Vail Geographic Location in E'ven-dra | World Anvil


A point of Order to remember is that the world now is similar to that of the late 19th century. With the Cataclysm behind them many, especially the people of Vail wait with hushed tones for the next thing to happen. All eyes focused mainly on Magi and Evaro as they act towards their own self-preservation combined with the dangerous powers that both possess. Each Nation of Vail is based on the following European and other Slavic nations   Gail: Germany, Poland, Belgium, Netherlands   Vailforge: Switzerland, Austria, Hungary, Slovakia   Titan: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway   Albion: Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Moldovia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Kazakhstan   Evaro: Czechia, Siberia   Magi: Iceland


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