The Vault of Dark Secrets, The Accursed Archive

The Vault of Dark Secrets The Accursed Archive (a.k.a. The Black Library)

A black library of forbidden knowledge that even Ioun deemed blasphemes. The accumulation of dark magic and forbidden knowledge granted this portion of Libra sentients, and it became a deity in its own right. Know it collects and "protects" the darkest of knowledge in its dark shelves protecting the world from this knowledge. Although do not mistake this for some noble action on its part it dose not collect this knowledge for the good of mortal kind. Its nature is the collection of dark knowledge, the fact that it is unwilling to part with this knowledge thus preventing Mortals from miss using it, is a unforeseen happy side effect.   A reminder that the Archive can act as an Arcane Patron and a Divine entity, acting as a Great Old One, Hex Blade, Undying, Celestial.

Divine Domains

The Archives domains are of both those of an Arcane Patron and Divine Domains. For this reason this section will contain both these areas. As a living collection of dark knowledge having the ability to offer its worshipers power over the Arcane and Knowledge is a no brained. The Archive also has domain over Trickery used to protect the dark knowledge, and some of the things it governs over are not meant to be known and subterfuge is needed to safe guard it. As an Arcane Patron the Archive acts as a Great Old One or Outer Entity of course. But also as a Celestial, as it is still a divine entity. It also has the capability to act as an Undying or Undead as it uses several immortal entities to act as their go between and one can make an indirect pact with the Archive through them. Finally one can create a pact with the it though its books and tomes allowing it to act as a Hex Blade.


The Archive has countless artifacts as every tomb contained within is one. To list them all would be impossible, but it is fair to say that the common denominator is that they provide some kind of spell casting ability or improvement to ones own abilities.

Holy Books & Codes

Those who actually worship the Archive are seen as mad people and often treated as cultists before true clerics of divine worshipers of some kind. The Archive’s only tenants are based on the role you play for it. Worshipers and those that make deals with it are split into three positions, The Archivists, The Authors, and The Guardian. Each has a role to play and different tenants they are expected to play. 
The Archivists are responsible for the maintaining and collecting existing knowledge that should be in the Archive. Most worshipers of the Archive have never actually set foot in it so they tend to try and emulate it on the material plane through the collection of the dark knowledge that the general public should not know. Many Archivists will infiltrate the archives of other higher standing deities and abscond with information they believe is better locked away. While some openly work with in these groups to offer an additional level of security. 
The Authors are an unusual lot, and make up to bulk of the problem members. As they are not seeking knowledge but are constantly pushing the boundaries and creating their own dark powers. These are mad mages and crazed cultists who take the scattered bit they know and try to add to them. Or seek the unknown adding to knowledge that was not known before. 
Finally Guardians are what the sound like they are responsible for the protection of the Archive, its secrets and its followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A single blood red book
Divine Classification


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