
The large trade town located on the southern edge of of lake Roc's Shadow. The town has always been a crossroads of sorts for folks traveling on to Roc's Shadow or headed to the southern cities of Gail.


50% Human
25% Half Races
-12.5%- Half Elf
-6.25%- Genasi
-3.75%- Tiefling
2.5%- other
15% Beast Folk
-7.5%- Reptilia
--3.75%-- Lizard Folk
--1.88%-- Yuan-ti
--1.88%-- Tortle
-3.75%- Cat-sith- mostly Tabaxi
-2.25%- Shifters
-1.5%- other
10% other
-5%- Halflings
-2.5%- Gnomes
-1.5%- Elf
1%- other


Hasven is supposed to be ruled by the Krieger family as local lords. But when the City of Gail fell the lord at the time, Orwell von Krieger, set out to complete his duties. Leaving the day to day in the care of his wife, Cersei Fieber von Krieger, and her brother Joseph Fieber who was acting sheriff at the time. Until Jasper von Krieger, the young son of Orwell and Cersei, came of age at 18. Born only a few months before the fall of Gail he grew up knowing little of his father say for the few short times he returned from he front. When Jasper turned 18 he took to his role as acting lord in his fathers place well and proudly. but when news of his fathers death in an incursion reached him and his mother things changed. Cersei seemed to fall into a deep depression, Jasper who was now 20 know he must head to the front as well to take up his fathers place. With his mothers declining health Jasper left his uncle Joseph as magistrate and sheriff. Unfortunetly Jasper has been unable to return to Hasven as he has greatly distinguished himself and become indispensable to the king and the front. For years many have worried that his lack of heir should be excuse enough to be allowed a reprieve. But some believe that he and his mother never had a good relation as even she has not left the confines of her royal estate leveling most of the day to her nephew who took over for his father about 10 years ago. 
Now almost 30 years after his departure his uncle has long since passed the position of magistrate and sheriff to his own son and Jasper's cousin, Albert Fieber. Along with several prominent town officials Albert wishes to further grow Hasven into the next Roc's Shadow.


Hasven is defended on all sides by a fortified stone wall and parapet walkway and towers. Sheriff Fieber has not neglected the town guard either with several patrol groups consisting of 4 lieutenants and at least 32 guards.

Industry & Trade

For the most part Hasven is best known as the place to go if you are looking for gossip. A grand temple to Iscariot stands in city as a testament to this fact. Otherwise Hasven attempts to increase trade but hospitality and information seem to be the corner stones of this town.


A massive market square was constructed but is often only half full, as most are only passing threw on their way to Roc's Shadow.

Guilds and Factions

Beyond the normal stuff Hasven certainly has its factions. Caspar and his men, The Worriers for a Free and Independent Gail or the WFIG, have strong ties to Hasven, with the Sheriff and family in particular seeming to take great offence at him for some reason. Which give the second faction, The Sheriff and the town officials, who seem dead set on growing Hasven even if that means bleeding Hasvens less fortunate dry. After this Hasven also has two main guilds that call the town home, The Hasven Brawler, a band of brawlers and brutes often little more than thugs, and a branch of the Sen No Ochiba or The Thousand Fallen Leaves Guild, mages and samurai from Cohn seeking to make names for themselves. 
The Hasven Brawlers are often talked about as thugs and this is because they have a close connection to The Lover's Knot, Hasvens large brothel on the south end of town.


  • Hasven
6,000, with about another 1,200 living in nearby villages but regularly coming to town to trade.
Owning Organization


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