The Storm General Kord

Kord (a.k.a. Grummish in Orcish, The Strom General, The Storm Lord, The Father of Orcs)

The Storm General Kord or Grummish as he is called in the Orcish tongues is the main deity of Orcs and Goblinoid (Goblin, Hobgoblins, Bugbear). According to religious texts Kord created the Goblinoids around the same time his battle brother The Archheart Corellon fashioned the fey. It was around this time that the two found themselves becoming board, and as if to prove their own foolishness they challenged one another to a test of skill. Each balancing an "apple" they changed the other to knock theirs off their head using their favored ranged weapon, Kord with his spear and Corellon with his Longbow. What happened next is still up for debate, both Elven and Orcish clerics will agree that Lolth, chief consort to Corellon, and Maglubiyet, chief servant of Kord, had something to do with it. But regardless their aim was off and while the apples did fall, it wasn't due to the spear or arrow.   Corellon's arrow stuck Kord in his right eye destroying it and as he pulled the arrow out those goblinoids bathed in Kord's Blood found themselves forever changed. Infused with some of Kord's divine might they became stronger and tougher as they became the first Orcs.

Divine Domains

War, Tempest and Order

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three lightning bolts emanating from an unblinking orc eye
Divine Classification
Lawful Neutral


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