The Crimson Count, Vol

The Crimson Count Vol (a.k.a. The Lord of Blood, The Father of Strigoi, The Great Leach, The First Kindred)

Vol primarily teaches that death is not a natural thing, that it is a thing forced on to mortals to ensure that they do not discover the power hidden within their very souls. Sometimes called the father of the Arch Lich, Vol and his fallowers seek a way to tap into a great reservoir of magic hidden divine magic. Claiming that all people care the potential for divinity but that death takes most before they have the chance to realize it.
While Vol doesn't directly condemn undead he dose direct his worshipers to seek them out, particularly mindless undead like Zombies and Skeletons as they are an affront to the denial of death he claims. While Liches are seen as arcane souls that were lead astray by false promises of power, forced to commit horrible acts in pursuit of the immortality he wishes all to embrace. As for Vampire, he claims that their immortality is so close to what he wishes all his followers could achieve, if not for the dark source that creates most Vampire. It is said that most of Vol's high priests are either Arch Liches, divine empowered Liches, or Damphir, half vampires or vampires that have managed to free themselves from their blood lust and hunger. the secrets to such things are kept close to his clerics but rumors say that the Redeemer Gabriel may have once been a paladin of Vol before ascending and may have taught the secret to his son and priests in Dracul on the continent of Avalon.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Life, Knowledge, Peace, Trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The most common is a blood-filled chalice, however Vol's Clerics draw their magic from an internal source and as such their holy symbol is what ever they choose to make it. But most priests and warriors devoted to the worship of Vol will wear robes of crimson and black.

Tenets of Faith

  • Vol teaches his worshipers that divinity comes from within and it is through the study of sengimancy or Blood Magic that great power can be obtained.
  • Death is but an illusion meant to hinder the worthy from discovering their true potential
  • savor life and rebuke the undead
  • Pity the Lich for they are a false immortality driven mad by darker powers
  • Forgive and shelter the Vampire, for they have claimed a fraction of the divinity hidden with in the blood but have been corrupted by evil
Divine Classification


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