
Fire arms have become a prolific element of combat in the world of E'ven-dra. Characters and people have chosen to embrace them and dedicated their lives to the use of them in combat and self defense. Many Gunslingers are former soldiers from places like Albion and Evaro, but many others are nobles that have the money to own and maintain a weapon like them.
While many may not like the inclusion of firearms in a fantasy or magic based RPG the fact is that black powdered and firearms have gone hand and hand longer than most want to believe. For this reason Gunslingers and firearm users have also been apart of the world. Originally constructed by Dragonborn for the purposes of self defense they have expanded and evolved over the many years and decades. If your game has a Gunslinger class or archetype that uses firearms please feel free to use it. However below you find the basic information for making a D&D 5e gunslinger in the world of E’ven-dra. 


Hit Points

Hit Dice: d10 per Gunslinger level
Hit Points at first Level: 10 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 5) + Constitution modifier


Armor: Light
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Rapiers, Scimitars, Short Swords, all Martial Ranged weapons, and of course Firearms
Tools: Tinker's Tools and Smith's Tools
Saving Throws: Dexterity and Wisdom
Skills: Three from the following: Athletics, Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Intimidate, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion

Overview & Creation

Fire arms have become a prolific element of combat in the world of E'ven-dra. You have chosen to embrace them and dedicated your life to the use of them in combat and self defense. Many Gunslingers are former soldiers from places like Albion and Evaro, but many others are nobles that have the money to own and maintain a weapon like them.

Class Features

Gunslinger Chart  

LevelProficiency BonusGrit DieFeatures
1 +2 - Gunsmith, Fighting Style, Quick Draw
2 +2 d4 CQC, Grit, Deeds (2)
3 +2 d4 Gunslinger Tactics
4 +2 d4 Ability Improvement
5 +3 d6 Extra Attack
6 +3 d6 Ability Improvement, Gut Shot, Deed (3)
7 +3 d6 Evasion, Gunslinger Tactics
8 +3 d6 Ability Improvement
9 +4 d8 Action Reload
10 +4 d8 Rapid Repair, Gunslinger Tactics, Deed (4)
11 +4 d8 Extra Attack (2)
12 +4 d8 Ability Improvement
13 +5 d10 Slinger’s Luck
14 +5 d10 Cheat Death, Deed (5)
15 +5 d10 Lightning Reload, Gunslinger Tactics
16 +5 d10 Ability Improvement
17 +6 d12 Deed (6)
18 +6 d12 Gunslinger Tactics
19 +6 d12 Ability Improvement
20 +6 d12 Hemorrhaging Shot, Extra Attack (3)
Gunsmith- What would a gunslinger be without their gun. At 1st level a gunslinger crafts there first gun (pistol base only). After wards the DM and the Gunslinger can disuse other guns they can craft. With proper tinkering and maintenance, the player and their DM can consider ways to change or enhance the weapon. This gives you proficiency with tinker tools and blacksmith tools.
  • Misfires- Each Firearm has what is called a Misfire total. This number is denoted by the DM or the weapons stat block. A firearm misfires when you make an attack roll with a firearm and the die result, before modifiers, is equal to or less than the weapons misfire total. When this happens, the firearm becomes jammed. While jammed a firearm can’t be fired or used as anything other than an improvised weapon. To unjam a firearm, you must make a repair roll.
  • Repair Rolls- To make a repair roll you make a dexterity-based Tinker’s Tool check against the weapons repair DC.
  • The Firearms Repair DC = Firearms Misfire total + 10
  • On a failed check the firearm becomes broken and requires a full and extensive repair.
  • Schematic Journal- Sometimes in your adventures you may find firearm schematics in the ruins of an artificer’s lab, on the body of a fellow gunslinger, or in the back of an old bookstore. Either way you when you find these magnificent pages you can add them to your journal at no kind of cost. However, you must make a tinker’s tools check using Intelligence against the firearms Repair DC to start working with it. You may also come across already made firearms and want to study them and craft your own schematics to add them to your own journal. To do this you again make a tinker’s tools check using Intelligence against the firearms Repair DC.
  • Crafting, Modifying, and Fixing Firearms and Ammo- Once you have a schematic and understand them you can craft the firearm. Further in this document it details how much many firearm you will come across cost. Crafting these weapons will cost half the gold listed. You can also at any time make additional modifications to a weapon if you have the schematics, most are also listed in the same section and cost half as much as listed there. Finally, when once you understand a schematic you also know how to make the ammo needed for those firearms. The ammo table presents how much ammo will typically cost and give you a break down on materials you will need to make it.
  • Keeping in mind that if you are in a town with access to merchants you should only need to keep track of powder as all other materials should be retally available.
  • When crafting any kind of item, keep in mind that there are two ways one can go about it. You can take your time, meaning for every 5gp/1 day (50gp/1 week (10 days)) of crafting. Or you can try to rush the project, to do so you must make a series of Smith’s Tools checks for every 50gp the project costs. The DC of the checks and ability being used is determined by the DM at the time of crafting.
  • Fixing Broken Firearms- Sometimes in your adventures you will damaged and/or broken firearms on dead enemies or fellow adventurers, not to mention when you unfortunately misfire and find the damage so extensive that can’t fix it in the field. These weapons will require time and money to fix. When repairing a firearm, you must make a Tinker’s Tools Check using Intelligence, the DC is the same as the Repair DC. This reflex if your character has the insight or wherewithal to understand the cause of the firearm jam or break, and then fallow the same rules for crafting a new fire as presented above.
  • Field Repairs- You have learned how to repair your firearms on the fly while in combat. You can use your action to try and repair a jammed firearm, and while in combat you can also use your Wisdom instead of Intelligence on for this check. At higher levels when you gain extra attack you can choose to use one of your extra attacks to make these repairs.
Fighting Style- You adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty. Choose one of the following options. You can’t take a Fighting Style option more than once, even if you later get to choose again.
  • “Archery”- You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons
  • Two-Weapon Fighting- When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack
  • Blind Fighting- You have blindsight with a range of 10 feet. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness. Moreover, you can see an invisible creature within that range, unless the creature successfully hides from you.
  • Interception- When a creature you can see hits a target, other than you, within 5 feet of you with an attack, you can use your reaction to reduce the damage the target takes by 1d10 + your proficiency bonus (to a minimum of 0 damage). You must be wielding a shield or a simple or martial weapon to use this reaction.
Quick Draw – You have been trained to keep your head on swivel and your hand on your gun. When you roll for initiative, you can add your wisdom modifier to your initiative roll. Additionally, you can draw or stow up to two weapons when you roll initiative and whenever you take an action on your turn.
CQC- Starting at 2nd level the gunslinger learns to use their gun just like any other weapon. While wielding a firearm, you can perform a melee attack that dose 1d4 bludgeoning damage, when used in this manor treat the firearm as if it has the finesse property. If you roll the firearms misfire while using it in this manner and it’s still functioning the firearm still becomes jammed till field or full repairs are performed. However, a broken or jammed firearm can still be used in this manner. Keeping in mind that if a jammed weapon is used and the misfire total is again rolled before field repairs are performed the firearm is broken till full repairs are performed.
Grit- A Gunslinger makes their mark on the world with daring deeds and impressive skill. Starting at 2nd level you have learned to harness your talent in the form of Grit, represented by Grit Die and Deeds.
  • Grit Die- The Gunslinger chart above shows what dice you use at what level and the number of these dice is equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). You regain 1 Grit whenever you roll a 20 on a d20 for an attack roll with a firearm or deal a killing blow to a creature. You also regain all expended grit dice after a short or long rest.
  • Deeds - A Gunslinger is nothing without their incredible deeds and unique shots that help to set you apart from other gunslingers particularly those that share your tactics. You gain two Deed now and lean an additional one at 6th, 10th, 14th, and 17th level. You can only use one Deed at a given time. You may also swap out and change your deeds at any time you would be able to learn a new one.
  • Many of the Deed you can take use a Save DC often referred to as your Deed DC determined by the following:
  • Deed save DC = 8+ your Proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier
Gunslinger Tactics- starting at 3rd level you choose to specialize in a type of gun fighting
Ability Improvement- When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this feature to take a feat of your choice instead.
Extra Attack- starting at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once when you take the attack action on your turn. This number increases to three starting at 11th level in this class and to four when you reach 20th in this class. You can also use these attack actions to reload or to perform field repairs. Because of the nature of shot guns and other burst weapons you can’t use these additional attacks to shoot again with them.
Gut Shot- Starting at 6th level you have learned to take truly deadly aim with your firearms. When you score a critical hit with a firearm you not only regain a Grit Die but also get to add your Grit die to the damage role. This is treated similarly to brutal critical and doesn’t cost a Grit Die.
Evasion- starting at 7th level you can nimbly dodge out of the way of area effects that use Dex for the saves. If success of the save would do half damage you instead take no damage and half damage on a failed save.
Action Reload- stating at 9th level you can spend a Grit Die to use a bonus action to reload your weapon.
Rapid Repairs- starting at 10th level you can spend a Grit Die to attempt to repair a jammed firearm as a bonus action rather than using a standard action.
Slingers Luck- starting at 13th level when you make an ability check or save throw you can expend a Grit Die and add the result to the Check or Save. You may choose to use this ability before or after you roll but before you know whether you have failed or succeeded.
Cheat Death- starting at 14th level should your HP drop to 0 and you can expend a Grit Die to instead drop to 1 hp. Once you use this ability you must finish a Short or Long Rest before using it again.
Lightning Reload- starting at 15th level you can now use a bonus action to Reload your weapon without spending grit.
Hemorrhaging Shot- Starting at 20th level whenever you deal a critical hit on an attack with a firearm you can choose to forgo regaining a Grit Die as normal and dealing your Gut Shot damage, instead if the target has 100 hit points or less it dies immediately. Otherwise, you instead deal an additional 10d12 damage. The creature must then make a Constitution save against your Deed DC at the end of each of its turns, on a failed save the creature suffer this damage again unless it now has less than 100 hit points, were upon it dies from the wound.
  • Bite the Bullet- as a bonus action you can spend a grit die to gain Temporary Hit points equal to the number rolled + you Constitution modifier.
  • Bullying Shot- Using the powerful blast and thunderous sound caused by your gun firing to shake the resolve of creatures that can see and hear you. Granting you and your allies advantage on Charisma (intimidation) or Charisma (persuasion) checks for the next minuet.
  • Covering Fire- When a creature makes an attack against someone other than yourself you can use your reaction to expend a grit die to make an attack of opportunity with a firearm against the attacker. Whether you hit or miss, as long as the firearm doesn’t misfire, roll the grit die. If the Attack hits, the target suffer damage as normal in addition to the result of the grit die. Even if the attack misses, the creature still subtract the grit dies result from the attack.
  • Dazing Shot- When you make an attack with a firearm against a creature you can see you can expend a grit die to try and daze the creature. On a hit, the creature additional damage equal to the grit die and must make a Constitution save or suffer disadvantage on its attack roles until the end of its next turn.
  • Dead Eye Shot- When you make a firearm attack you can spend a grit die to give yourself advantage on the attack roll or Misfire roll for scatter guns and adding the Grit die to the attack roll.
  • Disarming Shot- When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can expend a grit die to attempt to shoot an object out of their hand. On a hit, the creature suffers additional damage equal to you Grit die and must make a Strength save. On a failed save the creature drops one object of your choice that lands 10ft from it.
  • Dodge Roll- As a reaction to being hit with an attack roll you can expend one of your Grit Die, when you do so roll your Grit die and reduce the damage by the number rolled + your Wisdom modifier (to a minimum of 0) and move up to half your movement without provoking attacks of opportunity.
  • Forceful Shot- When you make an attack with a firearm, you can expend a grit die to attempt to force the creature back. On a hit, the creature suffers additional damage equal to your grit die and must make a Strength save or be pushed 15ft back. When using a weapon with the Scatter property you can target a number of creatures that fail scatter save up to your Wisdom Modifier with one use of this deed.
  • Piercing Shot- When you make a firearm attack against a creature, you can spend a grit die to attempt to hit multiple creatures. The initial attack has +1 to the misfire score. But on a hit, the initial target, suffers additional damage equal to your grit die. The bullet then continues in a straight line starting from you continuing out to the firearms first range increment. Make an attack role at disadvantage against all creatures in that line till the you miss. Each creature takes damage equal to your grit die only and rolling your misfire doesn’t jam your firearm.
  • Skin of your Teeth- When a creature hits with an attack against you can use your reaction to expend a grit die. Roll the die and add the result to your AC possibly causing it to miss.
  • Steady Aim- When you make an attack with a Firearm you can use a bonus action to double the normal and max range of your firearm on the attack. On a hit add the grit die to the damage roll.
  • Winging Shot- When you make a firearm attack, you can expend a grit die to attempt to topple the creature. On a hit, the creature suffers additional damage equal to your grit die and must succeed a Strength save or be knocked prone. When using a weapon with the Scatter property you can target a number of creatures equal to your Wisdom Modifier to be targeted with this deed. Note, you must designate the targets of this deed before they make their save against the scatter property and they must still fail that save to be effected.


Starting Equipment

  • Leather Armor with long coat or other kind of military style uniform
  • 1x Dagger and 1x Flintlock Pistol w/ 20x pistol cartridges
  • (a) Flintlock Pistol w/ 20x pistol cartridges (b) Musket with 10x rifle cartridges or (c) Nock Gun with 10x shells
  • (a) Explorer’s Pack Pack or (b) Dungeneer’s Pack
  • Gunslinger's Belt
See Firearms for details on the firearms.

Subclass Options

Gunslinger Tactics- there are many ways one may use firearms but these are a few examples of the tactical uses most commonly seen.
  Breacher- like the alchemist the Breachers looks to see how much damage they can do with each pull of the trigger. Getting enemies to move where they want them to go and set up the best bang for their shot. Breachers prefer firearms that spread the damage around fast, shotguns and other scatter guns are the most common of their creations.
Walking Tank: starting at 3rd level you gain proficiency in medium and heavy armor.
Breeching: starting at 3rd level when you take the attack action on a target or targets that have yet to take a turn or are surprised you have advantage on the attack. If you are using a firearm with the scatter property, the target or targets has disadvantage on the Dex save and you have advantage on the misfire role. On a Hit, as long as you had advantage on the attack role or the targets had disadvantage on your scatter save, you deal extra damage equal to your grit die.
Tactical Explosives: starting at 7th level you learn how to set off a series of controlled explosions that make it easier for you to hit as many targets as posable or force them to go where you want them to. You gain the ability to produce Flash Bangs, with a thrown range of 30ft/90ft. On your turn as an attack action, you do one of the fallowing by throwing one of your Flash Bangs:

  • Make a ranges attack roll, on a hit the target suffer force damage equal to your Grit Die and must makes a Constitution save against your Deed DC. On a failed save the creature is stunned till the end of its next turn.
  • You can choose a point within range causing all creatures within 10ft of that point to make a Wisdom saving throw against your Deed DC. On a failed save a creature must use their reaction to move up to their movement in a direction of your choice.
You can use the feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus plus your level in gunslinger and regain all uses after a short or long rest. Starting at 18th level you can now use this ability as a bonus action.
Scatter Gun Axe: starting at 10th level you've figured out a way to attach a blade to scatter guns without throwing the weapons balance off allowing you to use it as an axe when at close range. When using CQC with a Scatter Gun you deal 1d6 slashing instead of the normal CQC damage and can no longer damage your Scatter Guns when used in CQC, treating them as normal weapons.
Recoil Control: starting at 15th level when making an attack with a Scatter Gun you can now use your extra attack to take additional shots with your Scatter Gun.
Explosive Breach: starting at 18th level you have learned to truly make a grand entrance when breaching. When an attack would gain the benefits from your breaching feature you can expend a Grit Die. When you do you gain an additional action equal to the result. These additional actions can only be used to either dash, hide, disengage, used to use one of your tactical explosives, or make one CQC attack.

Specialist- You have been trained to have nerves of near steal. You head into impossible situations often lightly armed and often even more lightly armored. But you thrive in close quarters combat and know a thing or two about using your firearms in creative ways.
Trench Warfare: starting at 3rd level you have trained in such a way that you can pull off additional shots when you need them an in situations you normally won’t be able to. You no longer suffer any penalties for using firearms at close range. Also, when you use the attack action and attack with a one-handed weapon you can use a bonus action to attack with a pistol or other light firearm you are holding. They also gain proficiency in medium armor.
Twin Pistol Loading: starting at 3rd level you gain the ability to reload up to two firearms with the light property using the same attack or standard action.
Steady Hand: starting at 7th level attack made with your firearms now score a critical hit on a roll of 19 to 20.
Gunblade Tactics: starting at 10th level you've figured out a way to attach a blade to pistols without throwing the weapons balance thrown off allowing you to use it like a short sword when at close range. When using CQC with pistols you deal 1d6 piercing damage instead of the normal CQC damage and can no longer damage your pistols when used in CQC, treating them as normal weapons.
Bullet Time: starting at 15th level you advantage on Initiative Roles while wielding a weapon in each hand.
Brush Strike: starting at 18th level whenever you have advantage on an attack roll, or the target is engaged with another creature within 5 ft of it you can add you Grit Die to the damage of each attack that meets these requirements. This doesn’t cost a Grit Die to use

Sniper- You are trained to make the impossible shot, one shot one kill. You may not be in the think of combat but dam if you aren't the deadliest person there.
Sniper Assassinate: starting at 3rd level, you are at your deadliest when you get the drop on your enemies. You have advantage on attack rolls against any creature that hasn’t taken a turn in the combat yet. In addition, any hit you score against a creature that is surprised is a critical hit. If using a firearm for this attack, you can add you Grit Die to the damage, this doesn’t cost one of your Grit Die to use, and acts much like brutal critical. This ability dose stack with Gut Shot at 6th level.
Snipers Camo: Starting at 3nd level you learn to cover yourself in the surrounding foliage. You can use a bonus action to hide.
Sniper’s Sight: starting at 7th level when making an attack with a firearm you ignore the first range limit and no longer have disadvantage on attack rolls made up to the weapons max range.
Bayonet fighter: starting at 10th level you've figured out a way to attach a blade to your rifle and use it like a glaive when at close range. Your CQC attack now dose 1D8 Piercing damage instead and the crit fail rang drops too normal.
Sniper’s Sneak Attack: starting at 15th level whenever you have advantage on an attack roll, or the target is engaged with another creature within 5 ft of it you can add you Grit Die to the damage of each attack that meets these requirements. This doesn’t cost a Grit Die to use.
Sniper’s Kill Shot: starting at 18th level when make an attack on creature with a Firearm you can spend any number of your grit to increase the weapons misfire by that much. If your attack hits, the target must make a Constitution Saving Throw against your Trick Shot DC. On a successful save the creature takes the normal damage plus amount of extra damage equal to the Grit Die spent on this feature. On a failed save the target takes the same amount of damage but double all rolled damage.


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