Lamassador House-5th Floor

The fifth floor is home to the Lammasador house and also contains the Magical Relics Archive. This archive started with Leopold Lammasador's collection of unique magical items from history. It encompasses important magic items from every culture in the multiverse and chronicles the history of how the item was used. Because of the sensitive nature of some of these items, there are multiple levels of protection and security that surrounds this archive. However, non-magical replicas of all items can be checked out for academic study and student enrichment.   The floor is made entirely of white marble. Busts of important political scholars, mages and leaders are dotted throughout the corridors. These busts will speak to you if you address them, but the conversation may either be enlightening or terribly boring. Red and gold banners are hung throughout the hallways between large white pillars. Potted cherry blossom trees are everywhere and their scent offers a beautiful, light fragrance in the air. Visitors to this floor swear that they can hear a large choir singing with the most beautiful music they have ever heard, but no one has been able to locate the source of the music.   Lammasadors are natural leaders, and the students of this house are often working on big ideas together that they feel sure will change the world. Many of them enjoy storytelling, building complex systems or engaging in war games with elaborate rules and pieces. They also really like playing games in the hallways where they shoot projectiles at one another with a device, a wand or just their bare hands.


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