
An island nation off the eastern coast of Cuveisa. Existing asĀ an imperial powerhouse since the first day, the ancestral home of the elves, the island nation has been shrouded in mystery. Prior to the Cataclysm the land had only just reached peace within the last 50 years, then as if to imply some dark foreknowledge the then Senso, Hien Windstrider, began a system of reformers that made the country prepared for the event. However, it has since been proven that he is nothing more than an overly cautious man that tends to over prepare. Having spent time prepping for the war to retake the country for the Emperor, he happened upon the trail of the Cataclysms architect and while he did not know the specifics, he was a shrewd enough man to take many educated guesses. As such informed the rest of the Emperors ministry and set about making all kinds of preparations for whatever could be thought of to maintain the stability of Con.


  • Cohn
Geopolitical, Empire
Neighboring Nations

Trusted Allies

Cohn is an old country with deep connections to Albion and the Royal family.


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