The Ancients

The Ancients are those higher entities that were not worshiped as Deities or spirits prior to the Cataclysm. In fact many were seen as horrifying entities of unknowable power. In truth they were beings whose power stemmed not from the worships of mortals, or at least not just the mortals of the E'ven-dra. Many of these beings have what are referred to as "echoes" or other versions of themselves across multiple realities, and unlike some deities that may also have echoes, these echo's are aware of one another and exist simultaneously aware of each others actions. Thus why many may have believed them to be beings of madness.   Other entities may draw power from unusual sources, such as the new knowledge in coming into the world, the simple act of lighting a fire with no intention other than the need for warmth or light. Others still maybe beings that are seeking worshipers, some Ancients are spirits that found themselves so diminished after the Cataclysm they could slip through the Divine gate and have a physical presence. But even this is a double edge sword as if they gain enough power they may find themselves right back were they started. But that is another point most Ancients have a back door through the divine gate, by diminishing their own power and making them selves weaker they can take a physical form of the Material. But again the minuet they try to use or do anything beyond what could be seen as the might of a Demi-God they will find themselves back in their Divine Realms. Some may even be Ascended Mortals that found themselves as the gods of things they weren't even expecting   Of note, not all are benevolent or good, many are deal makers and elder evils who’s deals and bargains end in pain, suffering, and/or death. Tread lightly! It is for all these reasons that the Ancients are some times called the Grey Pantheon. The following is a small list of example entities, however the only ones that will have articles are those that have had or will have an active player character assosisated with them.  
  • The Vault of Dark Secrets, The Accursed Archive
  • The Host of Lost Knowledge, The Lost Archive
  • The Hungering Flame, The Ashen Wolf
  • The Spider King, Atlach-Nacha
  • The Dream Keeper, Azazel
  • The Lost Fey, Blackthorn
  • Lord of the Deep, Dagon
  • The Gambler Black, Cabal
  • The Eternal Guardian, Zindala
  • The Creator of All, Michael
  • The Destroyer of All, Alexander
  • The Forlorn Stars of the Fallen Exiles
  • The Unspeakable, Hauster
  • The Evolving One, Mother Hydra
  • The Shadow Cat, Cheshire
  • The Unknowable Truth, Tzich Tulzcha
  • The Crimson Count, Vol
  • The Gate Keeper, Yog-Sothoth

Articles under The Ancients


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