Thydes, Archgod Of Magic Character in Ealathra | World Anvil
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Thydes, Archgod Of Magic

Makana Thydes (a.k.a. Magic supreme, Father of Djinn)

In the hallowed corridors of arcane inquiry, a revelation has emerged that shatters the paradigms of our understanding. The culmination of meticulous research and daring forays into the weave has unveiled whispers of a divine entity that transcends the pantheon itself. This supreme force, veiled in the very fabric of reality, seems to govern the essence of magic, reigning supreme above the gods we once deemed omnipotent. The implications of such a revelation are staggering. No longer can we confine our reverence to the established deities; instead, we must grapple with the notion that a higher power orchestrates the very dance of the weave, manipulating the strands of magic with an authority beyond divine comprehension. The arcane community now stands at the precipice of a paradigm shift, as scholars endeavor to fathom the nature and intentions of this cosmic weaver, the divine entity above gods. - Antioque Wizard of Xin 1500BE 

Divine Domains

Fundamental Domains:

  • The Weave: The core domain, encompassing the entirety of the cosmic tapestry where magic flows and reality bends. This domain represents Thydes' role as the guardian and controller of magic itself.
  • Arcane Knowledge: This domain embodies the vast understanding and mastery of magic that Thydes possesses. It reflects the entity's connection to the deepest secrets and complexities of the arcane arts.
  • Transformation and Change: Magic is inherently about manipulation and change, and this domain highlights Thydes' influence over shaping reality, defying limitations, and fostering evolution through magic.


Artifacts as Manifestations of Power:
  • Echoes of Creation: Instead of discrete objects, imagine fragments of the Weave itself imbued with Thydes' potent magic. These could be shimmering motes of light, ethereal threads, or even fragments of cosmic tapestry with unique properties.
  • Fractured Knowledge: Instead of objects holding power, consider fragments of arcane knowledge, whispered secrets of the Weave, or lost spells waiting to be rediscovered. These could be inscribed on celestial materials, whispered in visions, or hidden within ancient libraries.
  • Living Instruments: Imagine rare creatures like aasimar or magical beasts intrinsically linked to Thydes, acting as conduits of its power and wisdom. Interacting with them could reveal valuable insights or unleash potent magical effects.
  Attributes Related to Power:
  • Whispers of the Weave: Characters attuned to Thydes might hear faint whispers or echoes of the Weave, offering cryptic clues and guidance related to magic or fate.
  • Arcane Intuition: Those touched by Thydes' essence might gain heightened awareness of magical anomalies, unstable areas in the Weave, or hidden magical potential.
  • Celestial Resonance: Individuals connected to Thydes might resonate with specific constellations or celestial events, unlocking temporary magical boons or enhanced spellcasting abilities.

Holy Books & Codes

Recordings of Arcane Secrets:
  • Weave Diaries: Instead of followers, imagine scholars, wizards, or mystics meticulously recording their observations and discoveries about the Weave. These could be diaries, grimoires, or even enchanted tablets passed down through generations, offering fragmented glimpses into the true nature of magic and Thydes' influence.
  • Lost Spells and Forbidden Knowledge: Whispers persist of rare texts containing spells or rituals said to have originated from whispers of the Weave itself, perhaps hinting at Thydes' connection. These could be fragments, lost in ancient libraries or guarded by powerful entities, holding immense power and potential danger.
  • Celestial Revelations: Aasimar or similar figures touched by Thydes might record their visions, dreams, or premonitions, offering cryptic insights into the Weave or the enigmatic god's actions. These could be scattered poems, fragmented prophecies, or even murals depicting otherworldly landscapes.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Thydes' symbol, a Fractured Vortex, swirls with celestial hues, its fragmented edges hinting at mysteries veiled within the Weave. A radiant core burns at its center, symbolizing the enigmatic god's control over magic, while its swirling form whispers of untapped potential and ever-changing possibilities. Whether adorning a weathered grimoire or etched into ancient ruins, this symbol evokes awe and curiosity, beckoning seekers to unravel the secrets hidden within the very fabric of magic itself.

Tenets of Faith

Thydes, as a non-worshipped entity beyond faith, wouldn't have traditional tenets in the same way most deities do. However, its enigmatic nature and connection to magic lend themselves to some guiding principles or philosophies that scholars, wizards, and those seeking to understand magic could follow:   Seeker's Tenets:
  1. Respect the Weave: Treat the Weave as a delicate tapestry, its threads holding the fabric of reality. Observe, study, and understand it, but act with caution and respect to avoid unraveling its delicate balance.
  2. Embrace Curiosity: Never cease questioning, exploring, and seeking knowledge about the arcane arts. Unravel the mysteries of the Weave through experimentation, observation, and collaboration.
  3. Tread Lightly: Power gained from the Weave comes with responsibility. Use it judiciously, considering the potential consequences of your actions on yourself and the world around you.
  4. Embrace Change: Magic is inherently fluid and transformative. Be open to new possibilities, adapt to shifting realities, and evolve your understanding of the arcane arts.
  5. Unravel the Enigma: Seek to understand Thydes' role in the Weave, its motives, and the potential it holds. Observe aasimar and other phenomena connected to Thydes, searching for clues and hidden truths.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The enigmatic Thydes, weaver of the celestial tapestry, shrouds its purpose in swirling mists. Some whisper of maintaining the Weave's balance, its fragmented edges hinting at chaos held at bay. Others see glimpses of evolution, aasimar sparks suggesting a celestial hand shaping magic's future. Still, many fear a hidden agenda, interpreting arcane anomalies as whispers of a grand, unknown design. Yet, all agree: Thydes' goal remains an unsolved equation, its very unknowability fueling endless speculation and fueling the insatiable desire to unravel the mysteries woven into the very fabric of magic itself.


Thydes, Archgod Of Magic


Towards Thydes, Archgod Of Magic

Thydes, Archgod Of Magic


Towards Thydes, Archgod Of Magic

Divine Classification
Primordial God
Blue mist
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Raw magic energy


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