Eleanora Ashenwood
Lady Eleanora Ashenwood (a.k.a. Nora)
Eleanora is a woman in her late 40s, with a regal bearing. She has chestnut-brown hair that she keeps neatly tied up in a bun, and her bright blue eyes exude a sense of curiosity and intelligence. Despite the stresses of her recent endeavors, she still maintains an air of elegance.
Personality Characteristics
Eleanora is a kind and nurturing soul who deeply cares for her family. She has always been supportive of her husband's business ventures, and she shares his ambition for success. She's also known for her wit and charm, which she uses to navigate social situations and maintain a respectable image within the community.
Eleanora has refined and graceful mannerisms. She speaks with a calm and measured tone, and her movements are deliberate and graceful. However, she has become more cautious and secretive lately.