Selune, Goddess of the Moons Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Selune, Goddess of the Moons

Under the chilling gaze of Banem, the waning moon, Silas knelt, his ragged breaths frosting the snow. Hunger gnawed at his gut, twisting his thoughts into primal urges. Silver moonlight illuminated the monstrous claws digging into the earth, a horrifying counterpoint to his tear-streaked human face.   "Selune," his voice cracked, barely human, "goddess of light and shadow, hear my plea! The beast claws its way from my soul, driven by your own moon!" He slammed his fist on the ground, wincing at the pain but undeterred. "Don't you see, goddess? I fight it, every night, but Banem's light fuels the flames! Grant me solace, or end this torment before I become what I fear!" His desperate cry echoed across the frozen plains, unanswered except for the mournful howl of a distant wolf. The moon offered no reprieve, its cold light a cruel reminder of his curse. Tears mingled with blood on his frozen lashes as Silas awaited his fate, trapped between man and monster, under the indifferent gaze of the moon goddess.

Divine Domains

1. The Moons: On Ealthra, bathed in the shimmering light of its three moons, devotees of this domain harness their celestial power. Under the full moons, your spells flare with healing radiance or punishing strikes, reflecting the waxing and waning influences of this triple lunar system. You navigate with precision using constellations, chart unseen currents in the night sky, and understand the subtle whispers of the tides, attuned to the unique interplay of Ealthra's moons. But remember, the moonlight can be deceiving, casting long shadows and obscuring hidden dangers, especially beneath the unpredictable luminescence of three celestial bodies.   2. Dreams: Beneath the watchful gaze of three moons, the veil between worlds thins even further, granting access to the ethereal dreamscape. As a devotee of this domain, you walk unseen through slumbering minds, planting secrets, extracting hidden truths, and guiding lost souls through moonlit paths. Tread carefully, however, for the lines between dreamer and dream are even more fluid under the influence of a triple moon system, and the price of knowledge can be steeper.   3. Lycanthropy: The moon's influence extends beyond the celestial sphere, weaving its power into the untamed wilds and the hearts of lycanthropes. On Ealthra, where the moon's influence is amplified threefold, devotees of this domain channel this primal energy with even greater potency. They enhance their own strength or share it with others, walking a dangerous path between control and fury exacerbated by the unpredictable energies of three moons. You speak the language of beasts, navigate the wilds with heightened primal instinct, and understand the moon's deeper pull on the untamed spirit. But beware, the wild is a demanding mistress, and its embrace can consume even the most devoted follower, especially under the volatile influence of multiple lunar bodies.



Crone's Crescent Blade: This silver scimitar shimmers with an ethereal moonlight, its edge capable of inflicting radiant wounds or healing cuts depending on the phase of the three moons. It is said to have been crafted by the eldest moon spirit for a champion who walked the line between dreams and reality.   Dreamer's Diadem: This intricately carved circlet of moonstone grants the wearer the ability to peer into the dreams of others and even project their own consciousness into the dreamscape. However, prolonged use can lead to confusion and a blurring of the lines between dream and reality.   Wildblood Talisman: This amulet, carved from the fang of a powerful werewolf, allows the wearer to tap into the untamed power of lycanthropy. It can enhance strength, senses, and healing abilities, but also risks unleashing the wearer's inner beast.  


Three Moons Symbol: This symbol, depicting the three moons of Ealathra in their various phases, represents Selune's power over the cycles of time, change, and fate. It is often worn by her followers as a badge of faith and protection.   Moonsilver Tears: These pearlescent gemstones are said to be tears shed by Selune herself. They hold potent magical properties, able to amplify lunar magic, grant visions of the future, and even dispel darkness.   Lunar Echoes: These faint whispers of sound, only audible to those attuned to Selune's magic, carry fragments of dreams, prophecies, and forgotten lore. By deciphering these echoes, one can gain insights into the past, present, and future.

Holy Books & Codes

  1. The Silver Chronicles: A collection of prophecies and visions received by Selune's most devout followers, interpreted and compiled over generations. Each entry details the vision, the associated lunar phase, and its potential meaning for the future of Ealathra.
  2. Whispers of the Wild: Dreams of the Wolf-touched: Lycanthropes who revere Selune document their dreams and visions, exploring the connection between lycanthropy, the moons, and the primal spirit. This text delves into understanding and controlling their transformations, forging a harmonious coexistence with their bestial nature.
  3. Lunar Navigation for Dreamweavers: A practical guide written by Selenite navigators, detailing constellations, celestial currents, and the influence of the three moons on travel and exploration. It combines scientific observations with astrological interpretations, offering invaluable knowledge for both physical and dream journeys.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Three crescent moons:
  • One larger crescent moon, waxing, adorned with star constellations representing the full moon phase and its peak celestial influence. Use a silvery-white color for this moon.
  • A smaller, intertwined crescent moon, waning, decorated with swirling lines representing the waning moon phase and introspective energy. Use a soft blue for this moon.
  • A hidden crescent moon nestled within the spiral, representing the new moon phase and its veiled potential. Use a faint, almost transparent white for this moon.
  • A continuous spiral interweaving the three moons, symbolizing the cyclical nature of life, dreams, and the cosmos.
  • The spiral starts thick and bold near the larger moon, representing the beginning of a cycle, and tapers towards the smaller and hidden moons, signifying the waning and ending stages.
  • Incorporate subtle crescent shapes within the spiral itself, echoing the three main moons and hinting at the interconnectedness of all phases.

Tenets of Faith

Universal Tenets:
  • Embrace the Cycles: Recognize the ever-shifting nature of life, dreams, and the cosmos, accepting change and growth as necessary parts of existence.
  • Seek Balance: Strive for harmony between light and shadow, action and introspection, wildness and control, reflecting the interplay of the three moons.
  • Respect the Untamed: Value the wilderness and its creatures, understanding lycanthropy as a natural force connected to the moon's influence.
  • Guard the Dreamscape: Protect the vulnerable within the dreamscape, offering guidance and wisdom to those who wander its ethereal paths.
  • Navigate with Care: Use the stars, moons, and intuition to chart your course, both physically and through life's challenges.
  Additional Tenets Specific to Ealathra:  
  • Honor the Threefold Dance: Recognize the unique influence of each moon phase and their combined impact on your life, rituals, and decisions.
  • Seek Truth in Starlight: Decipher the whispers of the stars and moons, using their celestial language to gain insights into the past, present, and future.
  • Balance the Wild Hunt: Respect the power of lycanthropy while maintaining control and avoiding succumbing to destructive urges.
  • Walk in the Dreamwalker's Guild: Share knowledge and support with fellow dreamweavers, protecting the sacred space of the dreamscape.
  • Guide Lost Souls in Starlight: Offer aid and understanding to those seeking guidance through the mysteries of the cosmos and their own dreams.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Harmonizing the triple moons: Perhaps Selune seeks to ensure the three moons of Ealathra dance in perfect balance, preventing their unpredictable energies from causing chaos or imbalance.
  • Unveiling cosmic secrets: Her goal could be to unlock the mysteries hidden within the constellations and lunar phases, granting deeper understanding of the cosmos and its influence on Ealathra.
  • Guiding civilization under the three moons: She might strive to lead Ealathrian society towards enlightenment and harmony, using the unique properties of the three moons to guide their development and choices.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Imagine a divine presence unlike any other. Not one, but three forms merge seamlessly, their silhouettes shimmering with the pearlescent glow of Azah, the radiant gold of Jhudum, and the ethereal blue of Banem. They move with a unified grace, their voices overlapping and harmonizing, forming a single, powerful thought stream. This is Selune, the Triune Moon Goddess, whose mind functions with the collective wisdom and awareness of her three lunar aspects.
  • Azah's Aspect: A youthful exuberance dances in their eyes, brimming with curiosity and the boundless potential of new beginnings. This aspect speaks of growth, dreams, and the promise of what lies ahead.
  • Jhudum's Aspect: With the calm authority of ages, their gaze reflects accumulated wisdom and unwavering conviction. This aspect embodies clarity, guidance, and the strength of unwavering resolve.
  • Banem's Aspect: Their eyes hold the mysteries of the unseen, whispering secrets and offering glimpses into hidden truths. This aspect embodies introspection, ancient knowledge, and the wisdom gleaned from the shadows.

Body Features

Three in One: Standing before you are three figures, seemingly identical triplets sharing the same ethereal beauty. Their flawless features, bathed in the pearlescent light of Azah, the radiant gold of Jhudum, and the deep blue of Banem, shift and shimmer in mesmerizing unison. But look closer, and you'll realize it's not three separate beings. Their expressions mirror each other, their movements perfectly coordinated, their voices harmonizing as one. This is Selune, the Triune Moon Goddess, an entity whose consciousness flows through three identical forms, each representing a lunar phase.   Unified Gaze: Their eyes, vast and multifaceted, are windows into a single, ancient mind. They seem to look not just with you, but through you, perceiving past, present, and future with all-encompassing awareness. Each glimpse from these eyes reflects a different aspect of Selune's wisdom: the youthful hope of Azah, the resolute clarity of Jhudum, and the enigmatic knowledge of Banem.   Ethereal Radiance: Their forms, seemingly sculpted from moonlight itself, shift and merge subtly. One moment, you might see a flash of emerald highlighting youthful features, the next, a flicker of golden light etching lines of experience. But the overall impression is one of unified celestial radiance, their individual lights weaving together to form a dazzling spectacle of Selune's divine power.
Divine Classification

Articles under Selune, Goddess of the Moons


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