E'ven-dra Religion

Religion is a corner stone of the world of E'ven-dra as its creation hinged on the great conflict between the eternal forces of beginning and end. Therefor it is hard to go anywhere in the world and meet someone unfamiliar with one religion or another. However until the Cataclysm, the world more or less operated on a spiritual system of concept gods were spirits, powerful ghost like hivemind entities acted as the religious body. However these spirits had a flaw, as they could grant anyone with the will to fallow them divine power with little to no actual worship or care for any form of rules or laws.
The Cataclysm changed this when the Divine Gate was created, making travel between the Outer and inner Realms impossible for the Spirits and only those truly powerful beings could still provide worshipers power beyond the Gate. This made the identification of higher powers far easier for scholars and solidified certain religions as "real". Before going forward allow me to introduce a fundamental element about these powers, non of them are "Good" or "Evil". These Higher entities are split into two fundamental classifications that denote them as entities of "Order" and "Chaos". That said this dose not necessarily denote the entities alignment only that they are more likely to be something.
Entities of Order are called Estelars and birthed from the primordial energies of the astral sea. While entities of Chaos are referred to as Titians and birthed from the primal energies of the elemental chaos. That said light and darkness do exist but to catagorize either as good or evil is an over simplification that muddies the water. many instead use the terms Creation and Destruction. Just as a new tree can only be grown after a wild fire takes place or the clear cutting of a wood to build a town can cause a land slide. Creation and Destruction are both lawful and chaotic but to clame either are good or evil is too simple. To this extent a Estelar and Titans have there own purpose which further denote them. Elternal are beings of Creation while Obyrith are those whos purpose is for Destruction. 
As an aside, many offten mistake that Demons are some sort of off shoot or the product of Titans, as they are both beings of the Elemental Chaos. But this would be incorect Demons are a product of a deep coruption within the Elemental Chaos. Spasificly they are the result of the first Obyrith Titan, Tharasdun. Demons are a manifestation of unchecked destructive chaose. However that is not to say that demons are the only curuption in the balanceing act of creation. On the other end of the scale a creation from the first Eternal Estelar, Atropus, are the Modron. Many sages and priests see Modrons as creature that are as much a threat to the stabilityof the world as demons. For like many minor demons small modrons are not a problem but greater and greater versions can be as dangerus as a greater demon. To many a Marut is as dangerus to the matrial plain as a Balor or Malodeus, beings of apsoluts that would make life nearly unlivable. 
  Beyond even this however there are a near incalculable number of entities that exist of varying powers. In most parts of the world these beings appear in local religion groups and organizations. Be it the Sanctioned divine of Albion, the Immortal Court of Cohn or elvish belief, the many fates of the Faith of Fate in Dramon, or even the Dark Sealed lords of the Court of Elemental Evil and their all powerful Eye of Elemental Evil. Many of these orders worship similar or connected entities outside their particular sects. To this end most scholars that can recognize the similarities, even if the names change, often place the beings into one of three groupings, The Divine, The Ancients, and The Sealed Ones.
Religious, Pantheon


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