Gutar, God Of Trade Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Gutar, God Of Trade

Gutar (a.k.a. The Balance Keeper, The Gearfather)

Merchant Eldrid knelt before the colossal Unfeeling Scale, his silk robes a mockery against the cold obsidian floor. Sweat beaded on his brow, reflecting the spectral light emanating from the shimmering scales hanging high above. He had gambled, traded sacred artifacts for fleeting power, a transgression against the very core of Gutar's principles. Now, the God of Trade awaited his reckoning.   Eldrid pleaded, his voice cracking with fear, "Forgive me, your Majesty! I was desperate, misled by whispers of hidden fortune." His words echoed unanswered in the vast chamber, leaving only the rhythmic hum of the scale to fill the silence. He felt the eyes of the Cogsmiths of Justice burning into him, their faces devoid of emotion, reflecting the logic Gutar embodied.     Then, with a deafening clunk, a single obsidian weight descended upon the left side of the scale, symbolizing Eldrid's meager offering – a handful of worthless trinkets recovered from his ill-gotten gains. It barely registered against the enormity of his crime. The scale remained unbalanced, tilting ominously towards the right, where awaited the true cost of his actions.     Suddenly, a spectral hand materialized from the shimmering light of the scale, its touch freezing Eldrid's blood. It reached into his chest, not for his heart, but for his memories. In excruciating detail, Eldrid relived every moment of his betrayal – the whispered promises, the forged documents, the faces of those he deceived. Shame washed over him like a tidal wave, each recollection etching deeper lines onto his once-confident face.     Finally, the hand withdrew, leaving behind a chilling emptiness. The scale, however, remained unbalanced. With another clunk, a different weight descended on the right side – not wealth or artifacts, but a shimmering representation of trust, hope, and prosperity, all that Eldrid had stolen through his deceit. The scale teetered again, the weight of his actions sinking him deeper into despair. Eldrid knew then that no mere offering could rectify his transgressions. His punishment wasn't about repayment, but about understanding. Gutar had stripped him bare, revealed the true cost of his choices, not just in material terms, but in the shattered lives and lost opportunities he had caused. As the silence stretched on, Eldrid could only wait, his fate hanging precariously in the balance of the Unfeeling Scale, a stark reminder of the cold, impartial justice served by the God of Trade.

Divine Domains

1. The Unfeeling Scale: This isn't a physical location, but an abstract embodiment of Gutar's principles. Represented as a colossal scale hovering in the ether, it symbolizes balance, fairness, and the impartial judgment of contracts. The scale itself might flicker with different lights or emit humming sounds, indicating its analysis of agreements and potential imbalances.   2. Cogsmith Enclaves: Scattered throughout the world, these fortified structures serve as the headquarters and training grounds for the Cogsmiths of Justice. Each enclave houses vast libraries containing legal records, historical contracts, and interpretations of the Tenets. Specialized workshops allow Cogsmiths to hone their logical abilities and construct augmentations.   3. Auction Houses and Trade Hubs: Places bustling with commercial activity fall under Gutar's subtle influence. Here, the principles of transparency, informed consent, and fair exchange are emphasized. Contract signings might involve symbolic rituals invoking Gutar's judgment, and Cogsmiths are often present to mediate disputes and ensure adherence to the Tenets.   4. Contract Chambers: These sacred spaces within government buildings or courts are designated for solemn contract signings. Imbued with a faint hum of Gutar's energy, they remind participants of the weight and permanence of their agreements. Special seals representing the Unfeeling Scale might be used to finalize contracts, adding a layer of symbolic significance.   5. Construct Workshops and Laboratories: While not temples in the traditional sense, these places where constructs are created and maintained carry implicit reverence for Gutar. Cogsmiths working here might hold rituals to bless new constructs, seeking guidance and ensuring they function with logic and fairness in mind.   6. The Cogwheel Gate: A legendary, hidden location accessible only to the most revered Cogsmiths. Said to be the point where Gutar's essence first manifested, it is a place of deep contemplation and understanding of the Tenets. Cogsmiths who reach this gate gain deeper insights into Gutar's nature and their own role in upholding his principles.

Holy Books & Codes

  1. The Merchant's Compendium: Highlighting its practicality for individuals involved in trade, offering essential knowledge and procedures.
  2. The Codex of Contracts: This title emphasizes the legal nature of the book, focusing on its function as a guide to fair trade and agreements.
  3. Collectible Components: Consider individual contract templates, legal interpretations, or trade agreements forming parts of the "book," highlighting its modular and practical nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Gears and Cogs: Interlocking gears and cogs symbolize logic, precision, and the interconnected nature of trade. They can be depicted alone or integrated into other symbols.

Tenets of Faith

1. Precision Over Emotion: Let logic guide your actions in transactions. Set aside emotional biases and sentimental attachments that can cloud judgment and manipulate outcomes. Prioritize clear calculations and objective analyses to ensure fair exchanges and prevent exploitation.   2. Transparency Above All: Disclose all relevant information openly and honestly. Hidden agendas, deceit, and manipulative tactics undermine trust and disrupt the flow of trade. Embrace complete transparency in contracts, negotiations, and interactions to foster healthy economic partnerships.   3. Consequences Reflect Actions: Understand that every choice carries repercussions. Accept responsibility for your decisions, both beneficial and detrimental. Calculated risks may lead to greater rewards, but recklessness invites potential losses. Weigh outcomes objectively and be prepared to face the consequences of your actions.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Unlike deities driven by emotions or desires, Gutar, the God of Trade and Constructs, harbors a unique divine goal: the seamless integration of logic and fairness into the intricate dance of commerce. He doesn't crave worship, but the implementation of the Tenets of the Unfeeling Scale, ensuring impartial judgments, informed consent, and responsible behavior within every exchange. His ultimate aim is not profit or dominance, but the creation of a stable and just economic ecosystem, where both individuals and societies prosper through clear calculations, transparency, and acceptance of consequences. His influence, channeled through the Cogsmiths of Justice, strives not for blind faith, but for a world where reason reigns supreme, ensuring fair trade and fostering progress through objective decisions.
Divine Classification

Articles under Gutar, God Of Trade


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