The Kingdom of Gail

Gail was a single kingdom ruled by your traditional monarchy, That occupied the southwestern portion of the continent of Vail. Once best known for its lush timberlands, snowy peaks and babbling streams and rivers. The land has been tainted since an incursion of demons and devils overtook the capital of Gail in the western mountain region some 55 years ago. Since then the royal family and their court have ruled in a kind of exile from the city Roc's Shadow. Once a small military garrison and punitive and penal outpost, the city grew into a decently sized trading hub around 70 years ago. Basically causing the once small island to grow and become a massive man-made floating city.   During the incursion previous king, King Elric de Gail, was lost in the initial attempt to retake the city. Leaving his queen as regent until their son could take up the mantle. The now King Alexi de Gail thinks practically of nothing but retaking the city of his birth and slaying the fiends that pollute it. To some what of his and the kingdoms detriment. As he focuses on the "war" effort domestic affairs have fallen to the local lords and governments established by the various towns across the kingdom. Many acting more as independent city states, or even their own kingdoms with little loyalty to the King. That as well as the fact that rumors have begun to spread of the kings declining health and the lack of any true hires, again his mind having always been on retaking Gail he is reaching his 65th year with no children of his own nor even a wife, mistress, or even lover to speak of. This Fact has compounded many nobles to start seeking and backing other potential hires. With at least two claiming of being his illegitimate children from different woman, one a noble from Vargan Keep calling herself Leoni Hesse da Shwartzman, and another of common birth going by Caspar of Hasven, thought neither can truly prove they are the kings child, it still doesn't stop certain nobles and commoners from rallying around them. On the other hand many nobles back Lord Oskar Jacopo de Gail, the son of the kings late younger brother, who died in an attempt to retake the city. raised by the king as a kind of surrogate son many have taken to calling him prince. Though still their is the hope that King Alexi's younger sister may live, missing since the fall of the city the young Princess Olivia de Gail was believed to have been taken by fiends in the chaos. Finding her would truly make her next in line as she is the middle sibling of the Gail royals.   But alas this is where Gail stands, a mounting civil war between factions with their own political machinations and cities states and independent kingdoms popping up here and there with little control.
Otherwise Gail is broken into 4 regions;
  1. The Western Mountains- This region of the country is the southern portion of the Red Cliff Mountains that stretch down into the area. Culturally the people of this area are very similar to gothic Germany, particularly southern and western Germany. This is also the ancestral home of the Gail royal line and the location of the original capitol of the Kingdom.
  2. The Central Heartlands- Culturally similar to Lithuania the Heartlands boast little in true wonder of nature but has the distinction of hosting a massive number of mysteries. The forests, hills, and many small islands of the massive inland sea of this area are dotted with mysterious shrines and long forgotten warrens and crypts. The majority of this area is made up of the Gail Timberlands and Lake Roc’s Shadow. 
  3. The Eastern Mountains- The Eastern Mountains border the Inquisition controlled territory of Avalon and Vailforge within The Wickisel Mountains. Culturally the area is reminiscent Poland.
  4. The Southern Peninsula- Resembles the Netherlands with an emphasis on good trade, good life, and staying health and active. They are the furthest from the conflict of the kingdom and as such many people see this area as a perfect vacation spot for those who can travel and make it there. The southern edge of the Gail Timberland takes up a good portion of land along with Mirror Loch.

Foreign Relations


  • Hasven
  • Gail
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Standard Gold found in system settings.
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under The Kingdom of Gail


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