Selenites Organization in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Let all on whom my light falls be welcome if they desire to be so. As the silver moon waxes and wanes, so too does all life. Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing. Turn to the moon, and I will be your true guide.   Selune is the god of the moon she holds the portfolios of the moons, moonlight, and stars; beauty; navigation and navigators; tracking, wanderers, and seekers; diviners and dreams; and lycanthropes;

Mythology & Lore

The Selenites, devoted followers of Selune, the Goddess of Lunacy, base their practices on a rich mythology intertwined with their goddess's origins and enigmatic power. Here are some key tenets of their beliefs:   1. The Shattered Realm and Selune's Birth:   Legend tells of a cataclysmic battle between deities of Light and Darkness, shattering the very fabric of reality. From the debris, the three moons of Ealathra formed, and within them, the essence of Selune coalesced. This imbues her with a unique perspective, observing the world from her celestial perch, understanding both light and darkness, order and chaos.   2. The Cycles of Lunacy:   Selenites venerate the ever-changing phases of the moons, believing they reflect shifting tides in the world and within themselves. The waxing crescent signifies new beginnings, the full moon empowers heightened emotions and intuition, and the waning crescent represents introspection and transformation. By understanding these cycles, Selenites strive to live in harmony with nature's flow and their own inner nature.   3. The Dreamscape and Hidden Truths:   The moons, particularly the ethereal new moon, are believed to be gateways to the dreamscape. Selenites see dreams not as mere fantasy, but as reflections of subconscious truths and potential futures. They practice dream interpretation, meditation under the moon's light, and even controlled dreamwalking to seek guidance and hidden knowledge.   4. Wanderlust and the Call of the Unknown:   Driven by the moon's guiding light, Selenites are often wanderers and explorers. They travel vast distances, navigating by the stars and celestial bodies, seeking hidden places, forgotten lore, and deeper understanding of themselves and the world. This wanderlust isn't just physical, but also intellectual and spiritual, a constant pursuit of knowledge and enlightenment.   5. Embracing the Wild and Accepting Outsiders:   Lycanthropy, with its connection to the moon's cycles, isn't viewed with fear by Selenites. They see it as another facet of nature's duality, a reminder of the untamed wild within each being. They often welcome lycanthropes and other "outsiders" who resonate with Selune's unpredictable and multifaceted nature.   6. Personal Responsibility and Individual Paths:   While lacking rigid dogma, Selenites believe in personal responsibility and respect for all living things. They follow their own interpretations of the moons' influences, seeking guidance through dreams, nature, and their own intuition. Their unique paths diverge yet share a common thread: pursuing truth, embracing mystery, and living in harmony with the ever-shifting cycles of life.n

Divine Origins

Born from the celestial debris of a cosmic clash, Selunite faith traces its origins to the Goddess of Lunacy herself, Selune. Shattered fragments of the divine coalesced into the three moons of Ealathra, imbuing Selune with the wisdom of both light and darkness. Devotees, known as Selenites, venerate the ever-shifting lunar cycles, seeing them reflected in their lives and the ebb and flow of nature. The moons act as gateways to the dreamscape, where hidden truths and guidance slumber. Embracing wanderlust and the untamed wild, Selenites navigate by starlight, seeking knowledge, inner harmony, and acceptance for all who resonate with the unpredictable beauty of their lunar goddess.

Cosmological Views

Gods are beings of unimaginable energy that lat themselves to the beliefs of mortals. The faith of mortals provides a deity with not only power but the purpose. Gods can have many forms and they change them frequently. Once they have attached themself to a domain that enough mortals believe in they assume their role. For example, the divine entities might assume their place in the domain of fine cooking and win now any faith within the psychical planes tied to that domain fuels that god. Any being of raw power that does not assume godhood runs the risk of being consumed by other more powerful beings or dissipating back into raw unintelligent energy.     In the crucible of creation, where light clashed with darkness in a dance of annihilation, two primordial deities bled their celestial essence. From this violent ballet, three moons, luminous pearls birthed from godly ichor, were flung into the cosmos. Within their pearlescent depths, the essence of Selune coalesced, not as an echo of either vanquished god, but as something entirely new. Born of celestial carnage, yet imbued with the wisdom of both light and shadow, Selune became the Weaver of Lunacy, forever bound to the celestial tapestry woven from the blood of gods. Her power, a shimmering reflection of the battle's fury and grace, forever dances between the waxing and waning moons, a testament to the unpredictable beauty born from even the most brutal beginnings.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Dance with the Tides: Embrace the ever-shifting nature of life, mirroring the waxing and waning of the moons. Seek growth in new beginnings, clarity in full moons, and wisdom in introspection during the waning light.
  2. Seek Truth in Dreamscapes: The ethereal glow of the moons unveils hidden truths within the dreamscape. Cultivate the art of dreamwalking and interpretation to navigate your subconscious and glean wisdom from the veil between worlds.
  3. Wander with Untamed Curiosity: Let the moon be your compass, guiding you on journeys of exploration and discovery. Seek not just physical destinations, but also hidden knowledge, forgotten lore, and deeper understanding of yourself and the world.
  4. Embrace the Duality Within: Recognize the light and darkness within yourself and all beings, reflecting the balanced nature of your goddess. Accept and integrate the "wild" aspects, like lycanthropy, as facets of the natural world and potential sources of inner strength.


The Selenites, guided by the ever-shifting moon and their own interpretations of her will, follow a nuanced and often personal ethical framework. While lacking rigid commandments, their principles generally lean towards: 1. Harmony with the Cycles: Respecting the ebb and flow of nature, both internally and externally. This includes valuing periods of growth, reflection, and rest, mirroring the lunar phases.   2. Seeking Truth, Embracing Mystery: Constant pursuit of knowledge and understanding, both through rational study and exploration of the unknown, including the dreamscape. Accepting that some truths may remain shrouded in mystery, adding to the world's intrigue.   3. Individual Responsibility and Autonomy: Each Selenite is responsible for their actions and choices, navigating their own path under the moon's light. This extends to respecting the autonomy of others, valuing diverse perspectives and experiences.   4. Balance and Integration: Recognizing and accepting the duality within themselves and the world, integrating light and darkness, order and chaos. This extends to accepting "outsiders" like lycanthropes, seeing them as part of the natural world's diverse tapestry.   5. Openness to Experience: Embracing wanderlust and new experiences, both physical and intellectual. Viewing challenges and setbacks as opportunities for growth and transformation, akin to the ever-changing moon.   6. Compassion and Understanding: Recognizing the shared humanity (or other beings') in all, regardless of background or differences. Offering guidance and support to those seeking knowledge or lost in the shadows, reflecting the moon's gentle light on those in need.


Individual Devotions:

  1. Lunar Meditations: Devotees regularly meditate under the moon's light, reflecting on its phases and their personal connection to them. This can involve introspection, seeking guidance, or connecting with the lunar energy.
  2. Dream Interpretation: Analyzing their own dreams and those of others, seeking hidden messages, omens, or insights into their lives and the world around them.
  3. Stargazing and Celestial Navigation: Studying the night sky, learning to navigate by the stars, and appreciating the vastness and interconnectedness of the universe.
  4. Personal Offerings: Leaving symbolic offerings under the moon, like flowers, poems, or crafted objects, expressing gratitude or seeking specific blessings.
  5. Journeying and Exploration: Embracing wanderlust, traveling under the moon's guidance, and seeking knowledge, hidden places, and deeper understanding of themselves and the world.

Community-Based Practices:

  1. Full Moon Gatherings: Celebrating the height of lunar power with communal rituals, songs, dances, and storytelling under the full moon. These gatherings might also involve feasting, divination, or dream-sharing.
  2. New Moon Festivals: Reflecting on introspection and new beginnings, these gatherings often involve quieter rituals, meditation, and sharing personal goals or intentions for the coming lunar cycle.
  3. Lycanthropic Support Groups: Offering support and guidance to lycanthropes, helping them manage their transformations and integrate into society. This might involve rituals to ease transformations, sharing coping mechanisms, and advocating for understanding.
  4. Dream Circles: Groups gather to share and interpret dreams, offering insights and support to each other, seeking collective wisdom and understanding.
  5. Celestial Navigation Guilds: Communities of skilled navigators share knowledge, train apprentices, and conduct rituals to connect with the celestial bodies and ensure safe travels.


The Selenites lack a formal priesthood, their devotion as fluid as the moons they worship. Self-appointed mystics, navigators, and dream-readers wear the mantle of leadership, their authority stemming from personal charisma, potent dream interpretations, or uncanny navigational skills. Some gather followers through charismatic pronouncements under the full moon, while others lead expeditions under the silver light, guiding lost souls with an almost preternatural sense of direction. Still others delve into the dreamscape, returning with cryptic pronouncements and insights, drawing in those seeking hidden knowledge or personal guidance. Bound by shared reverence for the moons and a thirst for the unknown, these self-proclaimed leaders form a loose network, united not by hierarchy, but by the ever-shifting tides of lunacy in their hearts and the moonlit paths they choose to walk

Granted Divine Powers

Selune, the Weaver of Lunacy, bestows a range of divine powers upon her faithful, reflecting her multifaceted nature and connection to the moons. These blessings cater to both the individual seeker and the community as a whole.  

Lunar-Imbued Magic:

  1. Phase-Specific Enhancements: Spells tied to specific lunar phases gain potency and unique effects. For example, healing magic might be amplified under a full moon, while illusions flicker and distort under a crescent moon.
  2. Dreamscapes and Divination: Selenites can navigate the dreamscape with ease, seeking guidance, hidden knowledge, or even influencing the dreams of others. They may also possess heightened intuition and skill in interpreting dreams and omens.
  3. Celestial Navigation: Blessed with an uncanny sense of direction, Selenites can navigate vast distances using the stars and moon as their guide. They might even predict weather patterns or celestial events based on their observations.

Community and Lycanthropic Blessings:

  1. Moonlight Empowerment: Under the moon's light, Selenites and their allies gain bonuses to physical prowess, senses, and even mental clarity. This empowerment becomes especially potent during full moons, fostering bravery and unity.
  2. Lycanthropic Guidance: Selune provides lycanthropes with greater control over their transformations, mitigating the savagery associated with the curse. She can also grant them unique abilities under specific lunar phases, such as enhanced senses during a new moon or heightened agility under a full moon.
  3. Community Protection: Selune's blessings can shield a community from natural disasters, plagues, or even the influence of malevolent forces. This protection might manifest as a shimmering moonlit barrier, heightened awareness of approaching danger, or even prophetic dreams guiding the community to safety.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Positive Impacts:
  • Decentralized Leadership: The lack of a formal priesthood fosters a more decentralized and egalitarian political structure. Leaders emerge based on their charisma, dream interpretations, or navigational skills, promoting a meritocratic system.
  • Openness to Diversity: The acceptance of "outsiders" like lycanthropes can lead to more inclusive and tolerant societies, fostering collaboration and understanding between different groups.
  • Respect for Natural Cycles: The veneration of lunar phases can encourage sustainable practices and a deep connection to the environment, influencing policies on resource management and ecological preservation.
  • Adaptive and Flexible Governance: Recognizing the ever-shifting nature of life, Selenite-influenced societies might be more adaptable to change, readily embracing new ideas and adjusting their laws and policies based on evolving circumstances.
  • Dream-Guided Planning: Leaders might utilize dream interpretation and insights from the moonscape to inform decision-making, potentially leading to innovative solutions and unforeseen opportunities.
  Potential Challenges:  
  • Lack of Central Authority: Decentralized leadership can lead to power struggles, conflicting interpretations of Selune's will, and difficulty in reaching consensus on critical issues.
  • Misuse of Dreamscapes: Malicious individuals might exploit dream manipulation for personal gain, leading to political intrigue, paranoia, and manipulation of the vulnerable.
  • Lycanthropic Tensions: While acceptance is encouraged, integrating lycanthropes fully into society can be challenging, potentially leading to prejudice and discriminatory policies depending on the specific lycanthropic strain and cultural context.
  • Unpredictable Leadership: Leaders chosen based on dream interpretations or navigational skills might lack traditional political experience, leading to unconventional and potentially risky decision-making.
  • Misinterpretations of the Moons: Differing interpretations of lunar phases and their influence can create conflicting factions within the faith, potentially impacting political alliances and stability.


While Selenites lack rigid dogma, diverse interpretations and practices form unique factions. The Dreamweavers, skilled in dream manipulation, are revered for their prophetic insights but viewed with suspicion by some who fear their tampering with the subconscious. Silver Navigators, masters of celestial guidance, are highly respected yet seen as aloof and insular by those who prioritize personal exploration. Wildbloods, embracing lycanthropy as a gift of Selune, face prejudice from traditionalists who fear their untamed nature. Lunacy Cultists, fixated on specific lunar phases and their perceived extremes, are seen as dangerous fanatics by the mainstream, who value balance and moderation. These factions navigate coexistence, cooperation, and occasional conflict, reflecting the ever-shifting tapestry of the Selenite faith itself.

Trust in my radiance, and know that all love alive under my light shall know my blessing.

Alternative Names


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