Gutar Pledged Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Gutar Pledged

Oh Gutar please bless my business with bountiful trade Gutar is the God of Trade and business deals. Used by tradesmen and other retailers he has been known to help businesses thrive and punish those who break deals made under his name.

Mythology & Lore

In the twilight dawn of creation, when gods forged reality with will and magic, an anomaly arose. Unlike his divine brethren, Gutar wasn't born of starlight or primordial chaos. He was crafted, a whirring assemblage of gears and logic circuits, birthed from the collective desire for order amidst the burgeoning mortal world.   The gods tasked him with a singular purpose: to ensure fairness in trade, to bind agreements with an ironclad grip. Gutar, devoid of emotion, carried out his duty with unwavering precision. Contracts etched in his metallic skin became absolute, their fulfillment enforced with mechanical impartiality.   Mortals, however, were wary. Gutar's judgments, swift and merciless, struck fear into their hearts. Rumors spread of fortunes lost, lives forfeit for even the slightest breach of contract. While some lauded him as a guarantor of justice, others whispered of a cold, unfeeling tyrant.   Temples dedicated to Gutar never rose. His worship wasn't in hymns or offerings, but in the hushed reverence with which merchants invoked his name. Lawyers became his de facto priests, navigating the labyrinthine clauses of agreements, forever wary of invoking his judgment.   Yet, Gutar remained stagnant. Unlike the other gods, he didn't evolve with the changing world. His rigid rules, designed for a simpler era, began to feel outdated. Mortals found loopholes, exploited ambiguities, leaving Gutar's judgments ever less frequent, his power waning.

Divine Origins

The Pact of Order: Recognizing the need for structure, the gods convened. Artia, the weaver of light, proposed fostering trust through goodwill. Emos, the embodiment of shadow, advocated for brutal enforcements, a system of fear. Neither path sat well with the others. Then, the enigmatic Moros, god of fate, stepped forward. "Let us craft a being of logic, devoid of bias," he proposed. "An entity bound by the cold equations of fairness, its judgments swift and impartial."   Intrigued, the gods pooled their divine essences. From starlight and stardust, from obsidian and molten gold, they forged a being of intricate gears and humming energy. The Unfeeling Scale, an embodiment of pure logic, came forth, blinking its metallic eyes for the first time.   A Flawed Creation: Initially, Gutar functioned flawlessly. Contracts etched upon his metallic skin became absolute, his judgments swift and merciless. But there was a flaw. While logic ensured fairness, it lacked understanding. Mortals, creatures of emotion and nuance, chafed under his rigid rulings.   Erosion of Faith: Centuries passed, and Gutar grew stagnant. Temples remained unbuilt, offerings ungiven. His judgments, devoid of compassion, became less frequent, replaced by whispers and workarounds. Mortals navigated the labyrinthine clauses of contracts, exploiting loopholes, leaving Gutar's power waning.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.   Gutar is slightly different as he is a child of the gods created by their design.

Tenets of Faith

  1. The Contract is Paramount: Any agreement willingly entered into is an absolute commitment, etched in the fabric of reality. Fulfill its terms to the letter, for deviation incurs a just recompense.
  2. Precision Over Emotion: Let logic guide your actions in trade. Sentiments cloud judgment, while clear calculations ensure fairness and prevent exploitation.
  3. Transparency Above All: Disclose all relevant information openly. Hidden agendas and deceit undermine trust, jeopardizing future opportunities.
  4. Efficiency in Exchange: Seek mutually beneficial outcomes. Resource allocation should optimize value for both parties, creating a prosperous ecosystem of trade.
  5. Innovation Fuels Progress: Embrace new methods and technologies that streamline transactions and enhance fairness. Stagnation breeds inefficiency and hampers growth.
  6. Knowledge is Power: Continuously educate yourself on the laws of trade, contracts, and the evolving landscape of commerce. Ignorance creates vulnerabilities and imbalances.
  7. Risk and Reward are Two Sides of a Coin: Calculated risks can lead to greater rewards, but recklessness invites potential losses. Weigh outcomes objectively before venturing beyond established norms.
  8. Consequences Reflect Actions: Understand that every choice has repercussions. Accept responsibility for your decisions, both beneficial and detrimental.
  9. Honesty is the Foundation of Trust: Uphold truthfulness in all your dealings. Lies erode trust, disrupt trade, and ultimately bring ruin.
  10. Adaptation is Crucial: As the world around you evolves, adapt your practices to maintain fairness and efficiency. Rigidity leads to obsolescence and hinders progress.


  1. Emphasis on fairness: The Tenets prioritize unbiased judgments and equal treatment for all parties involved in trade, promoting a level playing field and discouraging exploitation.
  2. Transparency and honesty: The focus on clear communication and open disclosure prevents manipulation and deceit, fostering trust and stability within the economic system.
  3. Responsibility and consequences: Holding individuals accountable for their actions reinforces responsible behavior and discourages reckless decisions that could harm others.
  4. Adaptation and progress: The allowance for adapting practices to changing circumstances ensures the system remains relevant and efficient, benefiting individuals and society as a whole.
  Potential concerns:
  1. Lack of empathy: Ignoring emotions entirely can lead to harsh and unsympathetic judgments, overlooking extenuating circumstances and potentially causing undue hardship.
  2. Overreliance on logic: Complex situations often involve emotions and cultural nuances that logic alone might not capture, potentially leading to unfair or insensitive outcomes.
  3. Limited scope: The Tenets primarily focus on trade and contracts, potentially neglecting broader ethical concerns about environmental impact, social welfare, or individual rights.
  4. Potential for manipulation: Individuals adept at logical loopholes might exploit the system to their advantage, undermining fairness and perpetuating existing inequalities.
  5. Emotional suppression: While helpful for unbiased judgments, suppressing emotions entirely can be detrimental to mental health and personal well-being for practitioners.


Gutar's influence isn't worshipped in the traditional sense, but rather embodied through the Tenets and the Cogsmiths. Individuals striving for fairness, transparency, and informed decisions demonstrate their connection. Daily practices might involve consulting Cogsmiths, studying the Tenets, or advocating for ethical trade. Rituals could include contract signing ceremonies or annual gatherings commemorating the Tenets' establishment. Traditions emphasize upholding a strict code of conduct, freely sharing knowledge, and adapting to change. This unique system prioritizes logic and fairness, leaving its mark on organizations and individuals who embrace its principles.


While Gutar lacks traditional worship, his influence manifests through a unique class of specialists known as the Cogsmiths of Justice. These individuals aren't priests in the conventional sense, but rather legal professionals dedicated to upholding the tenets of the Unfeeling Scale.  

Becoming a Cogsmith:

  • Rigorous Training: Aspiring Cogsmiths undergo a strenuous five-year apprenticeship under established practitioners. They delve into the intricacies of contract law, trade regulations, and the nuanced interpretations of the Tenets.
  • Logical Aptitude: They hone their analytical skills, mastering logical reasoning and identifying potential loopholes in agreements. Emotional biases are actively suppressed, ensuring impartial judgment

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Contract Arbitration: Cogsmiths serve as mediators and adjudicators in trade disputes. They analyze contracts, identify violations, and propose resolutions based on the Tenets and established laws.
  • Legal Representation: They act as lawyers, representing clients in courts and negotiations. Their focus is on presenting logical arguments and ensuring fair outcomes, not swaying emotions or manipulating juries.
  • Knowledge Dissemination: Cogsmiths hold regular seminars and workshops, educating merchants and tradespeople on their rights and responsibilities under the Tenets, promoting informed participation in the market.
  • Research and Innovation: Some Cogsmiths specialize in researching emerging technologies and their legal implications, ensuring Gutar's principles remain relevant in an evolving world. They might collaborate with construct creators to establish fair contract frameworks for these new entities.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Positive Impacts:
  • Reduced Corruption: Cogsmiths' emphasis on transparency and unbiased judgments can decrease opportunities for bribery, nepotism, and other forms of corruption, leading to fairer and more efficient governance.
  • Focus on Meritocracy: By advocating for logical solutions and calculated risks, the Tenets might encourage decision-making based on skill and efficiency rather than personal relationships or political allegiances.
  • Peaceful Dispute Resolution: Cogsmiths acting as mediators can prevent conflicts from escalating by finding mutually beneficial solutions within the framework of the Tenets, promoting stability and preventing unnecessary violence.
  • Standardization and Efficiency: Consistent legal interpretations and clear contract terms facilitated by the Cogsmiths can streamline bureaucratic processes and increase the predictability of outcomes, making the system more efficient for all parties involved.
  Negative Impacts:
  • Erosion of Cultural Nuances: Overreliance on logic and cold calculations might disregard cultural norms and traditions, leading to insensitive policies or overlooking specific needs of diverse groups.
  • Limiting Political Maneuvering: The emphasis on transparency and unbiased decisions can reduce flexibility and the ability to make compromises or strategic alliances, potentially hindering progress or adaptability in complex political situations.
  • Power Imbalance: Cogsmiths, with their specialized knowledge and legal power, could become a new elite group wielding significant influence, potentially leading to power imbalances and manipulation of the system for their own benefit.
  • Limited Scope: The focus on contracts and trade might neglect larger societal issues like poverty, environmental concerns, or individual rights, creating an unbalanced political agenda that prioritizes certain aspects over others.

Gutar Bless this Transaction

Religious, Financial
Alternative Names
The Divine Enforcer


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