enemies of humankind. If this is not sounding familiar yet it should, for while the order eventually died down and faded into myth and legend in the waning years of the 12th age they and their "sacred" duty would be reborn once more under a new name, The Inquisition.
While no Blood Hunter worth their salt would call themselves part of that group the origins and history are part of the fabric of what make up Blood Hunters. In the decades and centuries that followed the 6th age the Blood Hunters became a force to be reckoned with but also feared to some extent. As certain races and entities gained more sentience and recognition as equal races the indiscriminate hunting and slaying of such entities was seen as barbaric. Because of this many Orders died out or became more selective about what they hunted and/or who for.
  Some Blood Hunter Orders found themselves in Chon, the Eastern Island of Cuveisa were the first elven civilizations came from. There the Blood Hunters found work as Shamans and Omniyoji along side Warlocks acting as gaurdians of nature and keepers of the balance between the Material and other planes. While some like those found in Gail and Vailforge took to acting as little more than highly trained mercenaries taking coin and work were and when they could, not asking any big question about who was paying and why. For that is the double edge to the life of a Blood Hunter, they are the saviors and peace keepers to some while to others brutes that only care for the coin and food put in their belly by the slaying of monsters.
But it should be remembered that most Blood Hunters are not born but made. Some, like in the story of E'var-o, are created when otherworldly magics mix and new things become possible. Most arcane scholars that have studied the story believe E'var-o may have had some level of predisposed magic like that of Sorcery, perhaps from his unknown father and that when his blood and the Shard of Eden mixed in the battel with the first warlord it created the bond that gave him his powers. However even in this case E'var-o was made a blood hunter by the shard, most Blood Hunters are not that lucky and as such require a series of alchemical injections and potions that slowly turn a person into a Blood Hunter. Most Adults cannot and will not survive the process as such most that choose to become Blood Hunters are young children between 10-14. With oldest known person to become a Blood Hunter later than this was in their 50s, but even then lived in near constant pain and agony till they died only a few years latter after completing the presses.
Blood Hunters in non D&D games 
As the World of E’ven-dra as a game world evolves it become important that we notice that not every RPG has to be D&D 5e. The basics of this world can easily be reinturited for the use in any fantasy RPG like Pathfinder or older editions of D&D, were in cases like that the blood hunter is noticeably not a class. In these cases a good substitute for the class would be any classes


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